Forbidden magic

"Ok! Let's practice a new spell!" Eris said to himself in the woods, looking through a grimore. "Ok, I see a water spell, fire spell, earth spell. I already know wind magic. Arghhh! All these spells are so weak. I need something stronger if I'm going to fight."He says. He flips through the pages of the grimore until he see something that interests him. "Ooh. A forbidden spell! It says I should try it on a animal first.

Hm, sorry poor deer but just stay still." He says to the deer as it stares at him. "Imperium sanguinem. Why nothing happend? Imperium sanguinem. ARGHHH! This spell is useless." He became infuriated and threw the book. When he threw it, the deer moved like it was being thrown as well. "WHAT!? There's no way I can control the deer! Oh my god! I have to try another spell right away!"

He flips through the pages of the book again and the deer runs off as it seems the spell isn't effective anymore. Eris groans in pain. "There's a reason why we forbid certain magic spells. It's very important for you to know that the pure white magic inside you is endeed powerful. If black magic is inside your system for to long, it will corrupt you and you will become a dark fairy." A voice said. "Who was that? Show your face! No my wings are turning black! Stay blue! No, I can't control my magic. I'm going to destroy the whole forest a this point." Eris says stumbling around his campsite.

"Son, you have to stay strong." He heard the voice again. "Dad, is that you?" Eris asks groaning in pain. "Yes, it is me. "You have to use your light magic. You have to do one thing I couldn't, you have to stop this war. And you can't do that if your dead. So you need to fight." Allock inspiringly said. Eris starts to fight back.

"Ah, the dark magic, it's gone like the forest."Eris said as he looks around and sees the forest gone, only left with animals. He placed his hand on the ground. "Coniferales" Eris says. The trees start to quickly grow back.