Exhausting Excursion

Myles' time aboard the ship was quite uneventful, probably because it was a shipping galleon. All those aboard were there to simply unload and load the shipments. Like their trip to the Weeping Town, the peace made it uncommon for attacks at sea to occur. The most interesting thing to happen was when one of the crew swore he saw a kraken's tentacle.

As for Myles he entertained himself by fiddling with the ring his father had given him. After considerable time spent looking at it he found a fading inscription on the band. Unfortunately Myles' could only make out one single word.

" Pántera."

With his limited knowledge of Spanish from his past life. Myles almost immediately recognized the word to mean, Panther.

* Hmm? Could the Panther be a sigil or guardian for House Santagar? Either way being associated with Panthers is pretty cool.*

He didn't have a way to know it then but Myles association with Panthers would play a major part in his new life.




The ship anchored two days later in a small port town at the bottom of a sea side hill. Atop of which sat a chalk-white castle with four square towers at the nocorners of it.

" T-that's amazing."

Disembarking, Myles walked through the heavily crowded docks. According to his father someone from House Santagar would be waiting for him. Unfortunately he didn't mention how they or he for that matter would recognize the other.

* Guess I'll go to the entrance and see if anyone's looking for me.*

After going up a series of steep streets Myles reached the town's entrance. Noticing a man in brown leather armor with a spotted leopard emblem on his chest.

* Pántera.*

Recalling the inscription on his ring, Myles was drawn towards that man.

" Excuse me, are you perhaps of House Santagar?"

A skeptical Myles asked, receiving an immediate answer from the stone faced man.

" Yes."

Seeing as he'd have to be a bit more precise with his wording. Myles spoke to the man as straightforward as he could.

" I'm Myles Storm, son of Aron Santagar. I was told someone from House Santagar would guide me to Spottswood. Would that be you?"

" Do you have anything to prove your claim?"

" Yes. My father gave me this letter with his personal seal."

Seeing the letter the man reached out to grab it but Myles pulled his arm back not allowing him to do so. Fearing that he could possibly take the only proof of his identity. The man reacts to Myles action with a annoyed grin.

" So when do we leave?"

" Right away..."

With that simple two word response, the man lead Myles to two fine horses. Both with beautiful golden manes, similar slim and glossy bodies.

" That one's yours. Get on."

Not trying to be a nuisance, but Myles blankly stared at him.

" I've never ridden a horse before."

It was becoming obvious that the man wasn't thrilled about escorting Myles. As he roughly threw him on top of the horse before riding off. Luckily it appeared that his horse knew to follow the other. Leaving Myles to hold on to the reins for dear life.

* Hell, at least I made it. Although this isn't exactly how I thought things would go. I mean what's with these horses, why are they so damn fast!*

He thought as they burst out of the town and onto the dry and arid countryside of Dorne.




The first of what would surely be very few breaks occured around five hours after they left Ghost Hill. So far the ride went without a hitch, probably because of how fast they were going. As far as conversations went they were non-existent. With his escort set on speaking as little as possible.

" Get down. We'll rest here for while before moving on."

The nameless escort loudly ordered before retrieving what appeared to be a gourd filled with water. Which he threw to a sweaty Myles who was clearly not use to Dorne's blazing heat. Jumping down off his horse, he caught the gourd and drank his fill. After which he found some shade under a nearby willow tree.

" How far are we from Spottswood?"

" Far."

" I see. Do you have a name? It would make this trip a little easier if I knew what to call you."

" Alfrid."

" Nice to make your acquaintance, Ser Alfrid."

Trying to start with the right foot turned out to be a bad move. Since Alfrid immediately shut him down before getting back on his horse.

" I'm no knight. If you're rested then let's get back on the road."

With no other choice, Myles begrudgingly got up from under the shade and back on his horse.

* He's obviously not a people person. Although I wonder if everyone here is like this, that'll be awful. Maybe I should've sucked it up and gone to King's Landing. What am I thinking, that would've gone much worse than getting the cold shoulder. All I can hope for now is that my uncle doesn't have a stick up his ass.*




During their direct ride to Spottswood, they didn't stop for anything other than to rest. There was no sight seeing involved whatsoever, they just kept riding. After three days of this and crossing through a town of boats they entered a lightly forested area.

" Are we there yet?"

An exhausted Myles muttered as he tried his best to remain conscious. This trip had really taken a huge toll on Myles physically and mentally. He desperately wanted to get out of the blazing sun and take a very long nap.

" Hmph!"

Alfrid snorted as he led Myles through the woods on a dirt path with a grand keep at it's end. Although to Myles rather than a medieval castle it resembled a Spanish villa from his past life.

" Woah. I'm not in the Stormlands anymore."

Trying to process the vast difference between this villa and his cottage. Myles momentarily stopped moving, resulting in Alfrid snapping at him.

" Don't lag behind!"

* Hopefully I won't have to deal with him again.*

Just like the rest of this trip, Alfrid didn't give Myles a tour of the villa. Instead taking him directly inside, pass several armed guards before having him sit in front of an enormous wooden door.

" Wait here."

Alfrid spoke to the guard standing next to the door before being let inside.

* Fuck, I'm tired...*

Begining to feel the effects of having absolutely no rest, Myles leaned on the wall and closed his eyes. Then just as he felt some semblance of peace, the large door opened.

" Myles Storm, Lord Santagar would like a word. Please enter."

* Damnit.*

Somehow forcing himself up he walked inside onto a long hall. At the end of which a man resembling his father sat on a ornately decorated throne. With two armed guards at either side hands ready on their swords.

* So that's my uncle, The Knight of Spottswood, Symon Santagar. There is some familial resemblance although father doesn't carry this heavy of an aura.*

Mustering all the strength that he possibly could, Myles greeted his uncle with a bow.

" Myles Storm, greets Lord Santagar."

" Storm... I see. So you're Aron's Bastard?"

Hearing him regard him as such did irk Myles but he knew better than to express his dissatisfaction.

" Yes, My Lord. If I may, my father gave me this letter to give to you."

Lord Santagar, nodded to one of his guards who received the letter from Myles. Handing it over to his lord before taking his position to his side again. Seeing the wax seal his uncle wore a pensive expression before opening the letter. While he read it's contents, Myles did his best to remain from passing out from exhaustion.

* Please hurry up, and let me get some sleep...*

Done reading the letter, his uncle silently glanced at Myles for a few seconds. Making him feel uncomfortable but the exhaustion wouldn't let him care.

" Your father had mentioned beforehand that you wanted to become a knight. Does that still hold true?"

" Y-yes! I'd love to learn under you my lord of possible."

" Hmm, unfortunately I'm currently not taking any new squires."

" Is there anyone else here who could teach me?-"

" There's not."

" Oh..."

" However, after sending out a few ravens I managed to find someone."

" That's great. May I ask who?"

" Lord Quentyn Qorgyle, an old friend of mine. A good man and even better Knight. In fact I'm sure he's waiting for you as we speak."

" W-waiting for me?"

" Yes, you see Quentyn is the current head of House Qorgyle situated over at Sandstone."

" Sandstone?"

" Ah, that's right you don't have a grasp on our geography yet. Well Sandstone is on the western part of Dorne. I'm sure if you leave tonight you'll arrive in a week's time."

Hearing that Myles scorned his uncle for trying to send him off right after arriving.

* Wait, western part? Isn't Spottswood in the east!? Oh fuck you!! I understand you trying to send me away to be someone else's problem but have some fucking decency. Can't you see I'm about to pass out!?*

" My lord, I'm more than happy to comply but may I please rest for a few days? I'm afraid I'm still acclimating to this drastic change of weather."

" Oh, of course, of course. How silly of me, please escort him to his temporary allocation."

His uncle wagged a finger to one of his guards who walked over to Myles.

" Right away my lord. Follow me."

Ignoring the obvious shift in his tone, Myles bowed to his uncle before leaving. Although behind his curtsy smile he cursed his uncle for dragging out their encounter.

* Fuck you old man. You might have gotten rid of me for now but I'll remember this. Be sure of that!*




As his guard escorted Myles out of his meeting hall Symon leaned back on his gilded throne.

* Aron, just what were you thinking by acknowledging this child and sending him here. You couldn't possibly believe that I'll make him heir to our house. Could you? Either way, his stay with Quentyn will tell me if he's worthy of joining our House or not.*

" Have Alfrid prepare two steeds and a weeks worth of supplies for their journey to Sandstone tomorrow night."

" Right away my lord."




Reaching the room prepared for him, Myles instantly passed out on the bed. Anything else would be dealt with tomorrow, for now all he could think of was sleep.

" Ah, finally I can sleep..."