#Secrets Reveals

#Narutos mindscape#

Naruto body seems to be flooting in air as he woke up and open his eyes he saw that everything is white around him and there was a blond man in blue jounin outfit and a white haori with flame like pattern in the end. where was he? what happened to him? who was this man infront of him?

His eyes widened as memories of what happened flew back in, he immediately curled up in a ball and started to cry " please sorry don't hit me i am sorry sorry sorry don't hit me sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry " as the blond hair man saw this he embraced the child in arms and started to say soothing words to him " i okk nothing will happen to you, you are okk its okk , its okk i am sorry naruto i am sorry " he said to the boy while tears flow down his cheeks

After half an hour naruto clam down and started to wipe his tears and ask in a quiet voice while stuttering "w-w-who are y-you" blond man said with a small smile " i am your father minato namikaze yondaimi hokage" as soon a naruto hear this he froze there was his father in front of him his father and after few seconds he dash toward him and jumped in his arm and started crying and said " i have a father i have a father " minato also embraced him while crying.

After both of them calm down naruto still in minato's arm asked him " How are u alive? If you are yondaimi You were supposed to be dead. Am I dead too?" - naruto asked. "No, you are not dead but unfortunately i am" - minato replied.

"But if you are dead, then where am i?naruto wondered what the hell was going on.

"Naruto, i am going to explain everything to you listen closely ok?" - he asked to which naruto nodded. "We are inside your mind, this is your mindscape, its basically a representation of your mind in physical form understand?" Naruto nodded and asked " you are my father right" and thought 'but jiji said he doesn't knew my parents why he lied to me ' naruto got sad and started to look down because for him only person he trust lied to him.

Minato said "it is true, I am your father and i'm sorry I wasnt here with you but I had to stop the kyuubi."

"You are not probably wondered why this village treats you like a monster." to which naruto slowly nodded "Well, there isn't any easy way to say this but 5 years ago when you were born the kyuubi attacked the village. Sandaime said that I killed the kyuubi but that is impossible. Kyuubi is a mass of chakra without actually a physical body so it can't die. The only way I had to stop the kyuubi was to seal it inside a newborn baby, i'm sorry to say but I had to seal him into you" - he said with a bit of shame wondering how Naruto would react.

"What? What do you mean by sealed? I am the kyuubi?" - he asked , now realizing what all the names the villagers called him by.

"NO, you are neither a monster nor the kyuubi, you are my son. And by sealed I mean that the kyuubi is trapped in your gut , and if i had known what those ungrateful villagers would do to u i would have let the village get destroyed other than saving it " minato said while feeling so much rage that he wanted to kill every single villager for what they did to his son.

Naruto didn't know what to say to his father now that his father told him why villager hate him . Minato then said " I am sorry naruto i am really sorry i wanted u to be seen as hero but these ungrateful people did this to u i am sorry so sorry naruto i am sorry u probably hate me " minato said his voice full of regret and tears streaming down his eyes.

Naruto then wiped his father tears and said "u didn't do anything dad these villagers are monsters and ungrateful people u are a good person dad i love u dad i don't hate u dad" naruto told him while he hug his father. Minato then smile and was very happy his son didn't hate him after all he did to him.

" well i was not going to meet u now but we can't do anything about it now i have have a large amount of time about 2 or 3 days time so lets talk and u can ask all the things u want " said to minato

Naruto then ask "what u mean by 'not going to meet u now' hmm ? " minato the smile and told him " the seal i put in your stomach to seal kyuubi in u contain a small part of my and your moms soul my soul was supposed to release if kyuubi forcefully breaks the seal you understand this much" minato asked and naruto nodded then minato told him about 5 years ago about the uzumaki legacy seal and told him that it got sealed inside him.

" That uzumaki legacy seal was activated by me and at that time it absorbed some part of my soul with my knowledge and chakra and when i seal kyuubi with the 8 trigram seal which has some of my soul in it , my soul got connected to the uzumaki seal and when u fell unconscious this time, due to u being on verge of death seal got activated and because of my connection to it my soul also got released. This is the reason why i said that " minato told him with a serious expression you understand naruto nodded and asked " what is this uzumaki legacy seal that activated inside of me" with a worried expresion he has already kyuubi sealed inside of him and now this.

minato smiled at him and said with a happy look on his face " at first i didn't know about what that seal did but when it got connected with me i understand what that seal does, it contains all the knowledge of the past uzumaki clan heads and also me and it will release all of their and my knowledge, and our past experiences slowly over time. so it is really blessing for u my son so don't worry " minato said with a smile as he pinch naruto's cheeks causing naruto to blush.

After that minato told him about his mother kushina there life together and all about uzumaki clan and uzu before his distruction as he was an civilian orphan so he can't tell him about his side of family. He told him about the things his mother told him to do in her dying breath and naruto vowed in his mind that he will do all that he told him about location of his house in the village and where it is and also his safe house in the forest on hokage mountain and no one other than naruto can enter as it has lots of seal for security and privacy. when they talk about narutos life minato was pissed was an under statement he want to kill every villager and specially wanted to torture the third , his sensei and his students because they betrayed him him after all they let all this happened to his son. they talk for few more hrs and after that minato got serious and told naruto about kyuubi and the day of kyuubi attack. naruto was was Smart kid for his age so he understand everything and made up his mind to keep all the things happened to be a secret and minato also told him to do this as he has many enemies.

Naruto" - Minato said getting Naruto's attention "the kyuubi is not the demon everyone thinks he is. The attack 5 years ago was not his fault" - Minato said and started explaining what happened in that fateful night 5 years ago. From when Naruto was born, to the masked man unleashing the kyuubi and controlling it to attack the village to Minato sealing him into naruto.

Naruto was still frozen absorbing what happened, everything his father was saying. Naruto didn't know what to say it was just too much.

"Naruto" Minato continued "I'm sorry that I had to seal kyuubi into you. You had a harsh life until now but I trust from now on it will be slightly better" Minato said thinking about the uzumaki seal that activated with in naruto.

" Naruto i want u to not blame kyuubi for anything and try to become friends with him , as humans only try to use him only for his power so it will be very hard for u but still i want u to try okk" naruto nodded and said " i understand dad i will do as u asked me to do dad i will make him my friend." naruto said by pumping his fist up in the air to which minato smile.

" I'm fading now naruto, my chakra is almost over. Remember Naruto, me and your mother loved you very much and i'm sorry that you had to live this life and growing up without love." - Minato said sad on how everything turned out. He asked that traitorous Sandaime so that those ungrateful bastard saw Naruto as their Hero but he was to naive.

"Don't worry tou-san I got to meet you after all you did what you needed to protect this place as this was your home" - Naruto said getting a sad smile from Minato as he fade away until he was no longer standing in front of him.

#week later in real world #

naruto started to regain his consciousness and when he open his eyes he couldn't see clearly as his eyes get use to light after few mins the saw a white ceiling and saw his whole body is covered in bandages and he was connected to different machines.

There were also 3 anbu stationed inside the room to protect naruto, as they saw him wake up one of them left to inform the hokage about naruto's waking up.