
"That's all,"

Dev was astonished, seeing little to no reaction from Rose.

"It is a big deal. Meditation art isn't anything simple. It can change somebody's life," He asked confusingly.

"I know. It is a big deal, but I already have a meditation art until I reach peak Level 1 that my mom bought for me. I only asked for the meditation art because I didn't want the meditation art to get used by anyone from the clan,"

"It's an extra. So, I can give you the meditation art," Rose answered.

"Is it really, alright?" He asked again to make sure.

"Yes, it is alright," She nodded and answered.

"Here, take it," She then brought the chip and gave it to him.

His nerves completely relaxed after getting the chip from Rose.

They then talked for some time. Dev stood up to leave. Lily was sleeping, so he let her sleep here.

He rushed to the clinic. He was very excited about the meditation art, as this meditation art would help him reach Level 1.

He tapped the chip twice on his Denwu, and the chip melted into it. The whole meditation art was just stored in his mind. He could access the information anytime he wanted. He loved this way of data sharing, with the only issue being; the data can only be shared once, as the chip gets melted after the transfer of data.

Having data stored directly in your brain felt weird to him. He didn't like the feeling at all. It was very uncomfortable.

The meditation art name was the 'Strongest Meditation Art'. Dev didn't know whether to laugh or cry after, knowing the name as only someone narcissistic will call their creation: the strongest.

The Strongest Meditation Art was based on the principle of short gain. Using this art, you can reach Level 2 in a month. This art could also make you the strongest of the Level 2, but there was an issue with the Strongest Meditation Art. If you use this art to reach Level 2, you'll be stuck at this level forever.

There are seven main chakras in a body. The more chakras you can open, Prana will flow freely, and the higher your strength (Physical and mental) will be. You only have a chance to reach Level 3 if all of your seven chakras are open.

These seven main chakras are: Root chakra (Muladhara), Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana), Solar plexus chakra (Manipura), Heart Chakra(Anahata), Throat chakra (Vishuddha), Third eye chakra (Ajna), Crown chakra (Sahasrara).

These chakras are the energy center of the body. These are the chakras that align the spine, starting from the base of the spine and extending to the crown of the head.

The Root chakra is located at the base of the spine between the anus and genitals. This chakra provides a base or foundation for life. It is related to the element Earth. It influences the health of bones, kidneys, lower digestive functions, and excretory functions.

The Sacral chakra is located at the base of the pubis. This chakra deals with sexual and creative energy. It is related to the element Water. It governs the sexual organs, stomach, liver, and autoimmune system.

The Solar plexus chakra is located at the level of the umbilicus corresponding to the gastric or solar plexus. This chakra defines self-esteem. It is related to the element Fire. It governs the effective functioning of the upper abdomen, middle spine, adrenals, and small intestine.

The Heart chakra is located at the center of the chest. This chakra deals with the issue of wisdom, compassion, and trust. It is related to the element Air. It deals with the functioning of the heart, blood, circulatory system, lungs, and diaphragm.

The Throat chakra is located on the level of the throat. This chakra deals with communication and self-awareness. It is related to the element Sound. It governs the throat, the thyroid, vocal cords, neck, and mouth.

The Third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows. This chakra deals with intuition. It is related to the element Light. It governs the function of the eyes, ears, and nose.

The Crown chakra is located at the crown of the head. This chakra influences intuitive knowledge, connection to spirituality, integration of mind-body-spirit, and conscious awareness. It is related to the element of Ether. It governs the center of the head and midline above the ears, brain, and nervous system.

These seven main chakras describe the differences between a genius and any ordinary person. Some are even born with all the chakras open.

According to the Strongest Meditation Art, to reach Level 1, you'll have to use the demon core to forcefully open your Root Chakra, which then will increase your bone strength. You'll then have to use a number of demon cores according to the art, to forcefully open your other chakras.

The energy from the demon core will also start modifying your body to make it strong like the beasts. That's why this art was faster than any other meditation art.

The limit of the Strongest Meditation Art was Level 2 peak. You need all the seven chakras open to even have a chance to become a higher life form, which is Level 3. But, this art forcefully opens your chakra. Three eye chakra and Crown chakra are impossible to be opened forcefully. Only meditation can help you in breaking the barriers and opening the energy point.

But, the Strongest Meditation Art cut your route short by blocking your way after Throat chakra. Many tried different ways to open the two chakras, but failure was the result. It was clearly stated in the data.

Dev will never use the Strongest Meditation Art, as his goal is to reach the peak of the multiverse, which isn't possible with this meditation art.

But, he had control over energy which can be the most gentle if he wants it to be. He could replace the world energy he gets after killing for opening his chakras. It will remove the limitation of the Strongest Meditation Art.

Dev just needed to use the process of how to use world energy to have a breakthrough, as told in the 'Strongest Meditation Art'. He was jubilant after knowing that he could finally become a Level 1.

There was one problem though. He could not hunt Level 1 on his own. The marmot was the weakest of Level 1. He still would've to postpone his breakthrough for some time.

He wasn't alone now. He had Lily and Rose with him. Lily was also getting stronger day by day. Dev could feel that She'll reach Level 1 pretty soon.

Rose had already reached the limit. If she hadn't wasted these past few months, she would have already had a breakthrough and reached Level 1.

The only issue in his breakthrough is time. All the happy feelings Dev had vanished. He was irritated by his weakness.

He decided to focus only on money from now on. He'll buy only the best quality flesh of the bests for Lily from now on. He also decided to start training his archery again, which he had stopped after getting a clinic.

A hunt would be easy if he had two Level 1 with him.