chapter 36

My head hurts. No, my whole existence hurts, I felt as if someone carried a bag loaded with bricks and put it on my face, I tried to move up from the comfortable bed but there was a heavy weight holding me down, i started groaning because i'm hungover and Pathetic, I didn't even want to open my eyes, they hurt as well. Dylan pulled me closer to him and I groaned some more hoping I would irritate him enough to bring me so advil and run me a hot bath, this was an upgraded hangover, what the hell did I drink last night. 

"Do you need something?" The person I was snuggled into asked and my eyes   opened immediately, completely ignoring my hangover and they immediately met with piercing blue ones, even richer upclose, my heart beat nervously, what the hell did I do last night. 

"Trevor, why are you in bed with me?" I asked, feigning calmness and the asshole smirked. 

"You don't remember..." I panicked knowing that statement could only mean one thing. 

I sat up breathing heavily, my mind running wild at all the possible dumb  things I must have done, did I seriously lose my virginity to the school drug dealer, oh my God this cannot be happening. 

"Relax Lia,  nothing happened. I was messing with you," he finally said, noticing my mini panic attack, he was patting my back in a soothing way and soon my breathing was back to normal. 

My eyes roamed around his room, I was sure we were at his place because the grey walls were identical to the one of his living room area. 

A pill and glass of water were pushed in front of my face and I looked up at him, he looked sad, probably because I assumed he had taken advantage of me. 

"Am sorry for making an assumption," I said while swallowing the pill and taking a few sips of my water. 

"I kind of pushed you into it by teasing you so it's okay," he replied, grabbing a shirt from his closet and throwing it on. I couldn't help staring at his tattooed back. It was quite fascinating how each drawing seemed to have a story. 

He cleared his throat and I realised he had caught me ogling his beautiful body. Blushing furiously, I looked down and started playing with my fingers. 

"So did I end up here?" I asked in a soft tone, already hating on whatever reason it was, I must embarrassed the hell out of myself. 

"Are you sure you want to know that?" He asked, trying to hold in his laugh.

What the hell did I do last night? 

"Am serious, if I did some illegal shit, now would be a good time to tell me," I begged with my eyes and he sighed looking away from me. 

"You sort of got extremely drunk and you got sick, so I got Dylan and Ashton to tell them you were out, they didn't seem sober as well so I decided to bring you here, that's all, " the story made sense but there was something he was skipping, did he regret it. 

"Is that all?" I asked and he looked at me for a minute before looking at his hands and nodding. 

"Yahh, uhm here's the towel, that's the shower, ama make you some eggs, you can wear a hoodie of mine and some sweats... your dress is not in the best condition right now," he said while trying to side step him but I stopped him. Looking straight in his eyes, honestly I don't know why I felt the need to acknowledge it, clearly we were both drunk and it didn't mean anything but I still didn't want it to be ignored. 

"So we didn't kiss," I asked, crossing my hands over my chest.

"I thought you didn't remember," 

"It's the last thing I remember," I replied "so you were just not going to mention it?" I asked as he tried to open the door to leave," 

He turned around and smirked down at me making me swallow

"Would you do it again if I brought it up?" He asked and I froze, unable to say anything, he chuckled lightly and said a small "thought so" before exiting the room. 

I let out a breath I hadn't even noticed I was holding and shuffled  around the room trying to find my phone.

Bingo. I beamed when I saw it on his study desk charging. That was really thoughtful of him to put it on charge 

I quickly dialed Dylan's number and waited impatiently as the phone rang. 

"Hello," his voice sounded from the other side and I shot up from where I was seated. 

"Dylan it's me, Lia," 

"Of course it's you idiot, I have your number remember, are you okay? How's your hot lad?" He asked laughing and I blushed 

"I can't believe you cried just to go home with him, it was hilarious not to mention Hunter was pissed, he's still pretty pissed right now." My eyes widened. 

"What do you mean I cried? Dylan start talking?" 

"Oh my God you don't remember, anyway let me fill you in," 


I stormed out of the room and threw a pillow at Trevor's back startling him and he turned to look at me, his face a mixture of shocked and amused 

"You asshole, you told me I came here with you because the others were too drunk to bring me," 

"Shit," he let out and it's like that one word Set my anger a blaze I started chasing him around the little apartment while yelling and throwing random things at him. He finally stopped running and grabbed me by the waist holding me close to him so that I couldn't move but I kept struggling. 

"Stop," he yelled and I stopped. 

"Telling you wouldn't have changed anything Lia, you'd just get embarrassed and feel bad, okay you got really drunk, we made out I gave Dylan and you a ride, we got to Dylan's place you refused to get out and said you wanted to go with me because you were sad but you're not sad when am around, and you cried," he spilled and my heart clenched, the embarrassment was too much, now I know why he didn't want to tell me. 

I pulled away from him and he drew in a deep breath. 

"Just, sit down and have your breakfast, I'll drive you home afterwards," he said somehow knowing I was about to ask him to take me home or call me an uber. 

I looked at the eggs he had been making and for some reason I blushed. 

"I haven't showered yet," I said shyly 

"You'll shower later, I put a lot of work in these eggs and you will eat them, now come on," he pushed me towards his table and I laughed lightly. 

"You make it sound like you prepared some fancy Italian meal," I joked. 

"Definitely not Italian, but A for effort ate," he joked back and I laughed, I somehow felt really comfortable with him. Contrary to all the rumours, Trevor was a normal guy, funny even.