The Breakdown!

The next morning had arrived faster than expected. Getting up, I walked into the training cube—only to see Vegeta training rigorously. He declared that he would surpass me and Goku sooner or later. Well, at least he had a goal, but this was his original goal in the first place—when dealing with Goku in canon.

His fate might still be the same, and that was to become a God of Destruction. I didn't want to become such a thing, but if I wanted to control such power—I might use the Super Dragonballs later to wield it.

At that point, I would be someone that roamed different Dragonball realities and timelines. However, something like that seemed far away, there were also people like Granola who would appear much later.

Nappa was still asleep, I could hear him snoring the minute I walked through the door. What a loud guy, how did Vegeta get any sleep? The training room had red lights radiating inside. Vegeta was training with droids while it was on 300 times Earth's gravity!

"Arg!" I was watching, when Vegeta fell to the ground with a face full of sweat. So, the simulation deactivated itself due to protocol.

"What are you doing? I think this level is a little too high for you right now." I said lazily. I could see that he had broken quite the amount of bones from his harsh training.

Vegeta just looked at me without a word before slowly standing up. He limped helplessly out of the room towards the kitchen.

I shook my head while chuckling to myself, this guy was too prideful right now. I went in their sleeping quarter and threw a pillow and Nappa's face, telling him to shut up.

Nappa snorted and woke up in surprise.

"You snore too much, how do you expect anyone to sleep in here?" I looked at Nappa with contempt. I was feeling so fortunate that he wasn't my roommate.

"Snore? I don't snore." Nappa wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth before lazily laying back down to sleep. I just thought that this place was going to need thicker doors later. I'm sure they could install some in the future.

I went back to the main area and saw Vegeta eating with one arm. His other arm was broken, but it should heal on its own later. His leg was also suffering from some damage, he was really pushing himself.

Eventually, Goku and Raditz walked through the door, they were both brimming with energy. We talked for a bit before they both walked into the training room together. Raditz gazed at Vegeta for a second before doing all of this.

I only watched as the two sparred with each other under a series of heavy gravity. After Vegeta was done eating, he walked over and sat in a chair to watch.

"I saw how you defeated Frieza, it was all recorded by a soldier. I never would have thought that you would appear on a backwater planet like Earth of all places." Vegeta suddenly brought this up with a grin.

"Someone actually managed to record our fight with all of that chaos going on?" I was a little surprised. I had killed a lot of those soldiers hiding on the sidelines at that time. They even ran away from the battlefield, I knew this much.

"Hahaha! There are a few imbeciles who would risk it all for a little fame, that guy was one of them. You humiliated Frieza while spitting on his prestige before killing him, it seemed you've already mastered Super Saiyan by then."

"Yeah, you must free yourself from a few things to achieve it. You'll understand when the time comes, just remember my words when you run into a wall." I looked over at Vegeta before looking back at Goku and Raditz fighting.

I could see that the two were sweating up a storm in there at the moment. Vegeta narrowed his eyes, taking note of what Turles just said.

Time passed and the two came out, while Nappa had awoken. The first thing Nappa did was eat before going to train with Vegeta.

"Man, we really worked up a sweat from all of that, huh?" Goku and Raditz wiped themselves down with a towel.

I told them that it was about time I met Bulma and clarified to everyone about what was going on. At least, what was going to happen next in the future on what was to come.

"Right, let's go, then. I really want to know what's going to happen." Goku said seriously. Raditz shrugged and followed along. Next, we appeared in front of Bulma's house. As usual, her house was massive with two smaller houses to the side.

However, these houses were bigger than everyone's in this city. We simply walked up and knocked on the door, it was shortly answered by Panchy.

"Hey, Miss Brief, is Bulma here?" Goku held his hand up in a waving posture before asking.

"Oh, Goku? She's in her lab, you guys can come in and have a seat." Panchy was all smiles as she welcomed us in. She served us cake and tea, something I wasn't in the mood to eat.

Bulma didn't like to be bothered while working, but her mom bothered her anyway. Panchy told us that Bulma was waiting for us outback. I had already locked onto Bulma's signature, her strength was extremely low, so it was hard to detect at times.

Once we appeared, she was indeed waiting for us. The ship she had mentioned was also present, it was just as I thought. It had vines growing on it, it had also grown some rust in a few places.

"Good, you guys came. This is the ship I was talking about, what do you think?" Bulma was in her lab coat this time.

"Old and outdated." Raditz bluntly said.

"Uh, I don't know, just a ship that can travel through time?" Goku scratched his temple.

"It's just as I thought. This isn't just a normal ship, this ship was made by the future you. An evil creature from the future has come here to wreak havoc." It was definitely Cell, I was a million percent sure of it.

"What?!" Bulma's expression was that of shock, how was that possible? She found it hard to believe.

"Wait, a monster from the future? Why would it come to the past, wouldn't it just be better off going deeper into the future?" Raditz frowned and asked.

"Because, in its timeline, something it wanted was destroyed. So, it went back in time to get what it couldn't." I said bluntly.

"How do you know all of this in the first place?" Bulma had to ask, this didn't make any sense right now to her. What was this monster and why did it exist in the first place?

"I can see into the future to some degree. I see many possibilities when certain actions are taken to handle a situation. Kakarot would know, I've done it for him too, as I did with predicting Raditz's arrival." Raditz gazed at Goku to confirm and he nodded seriously. Raditz had heard this from Goku before, but he wanted to double down to be sure.

"This is so wild." Bulma had to take a seat to take all of this in. When I first watched Dragonball Z, I thought this was wild too but it all made sense in the end.

"Do you know its purpose for coming back in time?" Raditz asked.

"The Androids!" Goku suddenly said before looking at me.

"Clap" "Clap"

"Very nice, Goku. You figured it out. These Androids are created by Dr. Gero, someone who hates Kakarot to the core." I laughed and said.

"Hates me? I've never met a Dr. Ge... whatever his name is..." Goku searched his memories, but he couldn't recall this name.

"From what I gained, you must have offended him badly at some point in your life. Let me use my power to see what you did to offend him." I acted like I was seeing into the past to see what angered Gero so much to hate Goku.

I 'meditated' on the ground for three minutes. Bulma stared at me strangely, but my words all made sense to her. I stood up slowly with a tint of Golden light around me, I was just activation my Super Saiyan form minorly to give myself that majestic feel.

"W-what did you see?" Bulma was the first to speak.

"This person was a part of some Red Ribbon army, you seemed to have invaded it when you were a kid. You killed his son, so he wants revenge on you by killing you with his machine army." I said indifferently.

"The Red ribbon army." Goku could never forget that day, he was trying to retrieve a Dragonball from there. And guess who he was trying to revive with the Dragonballs at that time.

"I never thought the Red ribbon army would come after me after so many years." Goku seemed to be wondering something.

"So this Red ribbon army is a thing?" Raditz didn't know of such an army.

"What do we do then?" Bulma asked, she was worried now.

I was going to mention that Goku might end up with a Heart Virus, but I had a way to resolve that problem.

"We train, then I want to use the Dragonballs to find his hidden base and sack it." It was just that simple.

"Uh, then what about Krillin?" Goku's expression changed.

"Don't worry, we'll revive him first then use them after that. Bulma, you'll need to create a radar that can find Dragonballs despite being turned into stone." I wanted those Balls gathered and ready ASAP for use once they were off of cooldown.

"I can do that." Bulma smiled and said.

I sighed in relief, they all needed to know this.

"Hey, Raditz, you said I could do your hair later. It needs to be trimmed and done up." Bulma grinned and said.

"I don't need a trim, it looks perfect as it is." Raditz retorted.

"When you first got here, it smelled horrendous, has that really changed?" Bulma scoffed playfully.

It looked like I would have to train first, then attack the base. Those Android weren't something to be trifled with so early.

Author Note: The next chapter will mark the end of this Saga.