Unrelenting Truth

Settling down, Myles tried everything to wake up from this nightmare. Unfortunately it was to no avail, this was in fact his new reality. One were he'd have to fight to survive going by his current living conditions. A small cottage lacking in most things that one would need. Although it did have a sturdy roof protecting them from the ongoing lightning storm.

" I'll come around in a few hours to see how you're doing. For now try to rest."

Saying these words, the old midwife glanced at Myles in his mother grasp before stepping out. Leaving Myles alone, as his mother had fallen asleep from exhaustion. Granting him some peace and quite to figure out where exactly he was.

* Well, having ruled out this being a fever dream or weird drug trip. It seems that I've been reborn in a different world, either that or gone back in time. Going by everything I've seen, like the furniture and their clothes.*

He mentally sighed as he swept the entire cottage with a defeated gaze. The cramped hut was a far cry from his home in his previous life. Trying his best to think positive, he refocused on his findings.

* As for the locals, they appear to be of English descent, clear examples being their skin tone, hair and eye color. As well as their language, it's an old type of English, albeit with a weird dialect. One I haven't heard of before.*

That last observation eased Myles' mind. As it would make it easier for him to learn more about his new home. It was also around this time that his body finally gave out. Not being able to withstand the mental stress it took for him to process everything that had happened. Thankfully, he was in his mother's arms, the perfect place to rest.




It was almost a week after his birth that Myles learned where he actually was. It was a place that almost everyone who'd heard of it would never want to live in. The world of the extremely popular television series, A Game Of Thrones.

The way he found out was through bits and pieces of conversations his mother had with the midwife who'd delivered him. At first the names and places they mentioned didn't ring a bell. However after the woman explicitly mentioned King's Landing and the Red Keep. It basically all but confirmed that he was in The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.

Myles' first thought being.

* Oh, I'm totally going to die.*

Further expanding on this a few seconds later after accepting this death sentence of a life.

* Being born here, besides the pure impossibility of it all, is infuriating. Everyone in this godforsaken world dies, not comfortably but in a variety of cruel and sadistic ways.*

The revelation of his new found world, sent Myles to a dark place. He yelled at himself internally for having such rotten luck. Due to him unable to properly control his body much less speak.

* Damnit! Goddamn it! Why did I end up in this twisted and fucked up world!? Now all I can think of how I'm going to die. Will it be by evil sadistic nobles, fire breathing dragons or by the fucking undead!? Damn it all to hell!*

Myles' self loathing went on for quite a while until his mother picked him up to feed him. Proving to be just what he needed as it allowed him to see a possible silver lining. Being that he actually had knowledge of events taking place in this world. The usefulness of his knowledge however was yet to be determined.

* The show ran for eight seasons, so hopefully I'm alive during one of them. Because if I'm not, this second life will be set on impossible mode. Now how do I find out when I'm alive?*

This new question, rattled in his mind for several hours. Hindered by the fact that he couldn't speak to simply ask. There not being any calenders or anything of the sort and his mother not mentioning anything related to it. Forcing Myles to accept defeat, at least momentarily. Once he could speak it would be a simple question to answer. For now he just had to be patient and wait.

Other thoughts soon filled his head such as his future. More specifically what he would do with his new life in this world. Unlike the previous question he found an answer almost immediately. He'd take a journey to the Citadel and train to become a Maester. One of, if not the most easy and safe occupations in the entire world. Which also accepted "Small Folk" or commoners into their order. Something he was absolutely certain he was, considering his modest home.

* Thankfully I retained my memories from my previous life. Basically assuring my acceptance into the order. Compared to others my age I'm a genius. No matter how much they study, they can't make up for a twenty year head start. Now that I'm seeing it in this light, this might not be such a bad life after all.*

Becoming confident in his decision to strive for a comfortable job. Myles was able to relax if just for the meantime as he didn't necessarily have to rush. For now he'd wait and try to familiarize himself with how things truly worked here.




Some time after, in the center of a quaint little cottage. Stood fair olive skinned boy with a head full of messy black hair and electric blue eyes. The once tiny Myles now prepared to take his first steps.with the help of his mother. Whose name he eventually learned and clarified was simply Katheryn. She was crouching a few feet away, arms wide open trying to motion him towards her. Myles' possessing horrendous speed and balance eventually made his way towards her. Who immediate took him in her arms and burst with tears of joy.

" Good job, honey! I knew you could do it! I'm so proud of you!"

This paramount moment in a parents and child's lives, went completely over Myles' head.

* After a grueling five months, the day has finally arrived. I'll be free to wander around and escape the bed I've been confined to.*

Contrary to his thoughts Myles still instinctively hugged her back.




( Seven Months Later)

Today Myles was annoyed throughout the entire morning. The reason being the news of his father's arrival for Myles' first nameday. Someone he believed to be dead or not exist altogether until earlier today.

* According to the old ladies that mother occasionally talks to, she never married. So I'm probably a child born out of wedlock, maybe a bastard? If so then whose? The son of a famous lord perhaps? Ah, who am I kidding. The most probable answer is some no name rouge. Otherwise mother and I wouldn't have to live in the middle of nowhere. Well, whatever it doesn't matter anyways.*

Myles' nameday, for the most part went on like any other regular day. His mom did the best she could to make it special, but with little money it wasn't much. It also didn't help that they lived isolated from anyone else. So there wasn't anyone to invite over, although that was probably for the best. As for the much awaited arrival of his father it had yet to occur.

" Mom, and your food?"

Myles asked in a squeaky voice, as he noticed that she'd only served him.

" I'm sorry honey, I got hungry earlier and ate without you. So hurry up before I eat your food too."

While her words may have worked on a regular child, Myles knew that she was lying. Which only made it worse as he couldn't help, but lament for her sacrifice. Swearing to better not only his own life but hers as well.

It wasn't until almost the middle of the night that a forceful knock resounded throughout their cottage. Startling Myles who was falling asleep and his mother who cautiously went over to investigate.

" W-who's there!"

She yelled behind the door, to which a loud male voice answered.

" Katheryn, it's me."

Hearing that familiar voice, she took a deep breath before unlocking the door. Revealing a cloaked figure standing below the doorway. Who stepped inside, closed the door behind himself prior to removing his cloak. The man underneath was rather tall, with fair olive skin, black hair and dark brown eyes. To Myles he looked around his mid thirties maybe a bit younger.

" M-my lord, thank you for coming. I- Myles come greet your father!"

Hearing his mother, Myles didn't falter and quickly walked over. Managing to sneak a glance towards his father as he did so. Unfortunately he didn't recognize the man standing in front of him. Meaning that he wasn't an important character and most likely a nobody.

* Tch, just my luck. Born to a random.*

Although thinking the former, Myles didn't allow it to show on his face as he happily greeted the man.

" Hello. my lord."

Myles vocal greeting proved to be a pleasant surprise to his father. Who had trouble refraining from expressing such heartwarming emotions. Partially due to his focus on the similarities they shared. Such as their skin tone, hair color and facial aesthetic. The only discrepancy being their eye color which Myles partially shared with his mother.

" The boy can talk?"

He asked turning towards Katheryn with a puzzled look.

" Ah, yes! He started mouthing off words around five months ago. I too was surprised at first, but it just proves how intelligent he is."

As she answered, Myles could see that she was genuinely proud of him.

" I see, and when did he take his first steps?"

He again directed himself to Katheryn. Who quickly responded.

" Around the same time my lord."

Hearing her response, Myles' father actually revealed a slight grin. Something his mother was quick to notice, and took it as the opportunity to further praise Myles.

" That's good to hear. All good men start young. Well boy, here, I've brought you something..."

Only now did his father acknowledge Myles' presence. As he retrieved a small wooden toy soldier which he presented to him.

" Thank you father."

Myles acted the part of a grateful son while receiving the toy. Following that quick introduction, his mother sent him to play with his new toy. That said there wasn't that much space inside, so he merely stepped off to the side. Although far enough to allow them to speak on more pressing matters. Those regarding their money issues, specifically that they didn't have any.

" I'm quite aware of what I promised you, and I've kept my word. Here this should cover your basic necessities for the time being."

His father voiced while placing a large leather pouch in front of Katheryn. Who glances at him for a few seconds before accepting it. He then withdrew another smaller pouch from which he took out a few silver coins.

" Here, make sure the boy eats right. He's looking quite thin."

Hearing him say this, Katheryn couldn't help but gaze at Myles with an almost visible light.

" Thank you, my lord! I'll be sure to have him eat properly."

Shortly after that she had Myles go to sleep, likely so she could have a serious talk with his father. Myles of course simply closed his eyes wanting to overhear the conversation. Doing so he was able to learn of an important piece of news his father's identity. The Master-at-arms at the Red Keep in King's Landing, Aron Santagar. What made this so important was the fact that he was appointed by the current King, Robert Baratheon.

A sign that Myles was probably born some time before the start of the Tv series. Terrific news for him who possesses years of future knowledge. Hopefully enough to safely maneuver around all the danger in this twisted world.

* Yes! Thank you God! You've yet to forsaken me! Not only was I born at a perfect time, I'm also the son of a knight. I may be a bastard, but It's still way better than before. Luckily I made sure to make a good first impression, maybe down the line I could get legitimized. Or at the very least have him fund my studies at the Citadel.*

Seeing a light at the end of the dark tunnel that was now his life. Myles was overjoyed by these sudden but welcoming revelations. He even decided to spend as much time as possible with his father during his stay. Only to then hear him bid farewell to his mother, promising to come again next year.

* Damn it. Nothing's ever easy in this world...*