The Androids Are Free!

Vegeta didn't look at Piccolo long, he seemed more concerned about Nineteen. He ascended to the sky and gazed in the direction Nineteen was kicked into. Vegeta was still grinning as he waited for the Android to show itself.

"Be careful! That Android can absorb energy attacks and energy directly from your body on contact!" Piccolo found the strength to warn Vegeta. Vegeta still smiled arrogantly, his arms were folded while waiting, but he still heard Piccolo's warning.

Turles didn't warn them about Nineteen, he wasn't really expecting much from the Android. In fact, he thought it would be destroyed before being released.

In no time, the ground that was filled with the debris of trees and rock churned. Afterward, Nineteen quickly shot out the rubble with an indifferent expression.

"Oh, you're back so soon? Did you perform some system reboot or something? I hope none of your screws aren't loose from that last kick." Vegeta grinned and taunted.

Nineteen only smirked before analyzing Vegeta. Nineteen found that Vegeta was perfect for energy absorption.

"Checheche! Your energy will all be mine!" Android Nineteen sounded like he had asthma.

"I'd like to see you try it." Vegeta sneered.

Nineteen rushed Vegeta and sent a barrage of punches towards him. Vegeta dodged every one of Nineteen's attempts to hit him. Vegeta then punched out, hitting Nineteen in the stomach. This caused Nineteen to yell out in pain.

Vegeta clasped his fist above his head and smashed it over Nineteen's head. Nineteen yelled out again before he was sent pummelling down toward the road. The Android quickly shot out of the ground to attack Vegeta again, but he couldn't touch Vegeta at all.

"You can't even touch me, you won't live long like that." Vegeta sent a quick and powerful jab at Nineteen's face. Nineteen was knocked back a bit, then his nose and lip started to bleed.

"Oh, it looks like you have an oil leak."

Krillin rushed over from where he was knocked to recently. He was shocked to see that Vegeta had become a Super Saiyan. He found that Vegeta wasn't the friendliest guy, he even had his worries about him.

However, he couldn't think about him for too long. Krillin's attention was on Yamcha, who he found was barely hanging on.

He had managed to survive that encounter with Nineteen somehow!

"Hang in there, Yamcha." Krillin reached into his pocket and pulled out a Senzu bean. He quickly fed it to Yamcha. Krillin had to help him swallow it by giving Yamcha a little chop to his throat. The effects were instant and he began to heal and wake up.

"Ugh...Krillin? That Android?" Yamcha sat up and felt his chest and found that his wounds were all gone.

He sighed in relief, he wasn't dead yet, haha!

"What's going on?" Yamcha asked as he turned to see Android Nineteen fighting Vegeta. Vegeta was beating Nineteen pretty badly, he couldn't even touch Vegeta.

"Vegeta showed up, he even turned into a Super Saiyan. I don't know if it's a blessing or what. I can never tell who side this guy is on." Krillin was always a bit unsure about Vegeta.

"Dang it! That really hurt!" Chi-chi slowly stumbled over, she also took a Senzu bean to heal herself. That attack from Nineteen wasn't simple, she had been hurt badly by it. Piccolo was also all healed up, they all had their own Senzu bean, except Yamcha, who didn't receive one.

At this point, Nineteen started clenching. He understood if this went on, he would be destroyed. Fear started to slowly creep its way into Nineteen's subconscious.

"While Vegeta's doing that, we should check out the base. That Android won't be able to last long against Vegeta from what I can understand and see." Piccolo suggested to everyone.

"Right, we need to destroy this place like Turles said." Krillin nodded and agreed.

"Alright, let's get to destroying this place." Chi-chi cracked her knuckles and flew off with the group.

Vegeta continued to beat down Nineteen when suddenly, Nineteen endured an attack from Vegeta. Nineteen took this time to grab Vegeta with both his hands. Vegeta actually listened to Piccolo's advice, he never used any energy attacks against Nineteen.

"Ha, oh, yes, I have you now...and soon I will have all of your energy." Nineteen grinned widely with a battered expression, his nose bleeding. His domed glass cranium, that housed his mechanical brain was revealed at this point.

"I'll never let you go, not until I have all of your energy!" Nineteen was elated that he had finally gotten his hands on Vegeta.

"Never, huh? Let's see..."

Right as he was dealing with Nineteen, he felt an unfamiliar Ki signature approaching this area.


Piccolo and company ventured into the base, where they were in the midst of witnessing Gero release Seventeen and Eighteen. Both pods slowly opened as the duo stepped out unhindered.

"M-more of them!" Piccolo gritted his teeth, he knew there were more from Turles but they were all too strong. At least, this was how he was feeling with his first encounter with Nineteen.

"Now, you must listen and obey me. Kill these intruders quickly!" Gero pointed at the Z-fighters that just entered, he was carrying a controller of some sort in his hand. This was clearly the device that was meant to destroy them if they got out of hand.

Seventeen gave Eighteen a knowing look.

"Oh, okay, we can do that." Gero sighed lightly, they were finally listening. However, once Eighteen took a step forward—Seventeen made his move. He quickly knocked the device out of Gero's hand, with it landing in front of Eighteen.

"W-whaaat?..." Gero's widened his eyes in shock.

Without a word, Eighteen stepped on the device, destroying it.

"Y-you! How could you?" Gero turned and glared at Seventeen in disbelief.

"Ha! That's too bad, isn't it." Eighteen proceed to walk over to another pod with the number 16 on it.


Suddenly, they heard some rumbling outside of the mountain. No one knew what it was, but it had something to do with the battle with 19 and Vegeta. Everyone paused for a moment due to this, but afterward; they didn't care anymore.

"Hmm, it says Sixteen. He's kinda lacking in the looks department, don't you think? I'd like to see what other modification you made to him, doctor." Eighteen scanned over the pod before looking back at Gero.

"You stay away from there, do not open that chamber!" Dr. Gero said in a commanding tone.

Right then, Vegeta appeared near the entrance. He had already reverted back to his base form, and apparently, he had taken care of Nineteen.

"How many of these things are there?' Piccolo's face was filled with sweat knowing that there was another.

"Go on, Eighteen, release our sleeping friend. He's been in stasis for a long time, it's about time he got some sunshine." Seventeen only turned for a second after Vegeta appeared near the entrance before turning away.

"Right." Eighteen circled around the Chamber that was attached to many-colored cords and wires.

"No! I haven't completed his programming yet, he could malfunction." Dr. Gero was adamant, his tone was filled with threat.

"Guys, this isn't good. Don't you think it's the best time to attack them?" Krillin turned to everyone and said.

"You clowns, step aside. I don't need your help to defeat these 3. They're just more Androids that'll be added to the scrap heap." Vegeta spoke with unrelenting confidence.

'I must get control of them.' Dr. Gero thought.

"He's just a prototype, like I said, he may malfunction." Gero tried to speak calmly.

"Hmm, let's find out. Go on Eighteen." Seventeen's tone was as calm as ever.

Without words, she pushed a button that opened a small lid on the chamber.

"NO, EIGHTEEN!!" Gero ran over and grabbed Eighteen's arm and tugged her.

"I think it's time to send you to the scrap heap!" Eighteen scrunched her face before elbowing Gero away.

"Now, where was I? That's right, releasing this guy." Eighteen said sarcastically.

"If Sixteen was just a prototype, why would you keep him for so long? You destroy any Android that had the slightest malfunction in the past. You even looked at us as flawed, but we're still here for some reason, how strange." Eighteen grinned and said.

"I decided I wanted to fix my problem by repairing him someday. Listen, I made you and I'm telling you that if you activate Android Sixteen, you will regret it!" Gero's voice was growing increasingly louder.

"We'll regret it? I doubt that, old man." Seventeen's eyes began to glow red, showing that he was scanning Sixteen.

"Hmph! According to this data, I'm much stronger than this model." Seventeen scoffed.

"It makes no difference, you better listen to me, or else!" Gero's expression was getting uglier by the minute.

"Hmm, Eighteen, just activate the Android. Don't listen to anything he has to say anymore." Seventeen was done hearing out this old man.

"FOR THE LAST TIME, DO NOT RELEASE HIM!!" Gero turned and started hollering at the top of his lungs at Eighteen.


Right then, Seventeen's hand tore through Gero's back and appeared out his chest.

"AHHRG" Gero's eyes turned bloodshot with shock, his mouth hung open as he gave off choking and gagging sounds.

Everyone was shocked, his own creations were turning against him!

"H-how dare you?! Don't you know, I gave you life... and I can take it away!" Gero stumbled and turned to Seventeen. However, he was met with a high jump kick to the neck, this kicked easily removed Gero's head from his body.

His head was knocked near the entrance where everyone was. Chi-chi's face turned pale as she took a step back.

"Damn it! You're gonna pay for that!" Gero was still talking junk despite being decapitated. Seventeen leaped over and stomped on Gero's head, ending him for good. Seventeen was smirking sinisterly, he felt like Gero deserved that for many reasons.

Seventeen was right in front of the Z-fighters, he only looked at them for a second before walking back over towards Eighteen.

"Open the chamber!" Seventeen said again.

Just as they were about to open it, the sound of rumbling shook the mountain.

"NO!! They can't be allowed to release that Android!!" Everyone felt a powerful Ki fluctuation, along with a loud yell.

Suddenly, a large beam of light shot through the cave from behind the Z-fighter. Its target was clear, being Android Sixteen, Seventeen, and Eighteen. The power signature was even stronger than Vegeta's at that!

Everyone's expression was that of shock, they quickly jumped out of the radius of the blast. The blast exploded as a series of winds engulfed the area. An explosion of light also engulfed the mountain as well, causing it to collapse instantly.

"Who the hell was that?" When everything was settled, Vegeta cursed and asked.

"It was me, why didn't you guys attack sooner?" The figure spoke and revealed himself. Once they all looked at him, they found that they couldn't recognize him.

But there was one thing that they recognize about him.

He was wearing the Turtle School Outfit!