An endless abyss, a suffocating darkness restricting all light and sound. This chilling environment was everything currently surrounding Alexander. A rather "normal" person with no idea as to how he ended up here.
His last memory was of him going for a swim at the beach. What happened after that is a complete mystery with nothing else coming to mind. Trying to find out more about his current situation, Alexander first tried to move. Only to immediately find himself unable to a move a single muscle.
Although he did feel a very slight sensation, like his skin being wrapped in something. As to what that substance was he had no idea. He then tried to speak, ending in a similar manner as he wasn't able to even open his mouth.
Time progressed making it more difficult for Alexander to maintain his composure. How could anyone really, not being able to see, feel or speak.
His thoughts naturally swayed to his past memories focusing specially on his "Final" moments. Yet no matter how hard he focused he repeatedly came up empty-handed. The only thing he was certain of was that he dove into the water and somehow ended up here.
* Could I have died? Death by drowning.. Is this the afterlife? A place of nothingness. No cloud like paradise or fiery hell, just nothing?*
At this time a sliver of light managed to pierce through the darkness, lighting a portion of his surroundings. Unfortunately it wasn't a portion he could actually make out from his fixed position. Thankfully that small sliver quickly expanded bringing in more light into the dark space.
* What's happening now? Where's this light coming from? Is there some sort of meaning behind it? Either way it should be better than sticking around here in total darkness.*
Becoming increasingly open to the idea of leaving his short lived prison. Alexander patiently waited for the light to consume the entirety of the space.
Inside a small humble cottage, who's structure shook violently from the thunderous storm roaring outside. A young woman visibly in labor was being attended by a middle aged woman kneeling by the foot of her bed. Atop of which the young women screamed at the top of her lungs as the midwife kept instructing her to push.
" Dear you've got to push! I can almost see the child's head. Just a little bit more..."
Meanwhile the thunder storm outside sent down a flurry of lighting strikes. The last of which was hit extremely close to the quaint little cottage. It also completely drowned out a subtle cry, after which the entire world seemed to fall into silence.
Inside the black abyss the ever expanding light formed into a tunnel leading up directly towards Alexander.
* It's finally here, my chance to get out of, whatever exactly this place is. Which I'm obviously going to take!*
Focusing all of his being or whatever he currently was, Alexander attempted to reach out and grasp the light making up the tunnel.
* C'mon, stupid body. Move! Please move! I don't want to get stuck here! Move damnit! Move!!*
Pushing his mental energy to its upmost limit, actually resulted in nothing happening. While also proving to be a complete waste of time as the light naturally enveloped Alexander.
In the moments following, Alexander's extraction from the abyss. The darkness was entirely extinguished by a flash of blinding light. After which that too quickly subsided, revealing Alexander's new surroundings, a dimly lit cottage.
* W-WHAT?!*
Alexander's confusion wasn't just due to the cottage, but rather that he could now make out part of his body.
* I'm a baby. I'm a goddamn baby! What the fuck is going on!?*
As Alexander screamed internally facing this new nonsensical situation he found himself in. The midwife held him down and proceeded to cut his umbilical cord. Afterwards gently handing him over to the clearly exhausted young mother.
" Here, you can hold him."
Albeit weak the young woman managed to summon enough strength to reach out and grab her child. After which she gently caressed it's left cheek while whispering the following words.
" My dear child, although your father wasn't able to be here. He managed to send a raven with your name contained within..."
Forcing herself upwards, she tightly held onto the newborn before revealing his name.
" Myles Storm."
Alexander meanwhile was still stuck on the part about him being a baby. Not paying attention to anything the woman holding him was saying. Fortunately it seems time is on his side, for his new life is just beginning.