chapter 35




"What the actual hell Sierra?" I asked the blonde girl in front of me, shocked that she even said that without blushing. Ashton was seriously killing the prude in her. 

"Relax Lia am joking" she laughed and I did too. It's weird seeing this side of her on a daily basis, she's like a horny little 15 year old all over again. 

"Lia, just get some dick so that you won't be irritated when we talk about condoms, and sex and fire blowjobs." Dylan added, staring dreamily at the ceiling and I gagged. I am happy for him and Xav but seriously a mental image of him sucking my ex-teacher was not necessary. 

"Okay Dylan, TMI,"I added, collapsing on my bed and they both laughed. 

"But you know its not that bad cause you've never had sex, it would be 300 times worse if you'd tried it, you'd be trying to hump every male looking thing in sight " Sierra spoke absent mindedly and my body froze, not prepared for what was about to happen

"Sierra," I yelled and she looked up at me confused 

"What.... ohh shoot he didn't know," Sierra spoke finally looking at Dylan's rigid shocked expression. 

"Lia fucking Jenkins, what is this am hearing?" Dylan spat dramatically. 

"Cool down Dyl, my cherry has never been popped, big deal" i spoke laughing at how stupid he was looking. 

"Yah but why?," he sat down looking seriously concerned, okay this boy is crazy.

"Chill Dylan, it's not a big deal," 

"It's the 21st century Lia of course it's a big deal, wait are you one of those girls that are waiting for the right guy, like how Sierra was." 

"Heyyyyy, that's not fair Dyl," Sierra whined, punching him in the arm. 

"No Dylan am not, i've just not been in a situation where it's going to happen you know," 

"Well sis, you need to lose that bitch, get your pussy ate," 

"You're the true definition of bad influence Dylan Press," I spoke wondering how we ever became friends. 

"Yours truly," he spoke, taking a bow making Sierra and I laugh. 

We finally finished with the packing and we got in the car. Dropping JJ off at some friend's place for a play date/ sleepover. I swear that boy was more creative in his antics of not being alone with mom than I was. 

The rest of us were heading to a pool party, I know how stupid that sounds because its literally winter, but the Party is at this guy Mason's place, he's out of this world rich so they have an indoor pool. If I am being honest I was forced into this, I was more than okay spending this lovely Saturday afternoon in my bed.

I had been informed that Ashton was waiting for us at the party, since it was an invitation- only sort of thing, he wanted to make sure we didn't have any trouble getting in. I am pretty sure Hunter is going to be there with Marisa, honestly not excited to see that, I had refrained from taking any pills today considering I was going to be drinking later so I was in a rather pissy mood at the moment. 

"There's Ashton," Sierra announced as Dylan got closer to the massive white mansion, honestly if I had to describe the place in one word, I'd use the word palatial, it was one of those things you'd never expect to see in real life. 

Ashton was standing outside waiting for us and a smile decorated his face as Sierra hopped out of the vehicle and sprinted to him. I rolled my eyes, I was honestly happy for them but there's a certain amount of cheesiness a person  can take, these two had crossed my limit. 

"Hi Lia, hi Dylan," he greeted as we got closer to the two of them and said hi back before he led us into the house. 

My eyes roamed the place, it seemed empty and I was getting a little confused.

"This way guys, the pool is underground, massive thing, everyone's already here," Ashton spoke asif sensing my confusion and I nodded and just as he said, he opened the floor door that led to the indoor pool and the music blared out, and even though it was two in the afternoon, it looked dark down there,

We started descending the stairs and soon we were in view with a good number of people dancing around in their swimsuits and getting mad drunk and high, it was surprisingly warm, probably from all the sweat, my nose cringed at the thought but I kept following my friends. 

Dylan got me a drink and Sierra was already sucking face with Ashton, I looked at them in wonder, "do they ever stop?" I asked Dylan.

He laughed, "Perks of young love Lia, perks of young love," 

"What about you? How's your man?" I asked and he blushed, making me laugh. 

"Honestly I didn't think I'd ever be this excited about a person again, it's like so familiar, yet so new, he's the best Lia am not even playing,"

"Looks like that dick poked all the way to your heart," I joked, daim I really am a lightweight and he laughed. 

"You know, for a virgin you're pretty bold with these comments..."  we both laughed. 

"What about you Lia?" I tensed up.

"What about me?" He rolled his eyes.

"Ever since the whole thing happened with Hunter, Marisa and yourself, you've never really let it out, you confessed your feelings, totally broke down at Sierra's and after that you were back to normal, you surpress emotions Lia, it's not healthy," he stated and I looked down, he wasn't lying, it's not like I didnt know I wasn't over Hunter, I surpressed it and avoided thinking about it but deep down I still really love him but at least this way I dont look stupid chasing after someone that doesn't want me. 

"Am honestly okay, I cared for him and mistook that for love, clearly it wasn't, am happy  that he's happy now," I lied trying so hard not to break and thankfully the alcohol was on my side tonight. 

"Well I hope so, because he just walked in with Marisa," Dylan whispered to me, and I looked up making eye contact with Hunter, he's hands were around Marisa, she was chatting with some of her girlfriends while he hugged her from behind like the perfect boyfriend he is, but his eyes were on me and quite frankly it was making a bit uncomfortable. 

"Am gonna go grab a drink, you should mingle," I told Dylan and he looked at me sadly but he nodded and moved to talk to some friends of his.

I walked slowly to some other room next to the pool area where the drinks were being served and my eyes lit up when I saw Trevor on the other side of the room giving some guy a blunt. 

I smiled and this was definitely the alcohol giving me confidence because I walked up to him and smiled. 

"You're here?" I beamed and he looked confused for a minute but recovered soon.

"Selling weed," I pointed out and he gave me one of those sexy man chuckles. He's actually really hot right now, why have I never noticed him.

Probably because your ass is a little past tipsy. 

"Need a refill?" He asked, pointing to my glass. I was probably staring too long. I blushed and handed him the glass. He poured some punch in it and handed it back. 

"I didn't expect to see you here," he said with a boyish grin, damn I like this side of him, he looks gorgeous when he smiles. 

He blushed, "uhmmm" he scratched the back of his head, oh shoot I said that out loud. 

"Oh my God, I am so sorry I didn't mean to make you feel embarrassed. I sort of have a habit of thinking out loud when I am drunk, but you do look happier today, and your smile is gorgeous," I say and he blushes again, I giggle, I am really enjoying this. 

"I am a little high, I tend to get quite chatty, and smile more when I am high," he explains and my eyes buckle at the sound he makes. Jesus has he always been this fine or is it an overnight transformation because damn.

"I hear a bit of an accent, it wasn't there when we first spoke, where are you from?" I asked 

"Ireland, I lived there for a bit, the accent comes on strong when am intoxicated," 

"Well be intoxicated more often, its fucking sexy," I wanted to hit myself at how flirty I was being but I  was also kind of enjoying it, i liked that he was a puzzle, so many pieces and I loved the challenge, maybe he would be a great destruction from Hunter. 

Someone slammed the fridge behind and helped moving forward into Trevor's arms and looking back at the person. 

It was Hunter, well think of the devil and it shall appear, he looked furious, he poured himself a shot before walking out like someone pissed in his cereal. I couldn't care less though, Trevor's arms were around me and boy was it comfortable. 

"Do you guys know each other?" Trevor asked and I pulled away. 

"We have mutual friends but we don't quite get along," I replied, smiling at him hoping he'll drop it. 

"He looked kind of jealous," he added and I couldn't read the expression on his face but I knew for a fact that he doesn't want to be talking about another dude while he has his hands around me. 

"Lia, bitch, come here, I haven't seen you all night," Sierra slurred walking in the kitchen-bar-like room we were in and pulling me away from Trevor, also saving me from the awkward situation I was in. 

"Sierra it's just 4 in the evening," I replied laughing at her drunk state. 

"Oh my God, Why is it so dark in here?" She asked and I rolled my eyes but laughed. 

"Where's Ashton?" I asked and asif on cue he walked in smiling at his woman, 

"Baby," she slurred and moved to hug him. They're so cute I had to smile. Trevor was silently watching all of us, smoking his blunt, he passed it to Aston and they talked about something sporty while Sierra and I got a little too playful with our drinks. 

"That's our song," we screamed in unison both of us drunk as hell as come get her by rae sremmurd got on, we pretty much ran to the dance floor and started dancing, a little  uncoordinated, a little quirky but definitely sexy, we always kept it sexy, Dylan spotted us and joined in, soon we were shouting the lyrics at the top of our lungs with everyone else in the room and it was awesome, I felt happy. 

A slower song came on and I left the floor. Dylan was dancing with some guy. He was having fun but I could also tell there was a boundary he was keeping. He was definitely respecting  his relationship with Xav, I was proud of him. Sierra was obviously grinding on Ashton, they actually looked like they were about to reap each other's clothes off and do it there on the floor. 

I shook my head and sauntered towards Trevor, he gave me a smile, damn if he keeps doing that I just might faint. 

"Those two are quite...." he didn't quite have the words for it and I laughed because I knew what he meant. 

"Yah they are," I nodded and stood next to him. I looked around the place and my eyes fell on Hunter, he was dancing with Marisa whispering some shit in her ear and grinning like some love stricken fool. My heart clenched and I frowned a bit. Then I thought of something. 

"Isn't it weird that we're at a pool party and we haven't swam at all?" I asked, actually curious and he chuckled. 

"You wanna go swimming?" He asked with that darn sexy smile of his and I smirked facing him.

"Yah..." I held eye contact "with you," he didn't  expect that last bit and his tongue rolled out over his lip

 there go my legs again.  

My hands moved down his chest before he could say anything and played around the hem of his shirt while he watched, he didn't stop me so I pulled it over him, gasping when I saw all his tattoos, it was like the most beautiful piece of art I've ever seen I couldn't help but traced my fingers over the lines and colours and his abs.  then my hands were down to his pant waistline. 

My eyes locked on his he looked like he was trying not to groan, and I've never been happier to be drunk, he was enjoying this, and so was I, we weren't in the most secluded of places so am sure some people could see us

I unbuttoned his jeans and tagged his pants off, he stepped out of them and stood tall and proud in front of me in some briefs, the man looked sexy in briefs, he looked so much hotter right now, I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or the horn or the realisation that I hadn't paid as much attention to him as I should have but Trevor Hill was darn sexy. 

I made a move to take my dress off but he stopped me and walked closer to me so that there was barely space between us. Then he leaned into my ear and whispered.

"May I," I shivered at the sound and nodded, worried my drunken state would betray me.

His fingers trailed down my body and reached just below my dress on the bare skin of my thighs, I swallowed as his hands moved upwards dragging the dress up and making me shiver at the same time from the gentleness of his fingers on my skin. His eyes were on me the entire time and I lifted my hand so he could take it off entirely and throw it next to the pile. 

I took his hand and walked him towards the almost empty pool avoiding all the judgemental stares we were getting, my eyes locked with Hunter's as Trevor and I settled in the pool, and this time he really looked jealous I smirked. 

You just wait and see Hunter Daniels.  

I swam closer to Trevor and he kept his eyes on me, my hands went around his shoulders and I dipped him in the water playfully, we played the chasing game for a minute before he caught me and I was laughing loudly just to spite Hunter, so far I was doing great, everytime I looked at him, he looked angrier. 

Trevor pulled me to him and my legs automatically went around his torso. He just stared at me for a while before he said something that knocked all the air out of me and apparently the sense  as well.

"God, you're so beautiful Lia," he whispered and I kissed him. This was supposed to be short, a little cherry on top of my  piss Hunter off plan but Jesus I  was, not ready for the knots in my stomach or the tingles on my skin. And then I couldn't stop. I couldn't keep my hands in one place, I couldn't get enough of his mouth on mine, I just couldn't