Innocence Lost

Three years laters, the thin small child Myles used to be was now long gone. After an unexpected growth spurt he now reached his mother's waist. He was now able to complete a series of household chores. While also being allowed to go outside and explore. Although not finding much, as they literally lived in the middle of nowhere.

As for his father, he still only visited them on Myles' nameday. The reason being his post in King's Landing demanding him to be present year round. Remarkably his financial support not only continued but steadily increased. When he did visit, Myles made sure to interact with him as much as possible. In an attempt to impress but more subtly, fish for any information about current events. The former usually went much smoother, as his father wasn't a very talkative person.

Interestingly during his third nameday, his father shared some rare personal details about his life. Such as his full name being, Aron Santagar, being part of the Dornish Noble House Santagar. Older cousin to the current "Knight of Spottswood" Symon Santagar. Who as luck would have it, had only sired a daughter.

This not only meant that Myles was half Dornish, but more importantly he could become the House's Heir.

* Myles Santagar, it does have a nice ring to it. Maybe I should forget all about becoming a Maester. Being a Dornish prince sound a whole lot better and probably way more fun.*

Unbeknownst to his father, this sudden revelation gave Myles more to think about. Being as far away from the upcoming battles and war would be easy if he was in Dorne.

* Why stay in here and become a Maester if I can just go south and avoid the war all together? That seems like the better solution.*

Regrettably this world had a tendency to decide ones future itself. With the most dangerous and bloodstained path usually being chosen.




The morning of his fourth nameday, Myles went out to explore the nearby woods. Something he'd come to do whenever he found himself bored. His mother allowed him to do so, on the condition that he not stray too far from home. Myles always reassured her before running into the forest, soon vanishing within.

While still confused about the entirety of the Seven Kingdoms geography. Myles was able to figure out that they lived on the outskirts of a small village somewhere in the Kingswood. With the Kingswood being a large forested area in the Stormlands. One of the aforementioned Seven Kingdoms.

Inside the woods Myles was careful enough not to cause too much noise. Taking his time to enjoy and take in the beauty found only found inside. Not so much because he was probably the weakest thing in these woods.

Following a dirt path he'd found on a previous walk, Myles was able to take a leisure stroll. After growing tired he decided to call it quits and head back home. Then just as he was nearing the forest's exit, a loud yet familiar voice entered his ears.

" I'm warning you! Leave at once! My husband will soon be arriving from his hunt."

" Heh, now why would you lie? I'm well aware that you have no husband, living here only with your son. So how about you stop screaming and instead invite me inside. If you do, I might leave you a coin or two! Hahahaha!"

Hearing these threatening words, Myles rushed over as fast as he could. All the while thinking how he could save his mother.

" Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!! If that piece of shit even touches a single hair on her head. I'll fucking kill him!"

He furiously growled unable to contain his anger. Since the only person he cared about in this world was his mother. She who constantly sacrificed herself to make his life even a tiny bit better. He couldn't even remember how many times she'd gone to bed hungry yet found a way to feed him. She truly was an exceptional mother who placed him above herself.

Arriving at their cottage, Myles witnessed a stocky man dressed in black assault his mother. It seemed that he was trying to rip her clothes off, but she managed to push him off of her. Although he was able to make of with a part of her blouse in the process. As for Katheryn she stumbled backwards ultimately falling to the ground. From where she furiously glared up at him.

" Oh, you're a feisty one aren't ya! Well c'mon keep fighting, it'll make it all the more satisfying when you finally submit."

The bandit wickedly snarled as he took a long whiff of Katheryn's ripped blouse. Just then as he was about to close in on her again a high pitch voice rang from behind him.

" Mother!"

The voice Myles cried out as he couldn't bear to see his mother in such a state.

" Well now, isn't this sweet, the little bastard's come to save his whore mother. Too bad I'm not one to go easy on intrusive brats."

Bracing himself for a fight, Myles grit his teeth and raised up both of his fists. Seeing this little kid stand up to him seriously annoyed the bandit who sneakily drew out a knife. Myles wasn't able to see this but Katheryn was. Resulting in her yelling out her surrender and pleading for mercy, for Myles.

" Stop! Please, I'll do whatever you want, just leave my son out of this, please! I beg of you!"

Myles couldn't believe what was happening immediately screaming out in protest.

" Mother no!"

Katheryn then stood up, walked over to him and whispered into his ear.

" Don't worry dear everything will be fine. I'll be back soon, go inside and wait for me."

After saying these words, she left with the man into the nearby woods, who brazenly groped her as they did so. At this point, Myles saw the bandit's knife which he previously missed.

" She was protecting me from his sneak attack... Mother thank you, but it's now my turn to save you! Please wait for me!"




Heading inside the dense forest, the bandit fondled Katheryn's body, who squirmed from disgust as he did so.

" You know, I actually wanted you to fight a little longer to make it more interesting, but this isn't too bad either. At the end of the day I'll still be fucking you."

Wearing several layers of clothes to protect him from the cold weather. The bandit took a few moments getting his trousers off. In which Katheryn quietly prayed to the Gods for the strength to withstand such vile torment.

Done undressing, he grabbed her wrist and ripped off all of her remaining clothes. Throwing them off to the side, before having her face away from him and lean forward.

" Turn around, let me get a good look at this-"

Seeing Katheryn's bare lower body the bandit became overly excited. To the point of willfully ignoring his surroundings. Had he been paying attention he'd have noticed the sound of nearing footsteps. Unfortunately he didn't and soon enough felt sharp pain followed by a warm liquid running down his thighs. Looking down he found a small kitchen knife protruding from his scrotum.


He wailed before crumbling to the ground from the immense agony he was suffering. Unable to stop the bleeding and succumbing to the pain the bandit began losing conscience. Just as he was though he was able to see his attacker. Standing a few inches away, was Myles' with blood stained hands.

" Y-you..."

The bandit could only let out that single word before meeting his end. As for the young boy, he silently looked on until the man took his final breath.

" Myles..."

Hearing his mother's voice, Myles' snapped back into reality. Turning towards the sound of her voice, he was met by a very tight embrace.

* Mother...*

Thinking how insidious he must've looked as he waited for the man to die. Myles half expected his mother to look at him in horror, she wasn't. The only perceivable emotion in her eyes was an overwhelming sense of relief.

" Myles! My dear Myles...

She then repeatedly said his name while hugging him we've so tighter. As I'd he would somehow vanish if she didn't grab onto him.




Although the bandit was dead, that didn't mean things ended there. Katheryn had the responsibility to head into the nearest village and report the attack. As for Myles he was to stay in the cottage in case his father arrived earlier than expected.

Being alone, Myles recalled the sense of helplessness he'd felt against the bandit.

" My mother was almost raped in front of me and there wasn't anything I could do to save her."

The gut wrenching feeling lingering inside Myles slowly stirring. Flashes of what happened flashing repeatedly inside his head. Only momentarily stopping at the calming sound of his mother's voice. Running to open the door for her, he was caught off guard by the appearance of another person.

" Village Head, this is my son Myles."

Confused as to what was happening, Myles glanced at the thin old man standing before him. The two adults then entered seemingly continuing their previous conversation. With no room to interject, Myles stood off to the side silently watching.

" Hmm, Mira told me she delivered your boy four summers ago. But no matter how I look at it this boy's far too big. He appears to be at least twice that age!"

" Myles' is definitely big for his age, but it's true, in fact he's turning four today."

" Good, good. He'll grow up to be a strong young lad. Another knight from the Stormlands perhaps."

At the end of the man's sentence, his mother gave him a meaningful glance. Which Myles instinctively picked up on and thanked the man for his words.

" Thank you, for the high praise. Sir."

Garnering a nod from the old man, before things shifted to a much more serious matter.

" Now Myles, your mother told me what happened. However, I'd like to hear things from your own mouth. Katheryn do you mind?"

" N-no, not at all. Myles, don't worry I'll be right outside."

" Yes, mother."

With Katheryn's exit, the old man took a seat opposite of Myles. Who started retelling what had occured from his point of view. After which the old man could only sigh, shake his head and thank Myles for doing what was needed. Pointing out the fact that being on the outskirts of the village made it almost impossible for them to come help them. If not for his actions his mother and even he could have been killed.

Shortly after that, the old man left leaving Myles to process what he just told him.

* I made a crucial mistake... How could I be so stupid, there's no happy endings in this cruel world. Living out a worry free life isn't just difficult it's down right impossible. In this world, the strong rule while the weak are crushed beneath their boots. So what if I'm a Maester, how could such an empty title help me against a sword? I was wrong to think I wouldn't have to get my hands dirty. For this entire world is already covered in blood. All I can do is make sure mine isn't added to it.*




True to form, Myles' father arrived in the dead of night covered in a black cloak. He'd come to expect for Myles to enthusiastically greet him as he'd done so the past years. However today he could tell something was off. Primary because even the cheerful Katheryn was struggling to maintain a smile.

" What's wrong?"

He asked trying to figure out what led to the current mood. Katheryn was ready to explain, but was interrupted by Myles. Who walked up to his father before lowering his head and asking the following.

" Father, could you please train me to become a knight?"

Aron was genuinely surprised by Myles words, delaying his response. Not fully understanding what was going on, he turned to face Katheryn who wore a sullen expression. Trying to get a better grasp on things, he asked a question he himself had to answer.

" Why do you want to become a knight?"

A question his father had asked Aron when he asked to become a knight. Now he was asking it to his son, wondering how he would answer.

" To gain the strength to protect those who cannot defend themselves. To keep my family safe and to vanquish any who dare to harm them."

Aron had come to think of his son as abnormal, and with visit this suspicion grew. Since when did four year olds give such impressive answers.

* Sometimes I can't help but wonder if he's truly my son.*

Unable to find a suitable response, Aron patted Myles' head. Unsure what a pat on the head meant, Myles sought clarification.

" Father?"

" That's a good answer. However the road to becoming a knight is not for the weak of heart. Do you have the conviction to follow the path until the bitter end?"

Myles quickly glanced over to his mother before answering.

" Yes."

" Good!"

Gaining his father's approval, Myles stepped outside to look at the stars. Since he knew that his mother would have to tell him what happened. He then heard his father's fist striking their wooden table repeatedly. Followed by the sound of his mother sobbing uncontrollably.

Finding it difficult to remain calm while hearing her cry out with such sorrow. Myles grit his teeth and dug his nails into his palm as hard as he could. Only stopping when the blood had stained his entire hand. Staring out into the vast starry night, he regretted his ignorant view of things from before.

" My knowledge isn't something tangible that can protect me. It's merely a survival guide, nothing more, I have to gain the strength to do so myself. Because there's no point in knowing what happens in a year's time, if I die tomorrow... And that feeling of helplessness I felt today, I never want to experience that again."