Attack on Mediocris!

(Henry) Wait, are you for real? Humans have magic? (Eris) Yeah, but I wouldn't know for sure so do a simple fire spell. Try ignis. (Henry) Umm, if you say so. (Henry holds out his hand) Ignis. (His hand turn to fire) (Eris) Okay, don't panic. You won't feel a thing since you did it with your magic. (Jesse) Excuse me, your highnesses. (Eris) Uh, yes thank you Jesse. I wrote out everything on those four sheets of paper. Oh, and before the spell stops take a picture to prove that humans have magic. (Jesse pulls out his camera and he takes a picture of Henry) Don't post the article yet. After I'm done with my speech is the time.

(Eris starts walking to the castle's balcony and Jesse follows him) I need you to get ready to record. You know the royal floating televisions in each city and village? (Jesse) Yes, sir. (Eris) Broadcast live to all of them, world wide. And I'm going to need the declaration horn to go across all around the city. (Jesse) One problem. I need a LOT of magic to do that. (Eris) Okay. (Jesse) I don't think you're getting what I'm saying. I don't have the magic to do all that. You could do it but only the royal broadcaster is able to summon the horn. (Eris) How much magic power do you need? (Jesse) The magic energy I'll have to use is about four thousand, with my wings I would have a thousand. (Eris stops walking and his wings appear and he place his hands on Jesse shoulder) Did you give me magic? (Eris) Yeah, now come on. We have no time to waste.

(Both of them reach the balcony) This is such a beautiful world. It's sad that we'll have another war. (Jesse) Uh, now sir? (Eris) Yeah, Jesse. (Jesse opens a portal to his right and he pulls a horn out. He blows it and it rings. It repeated 3 times. People starts to come out their house and started murmuring. (Jesse) Okay, your highness. You're live on three, two, one.

(Eris) Hello, kingdom of Magicae. I'm King Eris live from Mediocris, capital of Magicae. This live is to inform the whole kingdom on what I learned. First things first. Another war is upon us. Sooner or later we'll have a war with those known as "pixies". I don't know how many pixies there are, but I expect to be a lot. You can identify one by the ears. Unlike us they have long ears, kinda like the eastern elves.

Second thing. I recently found out that humans have magic. I don't know how but they just do and if you don't believe me I have proof.

Third and last thing. It turns out Magus our god who we worship, he possess dark magic. He is not the god-like of white magic we thought he was. I also have proof for that as well.

In a few minutes an article will be sent out to every family in Mediocris. These live was to inform the kingdom so please do not be frightened. Have a good day everyone. (Jesse stops the live and paparazzi flys up to the balcony) Okay, Jesse let's go now. (They both enters the castle and close the balcony's doors)

(Henry) I need help. (Eris) The spell is still going on? Wow, especially for someone who's magic was dormant. Anyway, using magic needs focus. You need to focus on putting the flame out. (The flame on his hand disappears) See? There you go. (Henry) Yeah. So, what do you mean by my magic is dormant? Doesn't even fairies have to practice before it can actually work? (Eris) Eh, no. When fairies are still infants they use magic accidentally so no. (Henry) Oh, well that's something I didn't know.

But tell me, will you teach me? (Eris) Teach you what? (Henry) Ya know. Magic. (Eris) Oh, I'll teach you something. (Eris leans in for a kiss then BOOM. They heard an explosion) We can never have time to ourselves. (Henry) I know. It sucks. (Deros bust in the room) (Deros) My lords! (Henry and Eris) What? (Deros) The great Barron wall is being destroyed. (Henry) That's impossible. (Deros) No it's not. (Eris) It don't matter. Come on Henry.

(Henry) Where are the four elementalist? (Deros) Back to their castle's. (All three of them reach it to the balcony) (Eris) Kitsune's are destroying the third king's wall? (Deros) That's not the only thing. You said we can identify pixies with their long ears. There all pixies on the kitsune's. (Henry) I know what we have to do. Royal army get in level nine kitsune formation. If they break the wall and enter the city attack. (Eris) General, are you gonna help your army? (Deros) You're letting me fight? Yes! Thank you. (The kitsune's breaks the wall and the royal army starts attacking) (Henry) Would it be okay for us to fight even if we are kings? (Eris smiles at Henry)

(A few minutes later they are both running towards the balcony. Once they get there they jumps off and Eris' wings appear and he hold Henry by his arms and there now both flying) (Henry) Get me to that kitsune right there! (Eris) You got it. (Eris flys to the kitsune and he lets go of Henry. He jumps on the kitsune's back and start murdering the pixies. The kitsune jumps up and without wings Henry falls off. Eris stops killing the kitsune's and he quickly flys to Henry and catch's him) (Eris) Okay, they made me angry. (Eris still carrying Henry he flys back to the balcony)

(Henry) What are you gonna do? (Eris) Something I can't in this form. Mediocris deus lux est magicae! (Eris' short hair turns long and white and starts to float. He's wings are changed from blue to white) (Henry) Is that what you was talking about? (Eris) Yeah. (Eris starts flying) Ingentes sagittas lucis. (Giant arrows appear in the sky and the hit the kitsunes pushing them back into the forest)

(An hour later) (Eris) Now Jesse. (Jesse blows the horn and instead of a ring it bellowed) (Jesse) We're live right now. (Eris) I know this is my second time doing this today but everyone please listen. Me and king Henry decided that after all the events that took place in the capital. (Henry and Eris holds up a flag) (Henry) This is a declaration of war with the pixies. They attack our kingdom killed not only soldiers but citizens as well. They destroyed the Great Wall of Barron. Tonight we mourn and honor our loved ones whom died today. But tomorrow we will get ready for war. (Eris) And whoever the leader of the pixies are you better watch out. 'Cause me and Henry will go after you personally! You better be watching, pixies. 'Cause this is a war and you will not win it.