The 4 elementalist

Four people enter a room with a round table with different symbols pointing to chairs. "We have been summoned. It is us the 4 Elementalist." A tall man says wearing red. "Welcome Melkin, Mai, Jubi, and Mallock," Deros said as he sat at the table waiting for the others to sit.

"So why have we been summoned?" Mai asked. "You haven't heard?" Deros asked concerned. "Heard what?" Mai said. "The king is dead," Deros said sulky. Everyone's face widened. Mallock bangs on the table, holding back tears. "What!? My broth- the king how did he die?" Mallock asks. "Zane, he shot him with an arrow," Deros replied.

"Knowing the king—not any fairy won't be killed by one arrow unless…" Melkin wondered. "Yes, it had to be forged in dark fairy dust." Jubi finished Melvin's sentence "Then we know what we have to do, we must kill the hunter king." Mai said seriously. "No. I didn't summon you here for that, you all will have to stay here for about two years." Deeps said. The room goes quiet for a moment. "Pffttt, you're joking right?" Mallock asked. "No, I'm not," Deros said.

"Even though I'm sitting by four of the strongest people in the fairy kingdom, all of you combined are not as strong as the fairy king," Deros said. "For once, I agree with Deros, with the king gone Zane is going to call his entire army. So, we need to stay here to protect the kingdom." Mai remarked. "Yeah, that and also to train the prince," Deros added. "Right, his magic is pretty weak. If he's going to fight he needs to get stronger." Mallock said.

"He's actually stronger now way stronger he used all four elements when he found out his father died," Deros said smilingly. "No way, but how?" Jubi asked. "I think it's aedificare magicae. It's something when someone possesses too much magic and it lies dormant or is somehow affected by the Nature Seal. In short words it's a magic deficiency involving both the Nature Seal and the thing the Seal is placed on; a fairy's Incanuit. But in the great loss of something to trigger an abundant amount of emotion, this power can get released.

But after that, Eris has been in a coma for 2 weeks." Deros explained. "Then it's final were staying," Melkin says and everyone agrees.

~At the hospital~ "Your grace, please wake up. The doctor pleaded. Inside Eris's mind "Wait where am I? Who's that?" Eris asked himself squinting his eyes. He sees a man with long white hair reaching his calves and white pupils. "Me? I'm Ellor the first fairy king."