10: Kiddnapped

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute." Izuku said to Shoto as he left the group of friends. They were all enjoying the gifts they had got from their partners. But as he was washing his hands Toga covered his mouth with a chloroform-soaked rag. Knocking him out almost instantly. She took the unconscious boy through the garbage door so as to not be seen. She carried Izuku into the back of the van. Once the doors were closed Twice started driving.

"So are you going to tell us why we just kidnapped someone from one of the most prestigious schools in the world? Or just maybe who he fucking is? And what the fuck is up with the bracelet on his arm?" Twice asked

"His name is Izuku Midoriya. I kidnapped him because he's cute and I'm jealous of Shoto Todoroki for getting the pleasure of dating him. So I'm going to take the one thing that he can't take back." She took off Izuku's heart rate bracelet and throw it out the window seeing no point in keeping it.

"Well, then can I have some fun with him too? If he is dating Shoto then he might need more of a male's touch."

"Of course but I get first dibs."

Back at UA

"Izuku's been gone for a while. Should we go look for him?" Shoto said

"No, it's only been five minutes. You're just being paranoid." As he said it the dreaded alarm he had heard one too many times before, went off. His face froze in horror as he looked around the room. Seeing this Shoto looked despaired already guessing what the alarm meant.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Eijiro picked up the phone shutting off the alarm and saw it was the heart rate app from that morning last week. Now knowing why Katsuki had panicked and went straight to Midoriya when seeing it. "Maybe it's not THAT maybe he just took it off."

"NO" Katsuki yelled "He would never take it off. He knows it tells me."

"Then we should at least go find him before some unlucky soul has to see him like that."

"He's right half and half. It will be very hard to explain everything otherwise. Plus we need to talk to him."

"He obviously doesn't want to talk to us. If he did he would be here but he's not. But your right I don't want anyone seeing him like that. Does the app show where he is?"

"Of course, how do you think I tracked him down the first time."

"What is going on? Who are you tracking down? What happened the first time?" Ochaco asked surprising the group of boys as they had forgotten about their classmates in the room.

"We'll explain everything later."

"They deserve to know he's their friend too."

"No, because there is a part of the story that Izuku told me and the vampire dog. And before you ask I'm not telling any of you extras. Because even after the stupid thing he just did it's still his secret to tell. Now come on Eijiro we have to go find him."

"Wait Bakugo, there's a rag covered in chloroform in here," Shoto said from the bathroom.

"Crap. Now we really have to find him." The three of them left school tracking the bracelet 3 miles away.

"Dammit, it's only the bracelet."

"But isn't that a good thing? It means he's not dead right?" Eijiro said

"No, because with the chloroform rag and the bracelet being here without his body and him also not showing up as a ghost that means even if he is alive. Someone kidnapped him from the school, they threw out the bracelet not knowing that it would send an alert to me, and they could do way worse things than just killing him." Katsuki started to spiral.

"Stop. Look at me, look at me, Kat. He's going to be fine, we will find him. No matter what I am right here beside you. And I always will be no matter what it is. So let's track his scent and go from there. Okay?" Eijiro said calming Katsuki down.

"Okay, but how are we supposed to track him when he was taken in a car?"

"If it was at the school then it was probably caught on camera," Shoto said trying not to panic himself. They went back to the school and they decided to tell Mr.Aizawa that Izuku had been kidnapped. The Pro heroes took over the search. Of course, their classmates had put the pieces together and wanted to help find Izuku.


Thanks to all my guys, gals, and non-binary pals for reading this. I love you and you're all beautiful😘

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