6: Bunny purrs

Shoto's POV

"Izuku I'm real. And I'm right here." I hug the crying green haired boy which calmed him down a little, but he is still shaking. "I'm not going any where. Cause your not worthless. You are my best friend. You make me smile everyday. You make life worth living. For me and so many others. All of your friends care about you and you should never think that we see you as worthless, cause that's simply not true. Your are a beautiful ray of sunshine that makes rainbows after the darkest storms."

"I doubt that's all true but thanks for saying it. How did you get in anyway? I thought I locked the door."

"It is all true and you did lock the hall way door. But I heard you crying and screaming, I got worried so I came through the balcony door. Now hold still so I clean and bandage your wounds. Is it ok if asked what happened to make you have so many cuts and break down."

"It happened almost a year ago." He told me everything. He told me about his depression, anxiety, the cutting, killing him self, the whole turning in to a ghost for an hour before his body goes up in ash and burns away all his scars, cause turns out he's a freaking phinox, he told me how he's trained for most of the last year to be a witch, to get in to this school, he told me that he's been going to therapy, he of course has had break downs, but he has cut since that day, and that he was just stupid and didn't secure his mirror well enough so it fell on him.

"Thank you for trusting me. So will you trust me to heal the wound on your neck, if in return for all this trust I tell you how I died?"

"I trust you with everything, including not tell anyone about my secrets and now that you know all of this. I really hope this doesn't back fire. But I like you Shoto as more then best friends."

"I like you too Izuku." I leaned down to his neck licking up the blood making the wound heal almost automatically. I still put a bandage on cause I didn't know if it would stay healed. "I promise I'll tell you the story tomorrow. Now let's go lay down I think you need some rest." I kissed him lightly as we walked over to the bed in the corner of the room.

"But all of my blankets and sheets are covered in glass and blood."

"I'll just go grab some blankets out of the hall closet for tonight. I promise I'll be right back." He nodded his head as I went into the hallway. I came back covering up Izuku who was sitting on the bed. He laid his head on my chest as we cuddle in silence. We stayed like this for about twenty minutes before I heard what sounded like tiny bunny purrs coming from Izuku. I kissed is head glad that he was finally asleep before passing out my self.


Thanks to all my guys, gals, and non-binary pals for reading this. I love you and you're all beautiful😘

549 words