"Does anyone have any questions so far?" To break the ice, Ms. Lim allowed the new employees to ask her any questions.
"Are you really employing 1000 new staff and where are the others?" Suddenly, a man in his early 30s stood up and asked the question.
"You are the first group, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow another 2 groups will arrive, you will meet them eventually."
Without waiting for more questions, she continued her speech.
"I believe most of you or maybe all of you have seen the Earth 2.0 advertisement? If you haven't you should. Our Aosis Company will invest massively in this game, and this is where your actual job is." Before she could continue her explanation, someone suddenly asked the main question.
"Are you asking us to play the game?" A female in her 20s asked the question that everyone had been waiting for.
"Yes." A simple reply from Ms. Lim made the large meeting room become noisy. Everyone was talking. At the moment, nobody on stage was able to guess if the 256 new employees were happy or not with Ms. Lim's answer.
All of a sudden, someone clapped his hands. Everyone was looking in the direction of the hands clapping. Unexpectedly, every one of the 256 new employees started clapping their hands. Obviously, all of them were quite happy with Ms. Lim's answer.
One must know that the online Earth 2.0 is already on beta run from 1 Oct to 30 Oct. and anyone can access it through any major online gaming platform. Over the last 5 days, Earth 2.0 had become the talk in town, and everyone who had tried the game gave a positive review. As a result, on the fifth day, the total number of users registered with Earth 2.0 was close to 200,000 players.
As it was a beta run, only 150,000 slots open for PC, XBOX, PlayStation, and Nintendo. Meanwhile, for those who had bought the official game helmet, they were given 350,000 slots. However, for those accessing the game using the capsule, there are no limitations.
So far, because of the hype generated by Earth 2.0 media and player reviews, almost 50,000 helmets have been sold worldwide. A great start for the Teng Company business outlook. 50,000 game helmets multiply by 700 yuan each equal to 350,000,000 yuan ($50m) on the first 5 days. Not bad for a new gaming company.
"Your job is to play Earth 2.0 and complete the company daily, weekly or monthly tasks given to you. Those who did it well will be rewarded. While those who couldn't achieve their quota for 3 times in the last 12 months calendar will be fired!" The audience was a bit serious hearing Ms. Lim's last words. Basically, they will be fired if they are lazy, and most of them understand this kind of thing.
"We pay you above market salary for a low job qualification, so in return the company expects you to work hard."
"In the moment, you will be given a job contract, read it, understand it, and if you don't understand please raise your hand. If you agree and are satisfied with the contract, sign it. You all have 30 minutes to decide. Remember, do not make copies or take pictures of the employment contract. Good Luck."
After Ms. Lim finished her speech, all the crowds read the contract that has been distributed by the company representatives. Some of them took only a few minutes to read it and signed the employment contract.
After reading for a while, most of them were quite satisfied with the employment contract. The contract was detailed and easy to understand avoiding any unnecessary problems in the future.
Wong Fook the company's lawyer wrote the employment contract based on the guidelines provided to him. He was also shocked when he was first asked to write an employment contract for 1000 new employees. However, after reading the information provided to him, he began to understand the real goals of this company.
256 came and all of them signed the employment contract without a question being asked. Satisfied with the response from the new employees, Ms. Lim began introducing the company's 5 executives. This included the other extra information that is important for the new 256 employees to remember.
All of the new employees were sent home and they are going to start their new job on 10 of October. Over the next 2 days, another 2 batches of new employees arrived. Surprisingly, not even one of the 1000 new employees rejected the employment contract. This clearly indicates that it is not easy to get a job out there with a high monthly salary.
While Ms. Lim and others were busy organizing the new 1000 new employees, Zhang Wei was having a meeting with his 3 new colleagues in a small restaurant. For the past few days, Sui Jianguo, Yen Qiang, Gan Li, and Zhang Wei have been meeting in this restaurant 3 km away from the employees' bungalow houses.
At first, the three of them were a bit surprised seeing Zhang Wei. The three of them received a WeChat group message asking them to come to this particular restaurant. It was a simple message from the group admin called ZW acting as the company representative.
In the first meeting, Zhang Wei explained to them that he was the company CEO's right-hand man, and sometimes became the messenger for the CEO. As a result, it was an awkward situation for them, especially Gan Li following an order from a 21-year-old youth. One must know, for many years Gan Li used to give orders to his staff, not the other way around.
At the meeting, they were shocked to discover that their actual job was to play an online game called Earth 2.0. They thought that Zhang Wei was making a joke to them. However, after being explained in detail about the company goals and the game opportunities, they began to understand.
On the other hand, Gan Li had never played any online game before, all of his time was spent with his restaurant business or with his family alone. For him, playing games is just a waste of time. He does not understand how on earth his talent and experiences in cooking can be useful in online games?
On the 3rd day, Zhang Wei brought them to AOSIS' second building. It was an attached bungalow house 300m away from their bungalow housing. The three of them were quite surprised looking at this house. Standing in front of the huge bungalow, they couldn't understand what the young man in front of them was trying to do.
"Welcome, this is your new office. All three of you, including me, we will be playing from this huge house. Everything was prepared by the company, including 24 hours securities. Amazing right? Let's go inside."
Zhang Wei went inside and the 2 security guards in front of the house scanned his company's purple color ID card. Nobody is allowed to enter this building without the specific purple color ID card, obviously, Zhang Wei has the ID Card.
After their purple ID Card was scanned by security, Sui Jianguo, Yen Qiang, and Gan Li didn't say anything, they just followed behind Zhang Wei. They didn't know what to expect, an office for them?
Inside the huge house, it was totally different from what they were expecting. There were 12 small rooms, each small room was identical 9 feet x 8 feet in size. The doors were made from glasses, so everyone could see through inside the room. Inside the room, a round-shaped game capsule is prepared for them.
"From today, this is your office, choose your own room. On your right side is the kitchen, if you are hungry or need to drink, everything is prepared there. On your left is the basic gym room as you can see over there including a few comfortable massage chairs and a sofa to rest. Upstairs, a bedroom for everyone, you see the company renovated massively this huge house to make it comfortable for us." Without waiting any longer, Zhang Wei picked the middle no.6 gaming room, closed the glass door, and a small red light blinking indicator as the room was being occupied.
Meanwhile, Sui Jianguo, Yen Qiang, and Gan Li looked at each other, they nodded between them and picked their own "office room". During the past few days, they have repeatedly watched the tutorial video on how to use this game capsule. It was an easy task for Sui Jianguo and Yen Qiang, but for Gan Li, it took him a few times until he stopped watching the tutorial video.
Lying down inside the game capsule, Zhang Wei was welcomed by the same NPC (Non-Player Character / Not Human Character). He had been playing this game since the first day, and now he was at level 65 due to 10 times experience given during this BETA (test run) period.
However, for Sui Jianguo, Yen Qiang, and Gan Li this is their first time ever logging into Earth 2.0. All of them were greeted by the same NPC.
NPC Rose: Hello new player, I am NPC Rose, Welcome to Earth 2.0. To continue playing this game, please tick the square box on your right side indicating that you have read, understood, and agreed with the game terms and conditions.
All of them ticked the square box.
NPC Rose: Thank you, and now please enter your national identity card number for the verification process.
All of them keyed in their identity numbers.
NPC Rose: Thank you, and now please enter your 4 digits personal password. Reminder, please choose an easy 4 digit password to remember. Thank you.
All of them keyed in their password number.
NPC Rose: Thank you, and now please choose your character carefully.
It was stated in the guideline video that a player needs to delete his character if he wanted to choose other characters or create another new character through a new gaming helmet or capsule.
Sui Jianguo selected a swordsman, Yen Qiang selected a blacksmith, and Gan Li selected a cook. One must know that Earth 2.0 offers over 36 characters for a player to choose from. Gradually, new characters will be added to satisfy the players.
NPC Rose: Thank you, scanning, please choose your resembling rate.
A player was given 4 options on the resembling rate. 100% identical, your in-game avatar will copy your features 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%. Obviously, this is to prevent a player from using a different sex avatar.
NPC Rose: Thank you, scanning completed. Now please enter your in-game name [IGN].
All of them keyed in their names as previously agreed.
NPC Rose: Thank you Player "Name", Welcome to Earth 2.0. Enjoy The Game.