Hold Me Hurt Me (R18)

Krista's sword was in her hand as she hurried to join the knights. Her mouth eye in a firm frown. "Report!" She ordered.

Elys ran after Krista like a lost child, not wanting to be alone but also wanting to be useful to the woman she admired.

Ser Matias led Krista away from the encampment. "We found new trail signs of the apostate and what looks like another aphotic."

Krista didn't slow as her eyes flicked to the side to stretch at the knight. "What makes you sure of both?" Her voice was calm and collected in the surface but the tightness of her jaw and the anger in her eyes told a different story.

Matias winced as he continued. "Apple core. Marks on a tree and scraps of his robes for the apostate. We believe he was watching the camp."

Krista scowled. "Continue," she ordered.

"Well, we think he was..." Matias paused and shifted uncomfortably.