From Myles' small cottage there were two ways to reach Dorne. One was to ride southwest past Summerhall down the Boneway until reaching western Dorne. From there Myles would have to ride for several weeks until reaching Spottswood. The other is to ride southeast to The Weeping Town located at the edge of the Mistwood. From there he'd board a ship towards Ghost Hill at the peak of Dorne's Broken Arm. The trip to Spottswood from there would then take him three days and nights. Myles decided on the latter as it was the fastest way to reach his ancestral home.
With The Weeping Town being so far away, his parents accompanied him on the trip. Which Myles found rather comforting as they'd get to spend a few days together.
So after packing all of their belongings their slightly unique family set out. Their means of transportation, a carriage his father bought from the nearby village.
Their journey began rather normal and went without any noticeable problems. Mostly due to the Seven Kingdoms enjoying some semblance of peace. There were no ongoing battles or wars being fought. As for bandit's they tended to stalk small villages not the open roads. Not surprising because of where they were their biggest obstacle was the weather. Since the Stormlands was well known for their vicious, storms.
With the carriage protecting them from the rain they really only had to be careful of the roads. Since the rainfall would make them quite difficult to traverse through.
Thai why whenever the rain was far too heavy they'd stop and wait for it to clear. During these stops, his mother would start a small fire where they could warm up. It was during one of these unplanned stops that Myles asked how his parents met.
Hearing his question both of his parents became visibly uncomfortable. Deciding to leave the explanation to Aron, Katheryn left to feed the horses. Aron appeared to want to say something to her but ultimately halted himself. Seeing how they acted Myles knew that this was a very delicate matter he'd touches upon.
* I'd guessed my conception was under less than normal circumstances but is it that bad?*
Once his mother was far away to not hear them his father retold the story of their short lived love.
" During the rebellion when I was a Bannerman under lord Tywin. I along with a select few other knights were tasked with cutting off all the supply lines to King's Landing. In order to force the Mad King out of the Red Keep. He didn't, so we were then ordered to sack the city... It was then that many of us let out our worst selves. Countless of innocent people were cut down without mercy and many women were... They were raped."
Getting to that point, Myles stood up and walked away he didn't want to hear anymore. What little he did hear was more than enough for him to regret even asking. He also understood why his mother wanted no part in thia sort of conversation.
* I'm seriously fucking stupid. Why did I have to go and open my big mouth...*
Storming off, Myles' recalled the incident one year prior when his mother was attacked. How horrifying must it have been to be in that same situation again. Yet no matter how much it was, she still placed him above herself. Willing to go through such soul wrenching torment again to keep him safe.
" Fuck!"
Unable to deal with all of his negative emotions Myles closed himself up. On one side he wanted to let go of it, yet became enraged at the thought of his mother's suffering. In his mind not saying anything was the best thing he could do at the moment.
Understanding his son, Aron also became and stayed silent. With neither willing to talk the ride quickly turned uncomfortable. Surprisingly it was Katheryn who brought things to some level of normalcy. When later that night she prepared supper bringing Myles and Aron together. Then as they all say around the flickering flame Katheryn spoke.
" Myles, what do you think about how you were brought into this world?"
Myles flinched at her words, how could he possibly answer. More so when his father the man who did that to her sat next to him.
" I-i think it's wrong. It shouldn't have happened..."
" I see. I thought so too. Everyday after that day I scorned your father for what he'd done to me."
Aron buried his head, not having the courage to look at either of them. Myles too found it difficult to face his father knowing what he's done to her. So when they heard Katheryn's response they were left stunned.
" At least that was until I held you in my arms for the very first time. From that point onward the only thing that mattered was you. For you I'd happily give anything of myself, my pride, my body, my everything... If I was given a choice I'd suffer through that same torment because that's how much I love you, Myles. It's also the reason I've decided to forgive your father."
" Katheryn, I-"
" My Lord, we don't have much time together, let's waste time with matters of the past. Don't you think so Myles?"
" Y-yes mother."
" I understand. Thank you."
Things settled down after that, as both father and son respected her wishes. That wasn't to say everything was perfect, but the tension did lessen. Enough for Myles to start a new conversation with his father.
" Father, could I ask why you left Dorne?"
Just as his words left his mouth Myles could see as his father's eyes grew cold.
* Is this also a sensitive topic? Damnit why do I keep opening my mouth for!?*
Like Myles had done so, Aron too noticed Myles reaction after asking. Partially due to what had occured a little while ago, he decided to talk openly.
" I left Dorne after losing the title of Knight of Spottswood to your uncle."
" You lost, does that mean that you were in line to succeed it?"
" Yes. However, unlike in the other kingdoms and even many houses in Dorne. The title of Knight of Spottswood is fought between the potential successors. In my case it meant I had to fight against your uncle, a battle I lost. After that I could either stand in his shadow or leave, I chose the latter. Eventually joining Lord Tywin and earning my knighthood under him. It's also because of this that I'm hated throughout Dorne and why I haven't returned. If I did I'd probably be lynched in Sunspear."
His father uttered that last line with a weak smile but Myles could see true fear in his eyes.
" Wait, if that's true isn't me going there a really bad idea!?"
Myles basically jumped out of his seat thinking about how his countrymen would treat him.
" Eh, no, not at all. It's shameful to say this as a knight of the realm,.. But you'd be treated better being the son of a traitor in Dorne than a bastard in King's Landing. Our people don't discriminate against children no matter who their parents are."
" That's good to know, but what about my uncle? Won't he hold a personal grudge against you for leaving?"
" There's many things I disagree with him, but your uncle is a honorable man. He won't mistreat or hold you accountable for my decisions."
After talking for a few more minutes, Myles and Katheryn went to sleep while Aron kept watch.
The old creaking carriage carrying Myles, Katheryn and Aron passed through a large wooden gate. After weeks on the road they'd finally reached the Weeping Town. The day for Myles departure from the Stormlands was at hand.
Passing through Myles saw a bustling port town, seemingly made entirely out of wood. With high raised wooden walls and large buildings covering the majority of it's streets.
After paying a stable hand to care and feed the horses they headed toward the port. Passing several stalls at the entrance they soon reached a large market filled countless foreign items and delicacies. Several of which caught his mother eye, yet she managed to contain her curiosity. As they followed Aron down to the docks in search of a ship.
Walking through the docks, they came across dozens of ships. All in different colors, shapes and sizes. Leaving Katheryn and Myles to wonder what kind they were looking for. After sometime went by and they still hadn't made any progress Myles directly asked his father.
" Father, is there a specific ship you're looking for?"
" Yes. One with a green dragon on its side."
" A green dragon?"
Aron wasn't able to reply as something in the far distance caught his eye.
" There! I think it's that one!"
Hearing that, they ran together to the end of the dock, where a large black ship was anchored. Surely enough a large green dragon sigil was marked on its side. While Myles examined the ship, his father went to talk with one of the crew members.
" Myles."
Turning back, he saw his teary eyed mother holding onto his shirt.
" Mother, Is something wrong?"
" No, it's hard for a mother to say goodbye to her son."
" Mom I-"
" Don't talk, just listen. Okay?"
" Of course."
Myles nodded as he waited for her to speak yet she didn't instead she tightly hugged him. He reciprocated her feelings by not saying anything just standing there. Allowing her to silently weep as she embraced him even tighter.
" Take care of yourself. And no matter what happens I'll always be here for you."
" I promise to come back a man you'll be proud of."
" Idiot. Just returning is enough. That's all I ask of you, to return to me alive."
" I will!"
" Good. A man's word is worth more than any treasure. Remember that."
Their bonding moment came to an abrupt end when Aron came running back. Katheryn wiped away her tears while Myles turned to see what his father had found.
" How did it go father?"
" It's all settled. After loading up that last shipment they'll be sailing back to Ghost Hill."
" My Lord, isn't that a shipping galleon?"
" Ah, yes. I'd hoped to find better accomodations but that's the only ship headed to Ghost Hill this week."
" It's fine mother. Besides the trip shouldn't be that long will it?"
" No, you should arrive the day after tomorrow."
" See, it'll be fine."
Katheryn appeared to want to say something but ultimately just sighed.
" Myles, here."
Reaching into his back pocket his father took out a sealed letter.
" It's a letter where I Aron Santagar of House Santagar acknowledge Myles Storm as my son and heir."
" Father this is..."
" Myles, I may not have always been there for you or taken care of you like your mother has. Something I truly thank her from the bottom of my heart. As she's given me such a talented son, one who I'm certain is destined for greatness. So please forgive me as all I can give you right now is this letter. Still know that I'll do everything in my power to have you legitimized as a true Santagar!"
" Father, Knowing that, you acknowledge me as your son is honestly more than enough for me."
A bronze skinned man yelled out from aboard the ship. Hearing this, Myles' grabbed onto a large sack stuffed with all of his belongings. As he readied himself he looked at his parents one last time to say goodbye. His mother tightly hugged him again reminding him to write to her. As did his father who also removed a gold ring from his right hand.
" Here, I wanted to give this to you when you came of age but this seems more fitting. It was your grandfather's, which he gave me and now I give to you."
Receiving the ring, Myles carefully held it, it was a golden ring with a sharp emerald sitting on its head. What caught his attention was the fact that the emerald resembled a cat's eye.
" I'll treasure it. Thank you father!"
" I know you will. Now go on, before they leave without you."
" You're right, but before I go about mother-"
" Don't worry I'll take care of her. You have my word."
" Thanks."
With that, Myles turned around and ran as fast as he could to board the ship. When he did he looked down and waves goodbye to his parents. Who wore teary eyed smiles as they watched their son sail away.