Saiyan Training!

With a step, I had used Instant Transmission to leave the scene. Goku was baffled by this move, his eyes glimmered when he saw it. In no time, I arrived at the location of Chi-chi. Right as I arrived, I could see her relentlessly pursuing a Violet light.

I could make out the light, it was clearly Jeice and Burter.

"Aye, Burter, are you sure this is an Old lady? I've never seen someone so old move so fast!" Jeice's voice could be heard through the purple comet.

"I might have been wrong, it might be due to her high blood pressure. Did you see how angry she is and looks, she must be on meds or something." Burter didn't know what the say.

"Good, you two wait until I catch you!" Chi-chi was seething.

However, I came out of the distance. In a flash, I close-lined the two with both my arms. I slammed them into the ground, breaking their Purple Comet.

"Ohhh, my neck! My neck!" Burter rolled on the ground holding his neck. Jeice had already passed out from the attack.

"Turles, you're here?" Chi-chi flew over and said.

"Yeah, you just ran off so suddenly. I had to come and retrieve you, why are you chasing them so far, anyway?" Burter had stopped rolling in pain at this point, but he looked at me with surprise.

His scouter was calculating and it had read 200,000 on Turles.

"He called me an old lady, so I wanted to capture him and show him what manners are." Chi-chi pointed at Burter with a sinister smile.

"Lady, we came out on the wrong foot. Let's put our differences aside and let bygones be bygones." Burter hurriedly and said.

Burter couldn't beat her in a 1 on 1, along with jeice being knocked out, followed by this Saiyan—whose strength was higher than Ginyu's!

Burter must have not been paying attention to his fight with Cooler, but he was still aware of the changes on the battlefield at the time and fled.

'So, she chased him all the way here for that?' I was a little speechless, but we needed to capture them anyway.

Chi-chi didn't say anything, she cracked her knuckles and approached Burter, then...


Moments later, Burter and Jeice were knocked out. However, Burter had endured a beating from Chi-chi before being knocked out.

I could only sigh, she was quite the violent one. Thinking about it, all of the Saiyan wives had hardened attitudes, it was like they were drawn to them or something.

I kneeled down and put both my hands on Burter and Jeice. Chi-chi was feeling relieved, as he put her hand on my shoulder. Afterward, we warped towards the location of Goku and company.

I could hear Bulma telling Goku something about time.

"Wow, so it really is a time machine?" Goku was stunned. He wasn't the most educated but he understood a few things about time

"Mommy!" Gohan smiled and waved at Chi-chi. He was currently being carried by Goku, as he spoke with Bulma.

'Mom? Damn! How did Kakarot get such a strong mate?' Nappa remembered that this woman was fighting Jeice and Burter at the same time, now they were here knocked out. This woman was too darn formidable!

"Good, you should kill those two now. They're a threat that needs to be dispatched as quickly as possible." Once Vegeta saw them, he went on the offensive with their presence.

"Hmm...Nah! There no point in killing them now, we'll see later." I shook my head and declined. I wasn't a killing maniac to all the villains. I actually liked Jeice, Burter, and Recoome from the series.

"What are you saying? These guys have killed more people than you know!" Vegeta was very adamant about them dying.

"So have you and Nappa, what's the difference?" I narrowed my eyes, waiting for an answer.

"Do whatever you want, but I warned you." Vegeta didn't say anything more, but he always kept an eye on the two. Nappa was still hurting badly from Cui's kick, so he didn't say much about anything.

I told Chi-chi to keep an eye on them really quick. I warped away again, and within a minute, I was back with Recoome. He was knocked out and I sat him next to Burter and Jeice.

I told Bulma that Raditz was in the location of the training cube. This was where I lived, so I recognized the location. Bulma seemed to want to talk more about that ship they found. I wanted to tell her the truth, but I'll have to wait until later.

I had to get Vegeta and Nappa settled first. I told her that I knew what it was and that I would tell her when I got done with a few things.

Master Roshi began to speak to me, saying that I resembled Goku so much. I knew I would hear this a lot when I became Turles. Piccolo simply stated that I don't seem as empty-headed as Goku, and that was it.

After all these things, Bulma got back into her ship and left with Master Roshi. I told everyone present to hold onto one another before we all warped away. This included Yamcha, Tien, Piccolo, and Chioatzu.

We arrived at the Training Cube. Yamcha, Tien, and Piccolo were aware of this thing, they had even trained in it while I was away. I explained to Nappa and Vegeta that this was how Raditz got so strong, he trained under gravity.

Of course, they needed to learn the basics. Vegeta had learned this on his own back then, which was pretty good on his part. Nappa was given a Senzu Bean, which boosted his strength greatly. He had gained something from that life-threatening kick he endured.

Everyone walked inside, Vegeta still had his arms folded as he gazed around the room. There, they saw Raditz training in the gravity room alone. I told Chi-chi to ask them specific questions when the Ginyu Force woke up. Goku could back her if they got out of hand, but overall, I didn't plan to keep them here if they wanted to leave.

I could speak and write every language now, so I didn't struggle. I was originally sleeping before all of this, so I went to Gohan's house and went to sleep. I was mentally exhausted from training to unlock my Grade 2 form yesterday.


Time passed, during this time, Goku was teaching Nappa a few things. Saiyans were good a adapting, so learning to Sense Ki wouldn't be much of a challenge. However, this required patience to achieve sooner than later—something Nappa lacked.

"I can't feel anything, why is it taking so long?!" Nappa said with frustration.

"You have to stay calm and focus, you can't just learn something if you're impatient. Relax, and try to feel everyone around you." Goku said seriously. Gohan watched from afar, he was coloring in a coloring book to himself.

While this was going on, Yamcha was sparring with Tien in the Gravity Room. Vegeta was exercising in another part of the room, while Raditz was training as well. Piccolo was meditating to himself, he was done training for now.

Chi-chi had already started questioning the last of the Ginyu force. They said that they were just hired mercenaries for Frieza. They were special mercenaries under him and even had their own post.

Chi-chi listened to them, but afterward, she smacked Burter in the face.

"W-what was that for?" Burter was stunned, were they being questioned or tortured?

"I just felt like doing that." Chi-chi grinned and started asking Recoome some questions.

Burter's bald head was sweating, this woman held grudges badly.


I woke up after I don't know how long. I stretched and grabbed a water bottle to use, in order to brush my teeth. The sun was setting at this point, but that wouldn't stop me from doing what I wanted to.

The first person I met was Chi-chi, well, she was the first person I saw. I could feel that everyone else was inside the Cube.

"Turles, you're up?" These were her words.

"Yeah, how did it go with them?" I didn't really think there was much to tell. Frieza was gone, there were no more secrets. However, Frieza had a large empire, so many places would be in turmoil without him. There will even be people in the future gunning for his empire later.

It was exactly as I thought when Chi-chi explained. There wasn't much to learn from them, so I told her to let them go. Afterward, I walked into the training cube, and there I saw Goku teaching Nappa.

Raditz was eating to himself while Vegeta was still training to himself. Piccolo had already left at this point, he wasn't good with crowds. Yamcha and the rest of the Z-fighters had also booked it.

"Oh, Turles..." Goku called out and waved at me from afar.

"Yeah, how's everything so far?" Right as I said that—Chi-chi walked in and over to our location.

"I'm trying to teach Nathan, but he's too anxious and impatient. This might take longer than I thought, heh." I could see Nappa in a meditation position, with a head full of sweat. I could only see his back since it was facing me.

But seriously, who was Nathan? Goku must have been referring to Nappa, but I didn't correct him.

Nappa's ears twitched often from what I could see, was he irritated?

"Those types of people will never learn, patience is everything when it comes to martial arts." Chi-chi folded her arms—declaring.

"Haha! You're the last person who should be talking about patience." Suddenly, Raditz walked over after stuffing a bun into his mouth.

"Raditz, don't start with me!" Chi-chi glared at Raditz, it seemed that something had happened between them at some point.

"G-guys, please calm down. Let's move on, heh." Goku tried to defuse the situation.

"Yeah, I have something to tell everyone, but it can't be here. I'll tell everyone tomorrow, but you already know about it to some degree Kakarot, I told you before."

"You told me before? I can't remember." Goku tried to remember but couldn't.

"I tell you again later. I know one thing is for certain, everyone must train harder. There is a powerful threat coming in the future, and that vessel that Bulma mentioned is apart of it." If I was right, then that vessel belonged to a certain someone from the future.

"A threat? How big of a threat?" Raditz asked.

"Much greater than Frieza and his whole family combined. The current me wouldn't be enough to defeat him. Even if we worked together, we would be wiped out, along with the earth and the universe." I spoke gravely.

"That serious?!" Goku's eyes went wide hearing this.

"Oh, and their primary target is you in the first place. Furthermore, I might be condemned because of you." I looked just like him, there was no doubt that I could be mistaken for him—becoming a target of rendition.

Raditz's expression wasn't looking so good. They had escaped one problem to land in another, but this only made him more determined to get stronger. Gohan was already standing next to Chi-chi's leg at this point, listening.

Things were moving faster than usual, so I had to attack Gero's base sooner. First, I wanted to train as much as possible, so I could defeat the androids. Once they were destroyed, what could Cell accomplish later?

Furthermore, I told Goku that he'll need to train his Super Saiyan Transformation. Afterward, Goku, Chi-chi, Raditz, and Gohan left.

Apparently, Raditz was living with them, but their house was so big now, so it was enough room. Goku was coming back first thing tomorrow. I told Nappa and Vegeta that they could sleep here.

Vegeta could feel that he was stronger after training for only a few hours. Vegeta and Nappa ate a ton before falling asleep in the area where the bunk beds were. I went to train by myself, eagerly awaiting tomorrow.