11: HELP!

⚠️Warning Rape and Murder⚠️

When Izuku finally woke up his hands and feet were chained down. He was also naked. He struggled against the chains before he heard a voice.

"Don't struggle my pet. I gave you something that will make sure your monster strength won't be a problem." Toga said petting his hair. "But to make sure you don't have to have any more struggle. I'll just give you a little more relaxing drugs to make you more comfortable and compliant."

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"That doesn't matter right now just stay still and let me have my fun. Then when I'm done with you I'll kill you. That way you don't have to worry about any of us anymore."

Back at UA

"Wait slow down you three tell us what happened again."

"I got an alert on my phone telling me Izuku's bracelet wasn't reading a heartbeat. We also found a chloroform-soaked rag in the bathroom. So we tracked the bracelet but it was abandoned on the side of the road. We think someone took Izuku and tossed the bracelet without knowing it would send an alert to me. We have no other way to track him. So we came back here to get some help."

"I'm proud of you for asking for help. We'll look at the security cameras and call the police. We're going to do our best to try and track him down. The rest of the kids go back to where you found the bracelet and try to see if there are any more clues that could lead you to where they are."

Katsuki, Eijiro, Shoto, and the rest of class 1A head out to look for Izuku. Making sure to stay together for safety.

"Hey about what you said before. You said that his bracelet wasn't detecting a heartbeat. So how did you know he wasn't just dead?"

"We didn't. It's called having hope." Shoto said "Like I'm still hoping that my boyfriend isn't somewhere hurt or being tortured or worse. So don't worry about what we're not saying and focus on trying to find him."

With Toga

"You feel so good inside me my pet." Toga said sitting on his dick.

"Stop. Please. I want to see Sho. I want to go home and be with my brother and my friends too. Please stop. Just let me go. I won't tell anyone." Izuku was crying and avoiding eye contact.

"Your so cute when you beg my pet. But no, as I said earlier when I'm done with you I'll give a nice painful death." She said as she climbed off him.

"Not so fast Toga. You promised me I could have some fun with him too." A guy said as he walks in. Already completely naked.

"What are you going to do with me?"

"Well, I heard you have a boyfriend. So I thought I would let you have the pleasure of having a real cock inside you before you died." This made Izuku cry and struggle even harder as Twice went hard and dry in his ass.

"You can struggle all you want. It won't make a difference in the outcome."

With Shoto

"I didn't find anything. How about you guys?" Shoto asked the other.

"No there is nothing to track." Katsuki said just as frustrated as Shoto.

"Hey, you can't lose hope that he is still alive." Eijiro tried to calm the two.

"I know he is still alive but that doesn't mean he's okay. The fact that they haven't killed him yet is what has me worried. It's been hours." Katsuki said worried more than angry.

Ring ring ring it was Aizawa calling Eijiro. He put it on speakerphone.

"We found them" he got a pin drop of the address and started flying without saying where it was. Everyone started following him on foot if they couldn't fly themselves.

With Twice

"O you come on you don't need to be strong just come for us." Toga said

"Too late Toga I hear sirens. We got to kill him and get out of here."

"You rune all my fun Twice. I guess it's your lucky day. Some deep cuts should finish you off quickly enough so we can get away. But you'll still feel lots and lots of pain."


Thanks to all my guys, gals, and non-binary pals for reading this. I love you and you're all beautiful

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