Approach the capital

Jubi took a deep breath in. "So they'll cross the Spritus Ocean and approach Great Zernon's Rocks." "And come directly to the capital, here, and attack?" Melvin said. "It makes sense. Mediocris is the biggest city in Magicae. Not only that but the Crystal shores will help them connect to all of our land. Meaning they can attack any city at any time." Henry said.

Someone bust in the room. It's Jesse, the royal broadcaster, advisor, and scout.

"What is it?" Eris says worried. "I did what you told me to do. I went to the Crystal shores and. It's a lot of pixies." Jesse said breathing hardly. "How many?" Henry asked. "I saw hundreds of boats. And if my calculations are right, they'll be here by noon tomorrow." Jesse said eyes tearing up.

"What! This cannot be happening." Mallock said. Everyone started talking at once and both of the kings were quiet from shock.

Someone else bust opens the door. It's Deros "Hey! Stop talking. He's not lying, there are hundreds of boats. I just came from the Spritus ocean. The only thing we can do know is wait on what the kings will decide."

Both of the kings turns to each other and they whisper for a few seconds. "We'll evacuate the city. We keep all the civilians out of harms way, and if someone wants to join us let them. This will be the first time in years since the last major attack on Mediocris, so I'm assigning a new title to the seven of you. General Deros, you will have the Royal Army on the front line. Same for General Jubi. The Earth Fairy Soldiers will be on the front line as well." Henry explained. He looks towards Eris to let him say the rest.

"The Wind Fairy Soldiers will stay up in the sky. Mostly use long distance spells to support the Royal and Earth Soldiers. General Mallock, I'm pretty sure you'll be great in the sky. Oh! And Melvin's department will also be on the front line. Captain Mai will set camp with water fairies close, but not to close to the front line to heal soldiers. And Jesse and Mable will help evacuate the city." Eris says.

"Where will the citizens go? The bunker got destroyed last year. Remember?" Deros asked. "Some will go to the Enchanted Grotto. The Fairy Sanctuary. And some other places. Here I marked them on the map." Henry says handing Mable the map. "And what about you two. What will you do?" Mai asked looking at Eris and Henry. "I've gotten more stronger with my magic. And Eris he's always been strong." Henry said. "Henry will be fighting the queen, making sure she isn't let out on the battle field. And me, I'll be on the frontline." Eris said.

Eris stands up. "Okay, this meeting is over. You all know what to do. Jesse, come with me." He says standing up and walking out with Jesse following him.

Eris stops and places his hand on Jesse's shoulder. They continue walking. "Broadcast country wide." Eris said. "Don't you mean worldwide?" Jesse asked. "No. Country wide. No worries you'll find out soon." Eris said.

"In three, two, one. Your live." Jesse said.

"Citizens of Magicae. I want you to stop what your doing and listen to me. There's a war coming straight to the capital. I made an announcement two days ago already talking about this. But the situation has changed quickly. The pixies are now in Zernon's sea. Once they come to the Crystal Shores, they'll be on our land. And if they get pass Mediocris, they'll have all of the realm. And Magicae isn't what it seems. Everyone thinks that Magicae is the only kingdom in the world. But that's not true. It is in fact the biggest, but we have some secrets behind our country. The true name of this planet is Magia Terra. The world map, isn't the world map. Only the kingdom map. This continent, is home to all fairies and humans meaning that only this continent is our country. Not the whole world. Citizens of Mediocris, I call on an Immediate evacuation in one hour. All soldiers will stay behind and get ready to fight. We will be triumphant in this war. That is all." Eris said bravely.

~In the morning, 9 am~

"It's time. Jesse, go blow the horn and tell everyone to get in position." Eris said. "Yes, your highness." Jesse says walking out of the room. "Okay, grandma it's time to go. Why aren't you packed?" Henry says raising an eyebrow. "Me and the kids are staying. We can help Mai." Henry's grandma said. "Hmm, fine." Henry said. "Bye, the kids are already gone. Oh, and the both of you be safe out there." She says exiting the room.

"Are you ready?" Henry asked. "Yeah, let's win this." Eris says with spirit.

"Eris, that's a lot of ships. And they're coming through the rocks easy." Henry says removing binoculars from his eyes. "Jesse, you should leave. Unless you wanna fight." Eris says turning around looking at Jesse. "No, I'll l-leave." Jesse says frightened. "Good choice. You sense that magic too. A strong magic from six individuals. And one is from the queen. The strongest magic I'm feeling right now. Leave now. They're here." Eris said. Jesse's wings quickly appear and fly to the opposite direction.

A few minutes later, ships arrive on the shore. A pixie flys from a ship and step onto the sand.

"Us pixies are here to conquer this land. And we won't leave until we do. I am the queen, and nothing will stand in my way." She flys back to her ships but stops in mid air. "Henry, keep an eye on her." Eris says. "I know." Henry says. Henry leaves from the hill and head towards the queen. "Oh, and pixies attack!" The queen yells. Pixies come out of the ships either flying, or running towards the fairies. "Hold!" Eris says. "My eleven forefathers, give me your strength." Eris whispered. He sighs and looks down. While looking down he holds his hand out, a giant, white hammer appears on the side of him, and before the fairies get attack, he slams the giant magic hammer on the pixies. "Attack!" Eris yells and all of the fairies begin to attack.

"Hmm, let's see if these fairies can handle ten million pixies." Bonnie says crossing her legs in a throne.