# home, training

Naruto was laying on his hospital bed contemplating about everything that has happened from the last week till now. He has made up his mind that Villager are monsters and ungrateful people he had lost most of his trust in the humanity but not all of it after the talk with his father and knowing him he understands that not everyone is like his father but also not like these ungrateful, monsters of villagers who did these things to him. And he finalize that those people who are good to him, he will good to them and vice versa.

As naruto thinks about these things hokage came into his room as he look up to the hokage he didn't smile or even greet him not after he betrayed him and his father he was no one to him just the hokage but now he will try to act as normal as he can . because he couldn't do anything against him right now.

" Naruto my boy how are u, are u fine my boy how are u feeling " hokage asked " i am fine for now but if u really wanna know so much i have been living on the streets and eating from trash cans hokage sama" after hearing this hiruzen's heart broke he didn't knew all this he thought naruto lived in the orphanage and he is sending extra money for him there also and when he hear hokage sama from naruto he knew that something happened between him and naruto but he thought that it must have been Coz what happened to him according to doctors he should not have been alive or even if he survived he should have been blind and crippled for whole life. He is only alive and recovered full only because of kyuubi.

"Naruto what happened i can't undo it but i can do what ever i can so that it never happened again and i will also give an apartment and money to you monthly and i will also send food to you every week so if you have any problems come see me okk so rest for now u have to enroll in academy next week also i will pick you up tomorrow and take u to your new home and buy you some stuff and show u some stores where u can shop without any problems." hokage said to naruto as naruto nodded he don't really want to talk to the hokage after he got to know everything.

"i am sorry naruto i am really sorry for what happened i really am sorry" hokage said with a regretful face after all he was the hokage how could he let this happenend. Naruto only nodded and said " its ok " with a neutral face, and hokage left the room , naruto doesn't wants to hear all this crap from him according to naruto, if hokage really gives a damn about him he would have already done something about all the stuff that happens to him so for now he will do as he say and try to get things he wants from him even if those are small things.

#Next day#

Next day hiruzen came and took naruto with him, while they were walking through the street naruto was thinking about the goal he has decided, his goal was to revive uzu no kuni and uzumaki clan he was going to do this.

After 5 mins they came to a ramen shop and hiruzen treated naruto to some ramen and try to talk to him but naruto just gave him short replys and remain in different to him, this hurted hiruzen very much as he remember how naruto was a ball sunshine always full of energy and who always smiles at him no matter what ' i guess what happened has really took a toll on him' hiruzen though sadly while sighing.

Naruto really like the ramen shop(ichiraku ramen) the owner (teuchi )and his daughter ( ayame ) looked at him with warm eyes and talked to him nicely he can feel they were not acting because the hokage was here, after all that he is been through he has learned to see when people are genuine with him or acting so they can hurt him later on and also the ramen was great too. He has decided that he will come here every week.

After they were done they left the shop and gone to a shop that has shinobi stuff, the shop has a kunie shaped banner on which the name of the shop was written konoha dragon. The owner (kenshi) was same as ramen shops owner he treated him farely not just coz of the hokage.

Here naruto brought some clothes like 3 pairs of blue shorts 1 pair of black shinobi sandels and 6 ti-shirts 2 black 2 white and 2 orange each shirt has a uzumaki red swirl at the back, now naruto naruto know alot about uzumakis because of the talk with his father and the information that has released for the seal, he brought all the book needed for the academy and some high quality chakra weights and a practice sword he thought about buying a high quality sealing set as he was going to learn it but decided against it he doesn't want anyone to know about what he can do or if someone knows something as less they know is as better.

"Naruto what are u going to do with that practice sword and chakra weights " hokage asked " oh i wanted to learn kenjutsu that why i have taken the practice sword as i cant really use a real sword now and weights are to increase my physical capabilities" naruto said and hokage nodded and happy that naruto was serious about being a shinobi. After that they go the counter pay for that item , hokage also brought a storage scroll u seal every thing and gave it to naruto.

After that he take him to a apartment it was good for one person to live had a kitchen with all the equipments and a dinning table a bathroom a living room with some furniture with a tv and a bedroom with furniture all the furniture and equipment were new.

"Naruto did you like your new place? " hokage asked to which naruto said " yaa its good and way much better then that orphanage or the steets to live " to which hokage got sad about what happened and though about how he replaced all the caretakers at the orphanage and send the old ones to ibiki in t&i department. After that hokage gave him money and left him to get adjusted to his new place and told him to come to him if there is any problem so he can help, he will also change his secretary so no one will stop naruto from coming , while eating ramen naruto told him about his secretary not letting naruto meet him when he came so many times. Ohh he will gonna send his secretary to ibiki as well.

#Night time#

Naruto was now sitting on his bed contemplating about how to train and how he achieve his goals and how he will find remaining uzumakis that survived the attack and are in hidding.

After analyzing all the things that has been released for the seal from the day on which it activated in him to till now he has decided on a training schedule. First thing tomorrow he will gonna wear chakra weight 2.5 kg in each hands and 5 kgs in each legs.

# training schedule #

10 km run ( which he will increase by 1 km every month)

100 situps

100 pushups

100 pullup

( he will increase all of these exercises by 100 each month and his chakra weights in hands by 2.5kg and in legs by 5kg every month)

chakra control exercise for 2 hrs every day ( leaf stick , tree Walking , tree walking while sticking leafs on himself)

he will also practice henge , substitute which he knows how as all the exercises and techniques are popping up in his head. he will also swing his sword 500 times and increase it every month by 100.

After thinking all that he looked up at the clock and saw it was 10 o'clock he quickly got up and get ready for bed and set the alarm for 4 o'clock and went to sleep.

# Next Day#

In a dark room suddenly a alarm went on and then a boy's groaning voice could be heard as sleeply he hit the alarm clock and closed his eyes again and mumbled " i love u, i love u ramen, ramen, ramennnnnn!" naruto shouted as he woke up remembering what he need to do and change as fast as he could and wore his weight a he wore his weight and channel chakra to set the weights, he felt really heavy and have a bit trouble in walking at first after few mins , he went to do his physical and chakra exercises.

# 4hrs later#

Naruto was now in a open field pantings as he fell on the grass while completing he physical and chakra control training. He completed his training while physical part was hard because of weights but he could do that, but most difficult part was his chakra control training it took him almost full 2 hr to stick one leaf on himself.

After staying like that for half an hr he got up and went home and take a long shower and wore fresh cloths and eat his breakfast after doing all that he rest for an hr and went to his dads safe house as he can't go in the one which was in konoha as people will saw him entering .

He went on top of hokage mountain and then follow the way his father told him in the forest and then reached a large clearing he went to the right borderline on the clearing there was a seal on the ground when he saw that seal he bit thumb his thumb and placed his hand with blood on the seal and tansfer some chakra in the seal and then a poof of smoke later there was a staircase as he went down lights started to glow from the seals all over the place there was 2 bedroom 3 bathrooms 2 with rooms and 1 separately there was a sitting area, a kitchen , dinning room , study with lots of scoll and book when he saw the study he looked for the uzumaki treasure chest which contains everything his father and mother brought from uzu no kuni that chest contain large amount of things as his father told him about it, that it has a seal that ,create a special dimension to store every thing. he then went in last 2 room 1st was a big training area there were swords ,kunai , shuriken ... many different kinds of weapon hanging on wall and there was also some training dummys and Targets for practice and last room has a was obstical course .

He also found some photos of his dad and mom and those were treasure for him . He decided that until he got to go to his dads real home in konoha it will be his home but for appearance sake he will stay at that apartment.

After that he practiced his jutsus in the training area and went to his apartment around 3 pm he tried to cook something to eat and what ever he made he ate that it was not that bad people will not fell ill after eating it right? and he started to study the books hokage got him and after that made dinner and eat it then he noticed that his muscle pain from physical training had healed completely ' must because of kyuubi and his uzumaki genes' he thought then he fool around a bit, watched some tv and went to sleep to get ready for next day.