The Planet Yardrat!

I set the coordinate to Yardrat, these types of coordinate were already in the system. Places that Frieza investigated were already present in the ship's records, so all I had to do was search for them. As much as I wanted to relax and slack a bit, there was really no time to be messing around.

I had come here too late, so I couldn't just lie down and slack. I had to make things happen with the knowledge I had. From Earth to Yardrat would take a surprising five days, this was because of the ship.

I took my armor off and sat it on a table, then I gazed at the Gravity area.

"May as well, I hope I can break through the one-millionth mark before getting to Yardrat." I turned the Gravity simulator on and begun my training. I turned the Gravity up to 110 times to see how it would go.

I could feel the change, but it wasn't that dramatic, so I upped the Gravity to 120 times. The change could be felt now, this is what I needed to train under! I did the standard training, as usual, it felt like every cell in my body was on fire.

I trained intensely for 2 hours, then I came out exhausted. I still needed to get used to that Gravity, but I could feel my body adapting quickly.

"Saiyans really are some cheat characters, what more could I ask for?" I felt thirsty, so I wanted to grab a bottle of water, but then I scoped out that tea and coffee machine.

"Hmm, why not?" I pushed the lemon tea button, then I pressed another button and the tea came out. I made sure to add some ice, this stuff was already made beforehand.

"Oh, man, that's refreshing. Forget about what I thought earlier today, haha!" I downed the tea before wiping myself down with a towel—due to my sweating. I had to delay time to train on Earth with that machine that was made by Brief.

If I had left soon after leaving King Kai's place, I wouldn't be this strong. If Goku decided to have a Gravity machine made at the time, and I left the planet—I would come back and he would be stronger than me!

That would be a serious blow to me, with the knowledge I had. In the meantime, I just needed to worry about getting past the Cell's saga safely, more than anything else.

"Let's take a food break..." I walked off towards the Kitchen.


An unknown region in space.


A crab alien was shot dead with an energy beam, the laser penetrated his chest and he died.

"Munch munch~! These guys are pretty good!" A bald man wearing Battle Jacket Armor tore through the hard armor of these crab men with his bare teeth.

"Haha, you're right, Nappa, these weaklings are good. It's nice to see that they're good for something." Vegeta started eating them as well with a sinister expression.

"Wow, they're pretty good." Raditz was also present.

"Raditz, you were no help. We may as well replace you with Saibamen instead, haha!" Nappa mocked and burst into laughter.

"It's amazing that you're still alive, everyone else has died but you're still here!" Vegeta had a whole squad at one point, but over time, they died during missions. Vegeta knew Frieza was doing this on purpose, he was sending them to fight stronger than usual inhabitant planets to slowly dwindle their numbers.

"Uh..." Raditz didn't know what to say.

"You useless fool, hmm, come to think of it, didn't you have a brother you mention a while ago?" Vegeta suddenly remembered this, this was mainly because the Saiyans in his crew were little in number.

"Yes, I do have a brother, he was sent to the Planet Earth by mom. He was sent before planet Vegeta was destroyed, so his mission was to take over that planet's inhabitants." Raditz's eyes brightened.

"Good, we can recruit him to our cause, if he's weak or decided to refuse, you kill him. Now, go and fetch your brother. Me and Nappa will handle things from here on." Raditz was an ice sore, it was better if it was just Nappa and himself. Raditz may as well go and run some errands or something, rather than distract them.

"Ah, right! I'll go now!" Raditz didn't waste his breath and turned to leave, he feared that Vegeta might kill him on a whim.

"Curse it!" Raditz gritted his teeth and activated his space pod, leaving the planet at shocking speeds.

"Well, then, let's continue what we were doing!" Vegeta wasn't finished with this planet, there were still inhabitants left.

"Hahaha! Vegeta, you really know how to have fun, let the mayhem continue!" Nappa tossed the Crab man's limp to the side before flying towards the other hidden living beings on the planet.


It was already the fourth day, I'm already training on 150 times Earth's Gravity. My strength improved Drastically, but I needed a fight—a real fight!

Tomorrow I would arrive at Yardrat, that's when the real learning begins. I already broke through the millionth mark, I felt accomplished when I saw it. It was time to take a shower, I'll take tomorrow off for the day of my arrival.

I kept trying the whole back process and the tingling feeling was growing more intense. I felt that it was close to some type of breakthrough, it had to be. I even did it while I was under Gravity to test and see what would happen. I did it every day since I was on the ship, something was happening and I excited for the end result.

There was no way for me to turn into a Super Saiyan so fast, it was usually triggered by rage or great loss, or some other emotion; something I hadn't experienced. It could be triggered in other ways, but that was for another time.

I quickly went to the showers to clean myself before heading to bed. I had to say, it felt good when things were under your control to some degree. I knew the exact timelines, meaning, I knew when every villain and when the events would occur.

I dozed off with a smile across my face, it was just me on this ship so things were far more comfortable. I set an alarm, so I should wake up an hour before my arrival on Yardrat.

I dreamed a lot while sleeping, it was mainly of me becoming a Super Saiyan God.

Time passed slow and smoothly, and before I knew it—the alarm had gone off. I stretched my arm out aimlessly to turn the alarm off before reluctantly sitting up. With a stretch and yawn, I slowly got out of bed.

I put on a fresh set of armor, brushed, and flossed my teeth before going towards the control room. I sat in the seat and yawned again before leaning back in my chair. If anyone hadn't noticed, I was still pretty sleepy.

My Battle Power was currently 1.4 Million from the scanners. I had checked this yesterday after my training was done, I had held out on it until the final day. I waited for my arrival, I drunk some 'tea' while I was at it.

I was used to being alone before even coming to this Dimension, so the quietness didn't bother me. I sat in my chair and rested my eyes until I arrived at the planet. An hour was nothing, in fact, I waited less with all of the things I had to do before this.

A red light started blinking on a panel, indicated that I had arrived. I looked out of the window ahead, and there it was, in all its glory—Yardrat.

It was a greenish yellowish planet, it looked kinda poisonous to me. Was this really the planet? I was starting to believe that catching a virus here may be possible.

"Is this really Yardrat?" I frowned, but I wasn't worried about being poisoned. In any case, I decided to go anyway. I stopped my ship over the planet and went by pod to investigate.

No less than two minutes, did I land on Yardrat. I slowly exited the space pod and I immediately sensed life here upon exiting.


Right as I was looking around, two people appeared before me. I looked once and knew that this was the right planet.

"A guest, we can tell you're here to learn. Please, follow us." The Yardratian male smiled, as his eyes changed into the shape of crescents—giving off a strange and cunning vibe.

"Right, I have come to learn some techniques, can I speak to the guy in charge?" Since he went straight to the point, so did I.

"Hehe, let's make the trip short and faster this way." The other Yardratian walked over to me, then touched my shoulder. Suddenly, the scene changed from where he was originally, and what appeared before me was a small Palace.

"This is where you want to learn, he'll show you everything. After all, he's been expecting you to show up one day." The Pink Yardratian smiled and warped away after speaking, not giving me time to ask him a few questions.

Soon, another group of Yardratians appeared, but these guys looked different from the ones I just encountered.

They were short and somewhat round with green skin, their heads were shaped like bread buns. They wore the yellow and purple Yardrat outfits—behind them were the other Yardratians that had pink skin with purple spots on their foreheads. They were similar to the ones that I met recently, and the one that brought me here.

"This way, Turles. The Elder wants to meet you." The little Yardratians smiled and said. They all had silly appearances, they seemed like a goofy bunch that liked to play around more than anything else.

'Expecting me?' I heard the other Yardratian say that, now these little fellas were saying this.

I still opted to follow them anyway. The other Yardratians around that had pink skin—gave me a slight nod before walking away with the other groups of Yadratians.

Inside the small palace, there were wooden floors, including the stairs. The design of the place was rather simple for having such a majestic exterior appearance.

"Hoho, the man I was expecting finally came. I wasn't expecting you to come so soon, but you opted to come here first instead of Namek." I was originally looking around the room, but when I heard that voice, I gazed in the direction ahead.

The entity that appeared was a short blue Yardratians that looked just like the green ones. However, his eyes seemed closed, he wore an orange and purple Yadratian outfit. He had a whisker coming out of each side of his lower cheek, with both hands clasped behind his back.

I was easily able to identify this guy.
