7: The dragon and the wolf

Katsuki's POV

We've been going to U.A. For a few weeks now. I have to admit everyone here is strong. Not as strong as me of course, but that's a given.

Deku seems to been getting better. He seems happier this past year. Going to therapy, training, getting in to U.A. He even made his own group of friends. Which I'm pretty sure him and the half vampire and half werewolf boy both have crushes on one an other.

If I'm being completely honest I think I may have a crush too. I made friends with a stupid dragon that asked me to tutor him. Ever since then I've been sitting with him at lunch. He's introduced me to his friends who are all dumb too. But there good people, even if I'll never admit it to their faces.

"Bakugo, can you help me on questions 10 and 14? I did everything else."

"Sure you dumb dragon." He solved the problems easily once I explained it to him in a way he understood. "Hey Bakubro.."

"What is it shitty hair?"

"Since it's already past curfew can I just stay here tonight?"

"Your room is right next door. No one is going to catch you."

"I'm not scared of being caught. I just want to stay with you."

"But why? I am an asshole who calls you dumb, insults your hair, and no one likes me. Why would you ever choose to hang out with me?" I was being harsh but it was all true.

"Because you're not that bad. You're strong, manly, and kind you just hide it behind all your anger and your rage and you push everyone away so no one gets to see the sweet part of you. The more I get to know you, the more that nicer person comes out. At least when you're alone with me, but when anyone else is around you put up your wall again and act like the asshole everyone preceives you to be. But I've seen the nice side of you, the side that sits here calmly and helps me with my homework, the side that gets me snacks to keep me motivated, the side that smiles proudly anytime I figure out something on my own. I want to see more of that side. Because I think if you show it more often people would be less scared of you and just think your an ass. The girls would easily fall in love with you." He said very passionately, but I think something is still bothering him.

"You actually think so highly of me?" I ask trying not blush.

"Of course do. I just don't get why you don't let anyone else see it."

"Maybe it's I don't want all the girls to fall in love with me. Maybe I was trying to impress a certain manly dragon and prove that I'm worthy for him to tell me what's been bothering him." I looked him in the eye hoping he will open up to me.

"Bakubro I really hope that I'm understanding what you just said correctly. But if I'm completely off I really hope you'll stay my Best friend. I like you Katsuki Bakugo. As in I want to hold your hand and kiss you and always be by your side no matter how much it may hurt me. That's how much I like you. So I really really hope you like me even half as much as like you." He seemed sad as he said this

"Stop that. Stop being so sad. Seeing you sad make me angry. I never want to see you like this again. Because I really like you too. So from now I will do everything I can to never see you sad again. It doesn't match your personality." This made him smile his normal cute sharky smile.

"Okay, does this mean we're dating?"

"Of course we're dating. Now do you want to still stay the night you shark?"

"I get to stay and cuddle with my Bakubabe. I get to stay and cuddle with my boyfriend." He started jumping around.

"Did you just Bakubabe you hair for brains?"

"Yes and you already said you liked me. So there's no backing out now." He singsonged as he cuddle up to me. I turned on umbrella academy as we talked till he fell asleep on my lap. I turned off the tv as I moved slow as not to wake him then lay down wrapping my arms around my now boyfriend.


Thanks to all my guys, gals, and non-binary pals for reading this. I love you and you're all beautiful😘

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