Kamon was panting and breathless as Krista bore down on him. His back was pinned against the ground beneath her weight, her eager and hard undulations made it hard for him to think. Her tunic hung loosely around her, in her hurry, she hadn't fully undressed. He was teased by the shape of her ample breasts brushing against the fabric as she moved.
This is happening. This is really… fuck… happening.
He lost track of the time, where they were. All that was real was this surreal feeling of a woman he coveted from afar making love to him with wild abandon. Her hair a dark halo as moonlight illuminated the silhouette of her body against the dark sky. The glen hushed, bearing silent witness to this forbidden act. Embers were never meant to lay with anyone, let alone this. To make things worse, she was a female knight and they were not ever going to be married. The way her body squeezed and pulled at him sent shudders of pleasure through him, his toes curling.