It Couldn't Be!

After the battle, me and Goku flew over towards the others Saiyans. Piccolo had taken a serious thrashing, he could barely stand at this point. Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu also couldn't handle the likes of Recoome. It was already amazing that Recoome hadn't killed them, he was probably dancing more than anything else.

"Well, well, what a convenient time for the two of you to show up all of a sudden." I looked at Nappa and Vegeta.

"Hah! Even I didn't expect Cold to be here of all places." Vegeta smirked as he looked between me and Goku.

"You two finally did it, you both became Super Saiyans and defeated King Cold and his family." Vegeta wasn't jealous but determined to gain this form.

"With some training, it's always possible to reach new levels of strength." I left it at that.

Raditz's expression turned cold when he looked at Vegeta and Nappa. He sneered. "We don't need these two, how about we kill them now."

"Oh, could it be that after getting stronger, you want to rebel? Raditz, don't act arrogant because you surpassed me. You may have gotten stronger, but you're still a coward." Vegeta turned to Raditz and said fearlessly.

However, Nappa was worried. This weakling, Raditz, had grown so much in such a short period of time.

"Hahaha! Arrogant as always. I wonder if you'll think that when I'm tearing you limb from limb?" Raditz's eyes turned sharp, he stepped forward as powerful fluctuations vibrated from his body.

"Raditz! Come on. Frieza and his whole family are gone. It's time to move on, you are no longer a slave who works for him. Worry about increasing your strength in the future, there are more things to worry about."

I only said these words and nothing more.

"What? Turles, you want to stop me from killing them?" Raditz was a little stomped hearing this.

"Nope! However, you won't gain anything from killing them. We're already tight in our numbers, so you'll only be dealing a blow to what's left of us." I shrugged, I knew Raditz's rage.

He had to put up with them for years, he could be thought of as amazing for surviving for so long. And I meant that with all my heart, he really had high perseverance.

"....." Raditz frowned, why did Turles have to put it that way?

"Overthinking it now, Raditz? Look at you, you can't even think for yourself or make your own decisions!" Vegeta scoffed at Raditz.

"Vegeta, maybe we should all come to an agreement or something." Nappa was secretly praying for him to stop provoking Raditz. After what he had endured over the years, Raditz might just kill the both of them!

"Vegeta, you're really insisting on me killing you?" Raditz glared at Vegeta. His hands began to slowly flash with a pink luster of light.

I just watched from the sidelines, this was something personal for Raditz. But I sighed inwardly.

"Raditz." Goku walked over towards Raditz and patted him on the back.

"It's time to move on, look, you've gotten so much stronger. You don't have to worry about those things anymore. What matters is now, the present you. The past is just a ghost, and you can't let that past hold you back. You don't have to them."

I was stunned hearing Goku's little speech, it moved me greatly. Nappa even looked shocked hearing it. Vegeta's eyes went wide before he reverted back to his indifferent expression.

Raditz gazed at Goku, then he sighed. His brother had really hit his head, he was a completely different person. He had become a soft-spoken and hearted person, something most Saiyans couldn't and wouldn't achieve.

"Tsk! Forget it. It would be child's play to strangle the both of you to death." Raditz scoffed and turned away, he flew up and shot into the distance.

"Haha, I guess that was a close call, huh?" Goku laughed while scratching the back of his head. Nappa, on the other hand, sighed in relief. Vegeta harrumphed and looked away with folded arms.

'Goodness, what a hand full.' I thought. These 3 fellas had a long way to go. I definitely couldn't wait around for them to become kind-hearted people.

"Aye, Goku, do you mind introducing us to your friends." Yamcha held in his shock from those transformations earlier—and came to greet Goku.

"Well, I don't know these two, but this is Turles, he's my friend, I think." Goku was still uncertain about how Turles felt.

"Wow, he really does look a lot like you. Are you guys really not, you know, distance long lost brothers or something?" Yamcha's eyes were wide, as he stared at my face like a hawk eyeing a mouse.

"Well, Raditz said we weren't related, so I guess not." Then, Goku's expression turned serious. "We need the Dragonballs fast, we have to revive Krillin."

'Well, shit!' I couldn't simply tell him, yo, f**k Krillin, he was weak as hell anyway. I didn't say anything, I could only wait.

"Dang it! I just remembered. Turles used them last time, so I have to wait a bit longer." Goku slapped his forehead and recalled.

"No worries, they'll be off cooldown in no time." I knew he wanted to revive Krillin, so I also told him that there was a way to upgrade them later. Even if Krillin was dead for a hundred years, he could still be revived.

Goku believed me and nodded. After all, everything I told him in the past had all come true. There was no reason for him to doubt me.

"Hey, I'm not sure if you realized it, but we still have a problem. Those guys calling themselves the Ginyu force, escaped." Piccolo had regenerated at some point, but his clothes were still in disarray.

"Oh, yeah," I said lazily. I looked into the distance, I could feel Jeice and Burter in that direction.

"Hold on, did Chi-chi chase after them?" I was a little speechless when I realized something was off. Goku had already powered down, it was unlikely that he could access Super Saiyan so easily again.

He would need to properly train himself to achieve full control of it. Before anyone could say anything, everyone saw a Capsule Corp carrier in the distance.

"I have to go get Chi-chi right away, she might be in trouble." Goku prioritized Chi-chi when he heard this.

"Of course, we'll go get her. Burter and Jeice can't take her down, nor can she take them down together." I could feel that Chi-chi was trailing behind them, why would she chase them like this in the first place?

Eventually, the Capsule Corp ship was upon us, as it slowly started to land. A short cyan-haired woman exited the carrier soon after.

Bulma was surprised to see many unfamiliar faces. However, she seemed shocked when she saw me among them.

"Daddy!" Before she could say anything, Gohan ran out of the carrier towards Goku. Master Roshi also revealed himself. He could only sigh, he was very much aware—that Krillin had kicked the bucket...again.

Author Note: LOL!

Goku picked his son up with laughter while talking to him.

"Hey, Goku. Are these your friends?" Bulma looked at the intimidating Nappa, then Vegeta, before gazing at me.

"Well, not these two, I just met them. The one in the blue has a big temper for a little guy. But, this guy is my friend, he's the reason you have that scouter."

Vegeta's lips twitched when he heard what Goku said. If Goku was weaker than him, he would have probably killed him for saying such words.

"Kakarot, don't talk nonsense!" Veins were visible on his forehead, to dare call him short!

Goku laughed dryly and waved his hands in surrender.

"Hey, nice to meet you, my name is Bulma." Bulma step over to greet me with a handshake.

"Nice to meet you. I heard you were a good scientist. Oh, and smart." I took her hand and gave her a handshake.

"Oh, has Goku told you that?" Bulma narrowed her eyes and asked.

"No, he only said you were smart. I don't think he knows what a scientist is." I knew this much, I don't think he cared what it was. He just knew Bulma was smart.

"Haha, uh, what's a scientist?" Goku laughed faintly at the side and asked. He seemed interested now.

"My work, that's why I can create so many cool things for you, like those capsules you use. Well, that's more like research and a technological breakthrough for my dad's corporation. it's his work." Bulma went out of her way to explain things to Goku, what patience.

Goku still looked confused.

"It's like career, you know," I added.

"Ohhh, I've heard of those career things. Chi-chi always tells me I should get one of those." Goku nodded as to understand.

"It's also nice to meet you guys." Bulma turned to Vegeta and Nappa.

"Hmph!" Vegeta scoffed and didn't say a word.

"Uh, it's nice to meet you," Nappa said meekly.

'Well, Goku wasn't lying, he really does have a big attitude for such a short stature.' Bulma glared at Vegeta and thought.

"Where's Raditz and Chi-chi?" Bulma seemed to be full of questions.

"Raditz got into a little fight with the guy in blue, so he left in anger. Chi-chi went to pursue a couple of the invaders, so we'll have to go get her." Yamcha spoke, as he eyed Bulma from top to bottom.

It seemed he still had a thing for Bulma, even now.

"I can teleport to her location, then we can deal with Burter and Jeice. It also seems like Recoome got away as well, he's heading north for some reason." They must know that they couldn't hide from us. I'm sure they know we had some means to find them if they ran from us.

"Teleport? There's a Technique that can do that?" Goku knitted his eyebrows and asked.

"Yeah, we can head out now," I said bluntly.

"Wait! Goku, something strange has happened but I can't figure out what it is. I don't expect you to know, but feel like something strange is going on." Bulma hurriedly and spoke before they could use some type of teleportation.

"Huh? What happened?"

"I was called by the authorities because they found something, it appeared to be a vessel owned by my father's corporation. It had our logo and everything on it, we're not sure what it is yet, but I brought it back to my lab just recently." Bulma's smiled and said.

"A vessel, huh, what's a vessel?" Goku didn't even know what she was saying, he didn't like when she started talking like this.

At first, I wasn't really paying attention, but when I heard that—my heartbeat sped up!

'No way! It couldn't be who I think it is, right?' My thoughts were in chaos, wasn't this a little too fast.

"Goku, you can finish talking to her, I'll go pick up Chi-chi." I turned without saying anything more. Gohan would sneak peeks at me from time to time, and I would simply smile at the little guy as he would quickly look away.

With a step, I was gone.