Tearful Farewell

The aftermath of the attack on Myles' fourth nameday was swift. That same night, his father decided on taking them to King's Landing. Explaining that they'd be much safer inside the city walls and allow him to personally train Myles.

Of the those proposed, Katheryn couldn't be more overjoyed. Myles on the other hand immediately refused. To his parents shock, specially his father's.

" I'm sorry father, but I don't want to move to King's Landing."

Myles reasoning for refusing a move anyone else would jump at the chance was straightforward. King's Landing is and will continue to be, a Lions Den for the noticeable future. Having just experienced a near death situation, he wasn't crazy enough to jump into another.

As expected, his parents wanted to know why Myles refused the move. For which, he quickly formed a story about wanting to move to Dorne.

" Father, you've said that your family is from Dorne, mother's home is here, in the Stormlands. If we're to leave mother's home I'd like to do so for yours, I wish to go to Dorne."

While being aware that acting spoiled was completely out of character for him. Myles wasn't in a position where he could afford to be the obedient son he normally was. In King's Landing he'd eventually be forced to join a faction in their deadly pursuit for the crown. Something he didn't want to get involved with at such an early age.

" Myles, I understand that it may be difficult for you to understand this, but I cannot abandon my post. I swore an oath to King Robert, one that I must honor. I can't simply sail back to Dorne with you, not now."

His father tried to persuade Myles to reconsider. A difficult matter to so easily disregard but necessary.

" Father, I know I'm being selfish, specially after asking you to train me into a knight. It's just that I want to get closer to your fam- my Dornish heritage. Can I not learn how to be a knight in our homeland?"

Although he corrected himself Myles' intentionally mentioned his father's family. It was in an attempt to pull onto his father's emotional heartstrings.

" Is that truly what you want?"

Seeing his father's current melancholic expression Myles knew he had to press even more.

" It is. I'm sorry. I just wanted to use this as an opportunity to visit your homeland. To meet my uncle and cousin, to have a family..."

" (Sigh) No need to apologize, it's normal for you to want to know more about where we come from. Besides if anyone should apologize it's me, I haven't been there for you."

" Does that mean you'll let me go?"

Myles enthusiastically asked, believing he'd succeeded. Only to then hear his father's response.

" Given that it's your nameday, I'll gift you the opportunity to earn my permission."

* What does that mean?*

Myles' quietly pondered, while his mother looked on with worry. Sensing this Aron clarified his words, causing Myles' expression to drastically change.

" I will remain here for a month to teach you basic swordplay. After which I will return to King's Landing for the remaining year. While I'm gone, you're obviously going to continue your training. Then on your fifth nameday I will return to test out your progress. If you pass, I'll grant you my permission to sail to Dorne. However if you fail, I will personally drag you to King's Landing."

The more Myles listened to his father's plan, the more excited he became.

* This, this is perfect. For an entire month I'll be training with a knight. Even if it was for less than that, it's still an incredible opportunity. Having a time constraint and not knowing how he'll test me also adds a sense of urgency. Basically assuring that I take this as seriously as I can or face a considerable punishment if I fail. It's genius!*

Following his father explanation, Myles couldn't help but be amazed by the proposition. So much that he subconsciously spouting out the first thing that popped into his head.

" W-when do we start!?"

Hearing Myles response, Aron wondered where his son's confidence came from.

* He's an odd one alright.*




True to his word, Aron rode to Felwood the next morning. Where that was Myles didn't precisely know other than it was a nearby castle. There he would send word to King's Landing regarding his absence. Myles' real training would have to wait until his return.

In the meantime, Myles was to swing a wooden sword his after made, one hundred times. There was no time limit and he could take breaks in between swings. The catch being that he couldn't put down the sword until after the hundredth swing. It was a straightforward and simple task. One which Myles could have accomplished in ten minutes, if he was in his old body, not that of a four year old.

* How come this thing is so damn heavy? No it's not heavy I'm just really weak. Damnit.*

With the training proving more difficult than he originally thought. Myles grit his teeth, closed his eyes and just swung. It wasn't elegant or even consistent but he kept swinging.

* C'mon, I can do this. Remember that feeling from yesterday. Do you want to feel that again? Do you want to see your mother in such a state again? Then swing, swing until your fucking arms fall off!*

When it was time for supper, Katheryn went to call Myles. On her way, she recalled seeing him struggling earlier a couple of hours ago. Assuming that he would be frustrated she came with the intention to cheer him up.

Until she saw Myles drenched in sweat while slowly raising his sword. He then swung downwards, with the sword stopping as it hit the ground. He then struggled to raise it up again, but by sheer force of will managed to do so again. Taking a closer look, she noticed that his hands were completely stained crimson.

* Myles!*

Katheryn thought of yelling out to her son but ultimately stopped herself from doing so.

" My dear boy..."

Whispering these three words before going back inside. As she did so small crystal droplets fell onto the earthy ground.

Thinking he'd heard someone talking, Myles opened his eyes and looked around, yet found no one.

" Must've been my imagination. At least I can rest now..."

No soon did Myles utter these words before finally collapsing from exhaustion.

" Hehehe, I did it. I actually fucking did it! Hahahaha!"

From inside their cottage, Katheryn smiled as she heard Myles laughing triumphantly.




Upon his return, Aron was surprised to see that Myles did as he was told. Even being fascinated that Myles could swing the heavy thing continuously. In all honesty he wasn't expecting Myles to actually swing a broken tree branch one hundred times. He just wanted for him to have something to do while he wasn't there.

" He's really something..."

Aron had thought of not intervening and allowing Myles to continue. Until he took notice of something peculiar, around Myles' hands. He then walked over to him and ordered him drop the sword.

" Father, you're back!"

" Drop the sword."

" What? Why, am I doing it wrong?"

Without saying another word, Aron pulled Myles' hands apart, revealing two bloody palms.

" How many times have you swung this sword?"

" O-one hundred times, just like you said..."

" You swung this one hundred times yesterday!?"

" Yes?"

Aron was genuinely impressed by Myles determination. It was something rarely seen even in soldiers.

" It's almost time for supper, go wash up and have your mother bandage your hands."

" Yes, right away sir!"

Still rather confused by what just happened, Myles shook it off before running inside. Leaving his father to remember the deal he'd made with him.

" He's exceeding all of my expectations. Witnessing the talent of real genius is such a scary sight."




A months time came and went, and with it Aron's departure from the Stormlands. This time the farewells were rather emotional as they'd gotten close this past month. Myles had grown accustomed to his father's presence during training. Which he now had to do by himself for the next eleven moths.

As for his mother Katheryn, she clearly wanted to spend more time with him. Although she never blamed Myles for his request to move to Dorne. Rather she was extremely supportive of her dutiful son. She cleaned his wounds and routinely reminded him of the importance of rest.

As for the incident with the bandit, Myles was found innocent, acting out of self defense. Aron had also requested the Lord of House Fell to increase their patrols around the Kingswood. Hopefully their presence would be enough of a deterrent to such outlaws.

Before leaving Aron handed Myles a parchment containing the training regiment he'd follow. Supposedly covering all of the basics of swordplay such as proper form, footwork and defense.

" This is, alot..."

An overwhelmed Myles muttered as he stared at the long list of routines and exercises.

" Who could possibly follow such archaic training regiment?"

Even though he said this, Myles took a deep breath before starting.

* Not like I have any other choice. Let's just get this done with. The sooner I complete my father's test the faster I'll be in Dorne. Maybe I'll even run into the Red Viper. I'd love to learn his spear techniques, I mean they took down the fucking Mountain.*




Around five months after Aron's departure, Myles hit a roadblock in his training. The wooden sword his father had provided broken down from use. Myles naturally replaced them, but they too eventually broke down. So for the past few days he'd skipped over his sword training.

* It's probably okay, those tree branches were difficult to control anyways.*

Reaching this conclusion, Myles focused on training the other aspects of the regiment. What he didn't know was that his mother kept a watchful eye on his training. She also knew the reason why the wooden swords had become useless. It was because during summer the trees around the Kingswood absorb too much water. Causing the wood to rot from the inside, easily breaking apart.

Of course even if Myles knew this information there wasn't anything else he could do. His father hadn't left him a steel sword and he had no idea where to get one. That's why he decided on working on the aspect that he could.

For the next couple of days, Katheryn would take more frequent trips to the village. Something she rarely ever did other than to purchase daily necessities. Myles did offer to go with her but was rejected every time. Eventually he gave up and went back to focusing on his training. His sense of urgency slowly growing as the days passed.

Then one day, his mother returned from the village with a wide smile across her face. Myles found it a bit odd, specially when she ran directly to him.

" Mother, what happened? What are we celebrating?"

He asked trying to learn the reason behind her joyous mood.

" Close your eyes."

" Eh, close my eyes? Why?"

" Just do it."

" Okay..."

Closing his eyes, Myles was curious as to the reason why. Only for him to feel something cold and heavy hit his head. Causing him to instinctively open his eyes and catch his mother holding onto a rusty short sword.

" Surprise!"

" A sword? Where did you get this?"

" That's not important. Can you use it for your training?"

" Y-yeah, but how did you know I needed a-"

" Enough talk, now that you have a sword continue with your training."

She didn't say another word, turned back and headed inside. As Myles stood there trying to process what just happened.

* Is that why she kept going to the village, to find me a sword? She's extremely caring and loving, I really couldn't have asked for a better mother.*

Swinging the old sword, Myles found it several times better than the wooden ones. For one it actually had proper weight balance and the grip was steady. Allowing him to effortlessly control the trajectory of his swing and thrust.

" Oh, this changes everything."

Wielding an actual sword, Myles felt confident in passing his father's test.




On the eve of his fifth nameday, Myles was awakened by the sweet aroma of elk roasting by the fire. A dish he'd come to love, specially the way his mother prepared it. Yet when wiping away the sleep from his eyes, it was his father tending to the flame.

" You're awake."

" Father! You're here, we were expecting you after supper."

" Your mother said the same thing, now she's gone to purchase another two pounds of elk."

With his father's arrival, Myles wasted no time getting ready for morning training. Doing so partially to display his dedication, but more so out of habit. After retrieving a cloaked item from underneath his bed Myles darted outside.

Curious as to what Myles took from under his bed, Aron follows after him.

Myles training took place a short walk from their cottage, at a small clearing bordering the nearby woods. Upon arriving, he placed the concealed item on the ground next to him. After which he took out a pair of leather gloves from his trouser pockets. Handmade by his mother in order to protect his hands from tirelessly swinging his sword.

Aron made sure to not disturb Myles as he was only here to observe. At least that's what he intended to do. Until Myles revealed the mysterious item, an old short sword. While certainly old, after some care, it shined under sunlight. Seeing the glimmering sword in Myles hands Aron couldn't help but burst out laughing.

" Hahahaha..."

Obviously grabbing Myles attention, who didn't know what was so funny.

" Father, is something the matter? I-is my form that bad?"

" No, no. It's not that. It's just laughable how I'm always a step behind."

" What do you mean, Sir?"

" I'll tell you later, for now let me see the result of your training. Remember that if it's not up to par, you'll move with me to King's Landing. Now come!"

As he spoke, Aron unsheathed his sword and took his stance. His final line a clear invitation for Myles to attack.

" Right away, Sir!

Myles gave Aron a short bow before retreating a few steps back. Tightly gripped his sword, got into his stance before rushing in and swinging forward.

Aron parried the attack but did not counter, allowing Myles to string a series of blows together. All of which Aron effortlessly parried, however the real threat was yet to come. As Myles quickly dashed to the right and swung upwards with all his might. The sound of metal clashing letting him know that it was blocked.

" Good, very good. Although your swings lack power they're quick and precise. Now let's see how your resilient your defense is!"

Aron then dashed towards Myles launching a series of attacks of his own. All being parried by Myles, although it clearly took a toll on him.

* Damnit, even though I knew they were coming a couple almost broke through. Their power was insane too, my arms won't stop trembling...*

Not done just yet, Aron lunged forward and thrust his sword. Myles seemed to imitate his father as he too dashed forward. Much to his father's surprise who believed he'd dodge out of the way. The reason was soon revealed as Myles spun a split second before his father's sword arrived. Immediately going for another upward slash this time aimed at his father's armpit.

* I got him!*

That was the last thought Myles had before finding himself laying on the ground.

* Huh!?*

Myles then passed out unable to explain what happened.




When he opened his eyes again, Myles found himself back home laying on his bed. Off to the side his mother was furiously shouting at his father.

" Have you gone mad!? How could you strike him unconscious!?"

" Katheryn, I swear by the Seven that I didn't mean to-"

" Who cares what you meant, my son now lies- Myles! Are you okay dear?"

Luckily for his father, Myles woke up sooner than later. As it appeared that his mother was close to claiming his life.

" I'm fine mother. Although I'd like to know what happened."

Myles turned towards his father giving him a meaningful glance.

" That spin move of yours caught me off guard. Naturally I turned to block your incoming attack. Unfortunately when I pulled back my arm my elbow it..."

His father didn't have to explain further as it was pretty clear what happened after.

" I see. So does this mean I have to take the test again?"

" No. You passed."

Hearing his father's words, Myles almost jumped in excitement. If not for the intense headache he was currently dealing with.

" Does that mean I don't have to go to King's Landing anymore!?"

" That's right. As I promised, you have my permission to go to Dorne. That said, you still need to get your mother's permission."

" Mom! You'll let me go, right!?"

He eagerly asked, as he turned to face his mother. Who up to this point had been the only person consistently by his side.

" If that's what you wish for, then you have my permission."

Tears then slowly rolled down Myles' face.

" My sweet child, why are you crying?"

She asked, to which Myles replied.

" Because your crying."

Katheryn intended to hide her emotions behind a forced smile. Yet as she finally said those words, sending her only son away, tears escaped her smiling facade.

" Myles, promise me that you'll take care of yourself and that you'll write whenever you can."

" Of course mother, but why don't you come with me?"

" I-i can't."

" Why not?"

" Myles, I'm extremely proud to be your mother. You're everything I hoped for and so much more. You're truly special, meant to accomplish many great things in this world. That's why I don't want to hold you back anymore. The best thing I can do for you right now is to let you go."

As his mother's words came to an end, Myles looked up, to meet her mist filled gaze.

" I promise to become the person you believe I can."

" I know that you will."

Katheryn then tightly embraced her son, while recalling that stormy night five years ago.