Leaving Earth!

Training Chi-chi had started but Goku was the one training her. Gohan would watch, but he also wanted to join in as well. However, his mom told him when he was old enough he could train. Goku was really adamant about training with Chi-chi, so I didn't bother them during those times.

Months were passing by quickly, I had thought about having Briefs upgrade my ship. Say, for instance, adding a Training room wouldn't be bad. During my time here, I just wanted to create a new skill for myself.

I had used it a few times before, it was a skill that could cut things with my fingers. Sharp Ki waves would unleash from my index and middle fingers, its cutting power was just as good as those Destructo discs.

In the eighth month, I went to retrieve my spaceship that was hovering in space. I brought it to Dr. Brief's place with Goku present, of course. Dr. Brief was stunned to see me, but he didn't know too much about Goku's origin—so he wasn't exactly shocked and believed I was his twin brother.

Bulma wasn't home but her mom was really nice and served us some tea and other delicacies. Dr. Brief checked out the ship, and he was amazed that tech had advanced this much. He was already amazed by the tech that could read an individual's power level.

This incited many ideas for the Doctor, but he agreed to add what I asked for. This was on the account of Goku, so he would do it. He needed space, so I told him to get rid of a certain amount of rooms in the ship. This would leave only two of the biggest rooms, which were my room and Amond's room.

Once this was done, I thanked the old man and left with Goku. I had to say, Brief's wife Panchy—was too sexy, even more so than Bulma in my opinion.

Back at Gohan's house, Chi-chi and Gohan had already returned home to see if the new renovations were done. While I was on my ship, I had checked my strength level, I was amazed by the number.


I tried pushing myself to see if I could become a Super Saiyan, but how could I succeed so easily? Weeks passed, and I kept trying, but to no avail; there was no success. I didn't even feel a sign of sorts to indicate that I was close.

I didn't relay anything to Goku about the Super Saiyan at first, but I eventually did. It was important that he knew such information now. Goku was confused at first, but he obviously had no clue on how to unlock this Super Saiyan, it wasn't like I was asking for his advice anyway.

Then, I thought. What about the spine method, to me, it felt like the cheating way but I could care less about that. I started to try this method and much to my surprise, I could feel the tingling in my back.

However, I still didn't become a Super Saiyan but I wasn't worried. I found something that was working, so this made me feel much better. Apart of the reason why Goku had gotten so strong during the Frieza Saga—was because of the brutality he suffered after the body switch technique was used on him.

He received a massive Zenkai from that. I wasn't going to go around seeking a beating from someone to gain a Zenkai, I wasn't some masochist. I gained great Insight on Ki, who knows, this might be a special ability.

Chi-chi and Gohan had spent their time living in the Cube for the past two months. They were working on her new house basement, so she would rather not smell the dirt, cement, paint, and anything else when they were doing all of that. Chi-Chi could fly now, so this made things easier on her for traveling purposes.

I wanted to give Brief as much time as possible, so I decided that I would pick up my ship close to the end of the year. Normally, Brief wouldn't be amazed by anything, but those twins were just too smart; sadly, they died.

They had arranged a lot of things for this ship that he wanted to use. He was most interested in the Medical Machine, this was especially so for the healing liquid used for it. He wanted to create a copy of this machine that could do the same thing.

Time-pressed onward, I still trained in the Gravity room with Goku. I also kept practicing that new technique I made, but I didn't know what to name it. I also practice maintaining energy around my hands, this was because I was trying to form a Ki-Blade.

I succeeded halfway, with it only being around my hand. It was sharp but it wasn't a blade like the one Zamasu created. It was, unfortunately, similar to the one Salza made, it was short and shape around my hand. It was enough to cut someone in half, so this was a good improvement on my part.

Every now and then, I would continue activating that tingling feeling on my back. I did this every week to stimulate it until it fully activated and transformed me. However, nothing happened, I still hadn't managed to transform into a Super Saiyan.

Though I haven't met the other Z-fighters, they hadn't gone out of their way to meet Goku. They were probably too busy with their lives at the moment. Too bad, though, that would all change soon.

Me and Goku briefly meditated quietly, my eyes close. Me and Goku only fought using Image training during our meditations. There wasn't really a place to fight around here without causing some destruction, it was too unnecessary.

We were focused so hard, that it almost seemed like it was really happening. Goku suddenly coughed up a mouth full of blood. During the image training, he had taken a vicious hit that surely killed him in there.

"Wow, are you good?" I opened my eyes soon after.

"Hehe, yeah, I think that attack killed me just now..." Goku laughed bitterly. This was a good way for us to seriously battle without someone actually getting killed.

"I guess we better stop, for now, we'll do this some other time." I stood up and stretched, this image training thing was really useful to me.

"Right, I should head home and check on Chi-chi. She said I should come home and spend time there for once." Goku scratched the back of his head and said with a smile.

"Alright, I'll see you around." I nodded and saw Goku off.

Time passed and the new year had gone and passed. At this point, I would have been in this world for nearly a full year.

Tomorrow would already mark the end of the year, I could go retrieve my ship then. I got into my bed and went to sleep right away.

The next morning, I went to go eat breakfast in the Training Cube. Goku had not returned yet but I was still going to check my ship today. After eating and feeling relieved, I stretched before returning back to my little house.

I walked outside during noon—preparing to leave toward Brief's house. I felt Goku approaching my position, he eventually came into my sights and landed before me. A year from the time I used the Dragonballs had already passed.

I passed Goku the Dragon Radar and asked him to retrieved the Dragonballs, it was time for me to leave. To do what I originally wanted to do before coming here, I told Goku this and he understood.

Apparently, Goku had already eaten at home. Goku scratched his head before flying off to retrieve the Dragonballs. I suppressed my strength before flying in the direction of Brief's house. Once I arrived, I appeared in his backyard where I could see Dr. Brief walking out of my ship.

"Oh, you're back. I was just finishing up here, everything's complete." Brief suddenly turned and walked back inside, signaling me over.

"Nice, nice!" Once I walked towards the area where rooms were, they were no longer there. The Gravitational room for training wasn't a room, but an open area. There were only two rooms left, but I could sleep in the training area if I wanted.

"What's this?" I saw a small machine added here that was obviously new, other than the gravity setting's for the open area.

"This is a tea and coffee machine." Briefs smiled.

"...." I only nodded and smiled, but I honestly wanted to say that this thing was useless.

"I managed to make a copy of the machine, I took many samples of the green healing liquid. I should be able to find some similar ingredients to make this liquid later." He had been busy with this ship, so he hadn't had time to study the healing liquid.

After all, they couldn't use Senzu Beans all of the time. Korin always seemed to run out of them for some reason. I tested the Gravity machine and found that it went up 150 times the Gravity of Earth!

I praised Brief for his work, he just told me to keep the world safe as payment. This was mainly why he did Goku so many favors, the guys saved the world many times. After talking for a bit more, I took off in my ship and landed it near where I lived.

Bulma was home at the time, but she was in her lab working on something to herself.

With this all done, all I had to do was wait. I once again fiddle with the tingling in my back, but the tingling sensation was getting more active over time. I grew excited when I felt this, I could feel that I was just that much closer to becoming SSJ! Unfortunately, this was all hypothetical, so I couldn't be certain.

Dr. Brief was a good sport and loaded my ship up with plenty of food, so that was something I didn't have to worry about. I only waited around for Goku to return, and within two hours, he came back with the Dragonballs.

I told him that once I left, he needed to spend more time with his family. Of course, he could train still, but he had to be sure to give them his attention. Goku said that he had always given his family all of his attention, which was clearly a lie, but it's whatever at this point.

I once again summoned the Dragon and wished for immunity to all viruses and infections. This was done quickly and smoothly. I wanted to leave today to get what I wanted to get done fast, so I could return faster.

I said my farewells to Goku, I really had to get going to learn and get much stronger. Goku actually wanted to go, but I told him that I had to handle personal business. I also told him to remember that his brother Raditz will come for him next year.

Goku had always wondered how I knew such things, I only told him that I could see the future to some degree.

"Alright, I'll be here. Hurry back now!" Goku gave a small salute, as my ship bolted off into space.

I had to choose at this point, Namek or Yadrat first? After thinking for a minute, I made my decision.

"I guess I'll goto to Yardrat first."