-- Now, Temple of Auseklis, inner chamber --
Vladimars stared at Markos, shaking some vision from his mind. He looked conflicted about saying something. His mouth opened and shut again without any sound coming out. He looked away from Markos, his shoulders slumping dejectedly.
Iliana looked at him with concern in her kind eyes. "What troubles you, Vlad?" She asked kindly.
Vladimars flinched at the mention of his name. He drew his clothes about him more carefully, as if to ward off a chill. He gave her a sidelong glance but avoided making eye contact with her. "I... it's just... the vision the guardian trapped me in. It was not my own." He commented with an embarrassed shake of his head, his face reddening at a flush of memory.
"Just give me a moment. I am still a little confused," he admitted trying to avoid further discussion on why he was so embarrassed. He cleared his throat. "We must be close to the final chamber now."