Honesty and Lies

Believing that his uncle would be sensible enough to give him a full days rest. Myles intentionally slipped into a deep sleep, only to be rudely woken up at dawn. He tried to ignore the loud knocks but they only kept getting louder.

* I heard you the first three times! Can't you take the hint and leave me alone!?*

Forcing himself to get up and answer the door, then seeing Alfrid made Myles want to shout.

" Alfrid. Good day, what can I do for you at this ungodly hour?"

Even though he was irritated with the man, Myles was surprised by his endurance. As he appeared to be in almost high spirits compared to himself who wanted to sleep the entire day away.

" I'm here to inform you that breakfast is ready and My Lord would like for you to accompany him."

* Seriously...*

" I understand. I'll head down immediately after washing up."

" As you wish."

Closing the door, Myles couldn't help but sigh in defeat.

" Guess sleeping in, isn't a viable option. I just hope my dear old uncle won't send me off to Sandstone today."




" My lord, could you please repeat that, I think I must've misheard you just now. Because I swore I heard you say that I'll be riding off to Sandstone after supper."

Every single one word of those words felt like razor blades as they came out of Myles' mouth. How could they not, after just arriving from a exhausting three day ride. He wanted to send him off on an even longer one this time around.

" No you heard correctly, that is what I said. Alfrid has already prepared everything. After supper the both of you will set out to Sandstone."

Symon was extensively testing Myles' personality as he carefully examined his body language and expression. Sadly Myles didn't fall for his tricks merely smiling at the adversity. At least outward, inside he was crying thinking of the long hours he'd have to ride.

* Here right now, I swear on the seven gods that I will get my revenge, for this injustice!*

After he finished eating, Myles stood up and excused himself to his room. Which his uncle happily accepted, reminding him to be get ready for tonight.

* Damned old man. Mock me while you can. I promise to pay you back soon enough. Just you wait.*

Desperate for some much needed rest, Myles maintained his sulking to a minimum. There wasn't any point in arguing since it was obvious he wanted Myles gone. Who had to endure the man's childish torment and taunts.

* My entire body is in constant pain. My muscles feel like they've been torn apart, and I can't sit upright after riding for so long. This world really is fucked up.*

Slipping back into a deep sleep, Myles was unaware of the current situation unraveling downstairs. Where an old steward handed his uncle a sealed letter that recently arrived. Seeing the wax seal, his uncle sent his guards and the steward away. Only after he was completely alone did he dare break the seal.

" Damn vultures, circling around waiting to feast on my houses bones. Becoming increasingly brazen with these threats! If only the Princes were more atune to internal matters. At this rate many of the houses supporting them will either bend or break.(Sigh)"

After venting, a solemn Symon leaned back on his seat to contemplate his recent decisions.

" Thankfully Sylvia is safe with the Princess at the Water Gardens and I've managed to send Myles away to Sandstone. If he's truly a monstrous genius as you've said Aron, he'll strive under pressure. I'll keep my part of the deal and protect him, I just hope you keep yours."




As the sun began to set, Myles accompanied Lord Santagar for supper. Which be was know learning would be their last meal together at least for the foreseeable future.

" Have you prepared yourself for the journey to Sandstone?"

" There isn't much for me to prepare, my lord. Other than food and water for-"

" Ah, I've already had Alfrid prepare all of that. No need to preoccupy yourself with those details."

" I see. Will he accompany me this time as well?"

" Yes. I couldn't possibly send you out by yourself. Besides Alfrid has worked for My family for years now. He's someone I can trust wholeheartedly."

" Then I couldn't have asked for a better escort. My lord if I may, how long will I be staying in Sandstone for?"

" I did forget to mention it on our last talk, didn't I? I've actually managed to secure a rather long stay for you. Giving you ample time to properly hone you're skills, don't you think so?"

Myles did the polite thing and merely smiled and nodded. Although his thoughts were far more honest.

* He's sending me to another house for several years isn't he? Does he have something against me personally or is this because of my father? Ahh! Why am I even wasting time thinking about this? At the end of the day, I came here to become strong, it doesn't matter where I do so.*

In an attempt to change the subject, Myles asked him about his cousin.

" My father had mentioned that My lord had a daughter, is she-"

" She isn't here at the moment, she's off with her friend, Princess Arriane."

" Oh, hopefully I have the opportunity to meet her at a later date then."

The hall fell into silence, with neither having anything else to say to the other. Until the meal finalized and servants were called to clean the table. Taking this as the signal to take his leave, Myles stood only the be stopped by his uncle. Who motioned his steward over, followed by two guards. Carrying a long wooden box. The design of which was rather plain and basic but certainly heavy.

" Before you leave, I'd like to gift you something, if you don't mind."

" Of course not, my lord. I'd be honored to receive a gift from you."

Myles out in a smile, but he didn't have any high hopes for this supposed gift.

* What is it now? Haven't you mocked me enough yet? Just let me leave on this horrid horseback ride already.*

" If you're to become a knight of Dorne then you just have an appropriate weapon. As you may have seen the weapon of our House Santagar is the Golden Axe. In honor of the axe our founder carried into battle and war alike."

Symon proudly stated as he pointed to the sigil stitched into the banners hanging from the walls.

" While the weapon that represents our homeland Dorne is the spear."

He added before motioning the guards forward.

" To honor his House and Kingdom, my uncle had this Halberd forged. A combination of a spear with an axe, perfectly representing both. He used it until he could no longer lift it, now I present it to you, may it serve you well."

At the end of his words, the two guards opened the box revealing a Halberd. However, what Myles wanted to know right now was who it had belonged to.

" My lord, the uncle you mentioned, it wouldn't be my, grandfather would it?"

" Correct, this weapon belonged to your grandfather, Edgar Santagar."

Getting a closer look at the beautifully forged weapon, Myles couldn't help but be amazed by it. The wooden pole was a deep black and banded with steel. It's point made of fine steel, same with the pommel on its end. Then there was the golden axe blade which shined in the dimmest light. Excited to hold it, Myles reached out, while the guards stepped back. The moment they did the mighty weapon immediately cleaved the ground.

" Hahaha, it appears that you're far too 'Young' to wield such a fierce weapon. After a few years of training, maybe when you return you'll be able to properly do so."

Myles took his words to mean that he was far too weak. Which was true for now at least, yet that just made him want to get stronger even faster.

" Since you can't possibly carry it, I'll have Alfrid take it for now. Once you arrive at Sandstone he'll return it to you."

" I'd highly appreciate that, my lord. I promise the next time we meet I'll be able to carry it."

" Hmm, I'll look forward to our next meeting with great anticipation then."

After bowing to his uncle and receiving an approving nod Myles took his leave. Heading outside with the two guards I'm tow carrying the Halberd. Arriving at the villas entrance, he noticed Alfrid standing next to another pair of majestic steeds.

" Get on. We'll soon be off."

" Understood."

After their quick exchange, Myles struggled to get on his horse while Alfrid secured the case on to his. Fortunately by the time he finished doing so, Myles had managed to properly get on.

" Stay close, pay attention to your surroundings and by no means stop unless I tell you to."

" Understood."

" Let's go."

The two proceeded to rise out of the villa grounds and into the neighboring woods.

On one of the villas glass stained windows, Symon looked on as their shadows vanished.

" With this I've done everything that I possibly can. It's all up to you now little nephew. Hopefully you are everything your father said and more. Because as you'll soon find out this world is not forgiving."

Riding through the dense forest, Myles felt a cold chill run down his back.

* What was that? Why did I suddenly get goosebumps? Could something have happened? I'm probably just imagining things...*




Inside a massive stone keep deep in Dorne's desert hidden by sandstorms. Several old men sat around a long table discussing important matters. Eventually the talk reached the subject of Myles' immanent arrival.

" A raven arrived from Spottswood at dawn's break. It appears that Aron's son will be arriving this time next week."

" So that exiled knight actually dared to send his bastard to Dorne? Has he lost his mind?"

" He must have, specially since the Princes absolutely detest anything connected to those blonde devils."

" Have you two forgotten where we stand? This isn't King's Landing or Casterly Rock. We don't punish children for their parents crimes. Stop with your nonsense at once."

" You may be right, Ser, but many would still find pleasure in tormenting the child."

With several of the men becoming argumentative, the man seated at the head of the table finally spoke.

" That's enough, it matters not what the other lords want. I promised to foster the child out of consideration for an old mentor. What his father did or didn't do is of no concern to me. Once he arrives at this keep he will be part of my House. Meaning everyone here will treat him as such an I understood?"

Hearing their lord's words all of them bowed and unitedly answered.

" Yes. My lord!"