Chapter 38: Protecting

"Ryan, get ready to proceed as planned."

I knew I planned it before this all happened... but it should still work!

No... the plan became more suited in this situation!

It will work... It should!

I will make sure to destroy them! I will burn them to ashes! Crush them to pieces and-! Ugh!

I gritted my teeth and smirked! Tsch! I felt the tightening feeling as I furrowed my brows while staring at the crowd of students and a bunch of stupid strangers with cameras!

Damn! This just isn't my style!

And the fire... Even though it is so annoying like my brain's burning! I can not deny the fact that the start of the fire was a good opportunity for my plan to work! But still... there are way too many risks!

Ava... That brat!

"Is that... Is that her?! The granddaughter of Imagoverse's Mr. Smith?"

It started!

"Hey! Someone is walking at that side of the building with bodyguards! It must be her!"