First Contact!

There wasn't only a fight going on there with Vegeta and company, but another elsewhere. Here, there was also a fight, but the situation was far direr than theirs. Nappa and Raditz were both being beaten badly by Android Fourteen and Fifteen.

Raditz was grabbed by his hair and spun around in circles before being thrown through a mountain.

"Damn you!" Nappa was enraged, he couldn't hit this short Android even if his life depended on it—which it did.

Android Fifteen jumped back and away from Nappa. Afterward, Fifteen pulled out a flask from the inside of his bosom pocket and began to drink it. He quickly put it away after a couple of chugs and rushed toward Nappa again.

"You damn midget, Die!" Nappa thought this Android was mocking him, who stopped in a middle of a fight to drink some liquor?!

Nappa opened his mouth and shot a yellow beam of Energy towards Fifteen. Fifteen stopped and knitted his eyebrows before being engulfed in yellow light.


With this attack, the area exploded in bright yellow light, forming a cloud of chaotic dust.

"Hahaha! Think before you mess with the big boys!" Nappa laughed mockingly before swiping and wiping his mouth. Suddenly, an afterimage appeared in front of him, it was fifteen, who was completely unscathed.

"What?!" Nappa's eyes went wide, but it was too late to retaliate against the Android. Fifteen started sent a flurry of punches towards Nappa's stomach. Each punch was so painful that Nappa felt like he was going to be torn apart.

"A...Arg!!" Fifteen stopped as Nappa fell to his knees holding his stomach. His eyes had bloodshot veins going through them. Fifteen cocked his arm back and sent a punch directly into Nappa's face, sending him flying away.

Meanwhile, Chiaotzu and Tien were trying to fight Thirteen.

"This must be some kind of a joke. You little boys wanna fight me, you're better off fighting those 2 over there." Thirteen's southern accent was strong, making him seem even more imposing.

"What do you guys want from us? It's best you guys surrender or things won't go in your favor." Tien took up his fighting stance then Chiaotzu followed.

"I've come to kill Goku and only Goku, so you don't need to meddle in our business. A little birdie like you will serve only to be cannon fodder, you're not even as strong as those two boys you came with." Thirteen said mockingly when he saw Tien trying to challenge him.

"We'll see about that. I can't let you do whatever you want, you won't be able to kill Goku either! Dodon Ray!" Tien pointed at Thirteen and shot off a yellow-orange beam from his finger. Chiaotzu joined him and used the same technique to attack Thirteen.

"Childs play!" Thirteen sneered and waved his arm, knocking both attacks away easily. At that moment, both Tien and Chiaotzu appeared in front and behind Thirteen.

"Hahaha! Two boys trying to fight a man, you guys have a lot of growing up to do!" Thirteen punched was fast, while he simultaneously sent a kicked behind him.

The kick and punch knocked them both away with Chiaotzu suffering greatly from the encounter. One kick almost killed him, he fainted when he landed on the ground—creating a small ditch.

The strength difference was simply too great, with Tien not being able to stand.

"Now stay there, boy! You don't want me hurtin you again, the next time it won't be just a punch. Now get!" Thirteen ignored Tien after and began to spectate the battle with Raditz, Nappa, Fourteen, and Fifteen.

Raditz was stunned, no matter what he did he couldn't beat this Android with the braid.

"I don't understand! I'm a Super Saiyan, how could I be defeated by some Robot?!" Raditz thought that Super Saiyans were the ultimate existence, how could he be defeated?


Fourteen didn't say anything, he rushed Raditz and kicked him in the face. Raditz got ahold of himself mid-flight before rocketing higher into the air.

"I'll have to kill you with this new Attack I just created recently." Raditz raised his hand over his head, similar to the gesture of the Masenko. However, it was over his head and not on it like the Masenko.

Energy began to form as purple lightning bolted around the forming energy. This attack formed fast like Vegeta's new attack, the Big Bang Attack.

Fourteen's expression remained indifferent. Without a word, he darted towards Raditz again.

"Dynamite...Monday!" A huge energy sphere was launched from both Raditz's hands.

The large Purple blast lit up the sky and descended onto the approaching Fourteen. Fourteen stopped in place before he quickly held out both his arms to stop the attack.

Fourteen was carried by the attack and slammed into the surface of the Earth. In the next moment, a huge bubble of energy was slowly rising on the planet's crust. Thirteen watched with a smirk while holding his trucker hat, but Fifteen's hat was blown away by the wind.

All they could see was the large purple light tinting and reflecting onto their faces. The attack slowly started to die down until it was completely gone.

Raditz could be seen panting from that attack, he was clearly out of energy or close to it.

"Haha, that's what you get! I won't be defeated by some oven!" Raditz laughed as he stared at the rubble and the huge crater he had made. To him, there was no way that Android could live such a diabolical attack.

"Porcupine boy, I wouldn't let my guard down if I were you!" Thirteen's voice suddenly came over.

"What? Not let my guard down? Your robot companion was destroyed by me and you're next!" Raditz grinned coldly at Thirteen, he didn't take Thirteen's words seriously at all.

Then, it happened. A silvery figure shot out of the crater at top speed, right towards Raditz. Raditz was stunned, he couldn't really make out the figure at all or see it. The figure slammed into Raditz with unbelievable force, causing him to spit up blood.

That's when he got a good look at the figure, it was indeed who he believed it to be—Fourteen!

"I-Impossible! H-How can you be alive after that?" Raditz found this hard to believe, he was losing his consciousness from this attack. He was knocked out of his Super Saiyan form, reverting back to his standard and base self.

"Hmm, what's this?" Right as Raditz landed on the ground, Thirteen picked something up. He looked in that direction and he was stunned silent.

The person he was looking at was also stunned to see him. No, he was actually shocked to see him of all things here.

This was Turles, he was shocked to see Thirteen through Fifteen here, what was going on? Turles looked in the direction of Tien and Chiaotzu and teleported to them.

"Goku!!" Thirteen roared after coming out of his stunned state. This caused Fifteen and Fourteen to ceased what they were originally doing. They both turned their heads quickly after hearing that name.

Once they saw Turles, they felt great elation rising inside of them. They completely disregarded everyone else and darted toward Turles.


"Goku?" I looked at the Androids, I really couldn't believe these types were here as well. For now, I should take these four away. These Androids are only concerned with killing Goku, so they won't bother with civilians.

I grabbed Tien and Chiaotzu before warping to Kami's lookout. I set them both down stating to Kami that they needed medical attention.

"What? Where did he go?" Thirteen looked around with a darkened expression. When he picked up more readings, he turned to see 'Goku' taking Nappa and Raditz away.

"Kill that son of ah B**ch! Don't let the MuthaFu**er run!" All three Androids launched energy attacks at Turles, but he simply ported away. Before Turles left, he gave Thirteen a salute with a mocking smile.

"The Great Goku, Huh?! He seems only good at runnin and cowardin!!" Thirteen was furious, this was his ultimate target but he got away just like that.

"I guess we'll have to search all of Goku's living and primary places of visitation!" Thirteen, who was once furious, grinned coldly.

So the Great Goku wanted to play Hide & Seek, huh?!


I dropped off Nappa and the rest. These guys were all worth the Senzu beans, but they were nothing against those Androids. I could sense the others, they were also fighting some Androids, or at least—they had to be.

"Kami, is there something wrong?" Just when I was about to leave, I could see that Kami had a worried expression.

"There's something else going on down below beside these Androids. I've sensed it for a while, but it would only happen once in a while. I can see it, there's a strange creature killing off many inhabitants below."

"The way it kills them, it's..." Kami was sweating profusely before he stopped explaining.

"I understand." I nodded. He didn't need to explain, I knew what was going on—well, at least I know he was referring to.

"He should be ready to take your place soon, well, now actually. We'll use the Dragonballs later to revive the dead lost in all of this. I'll go handle the other Androids." I didn't have to worry about Thirteen, Fourteen, and Fifteen for now.

They'll dedicate themselves to hunting down Goku at every turn, for now. Until they start getting impatient and using Humans as hostages to draw some Z-fighters out. There was a chance that they may even group with the rest of the Androids, no, it was a high chance of contact.

"Okay, do what you can. If you can't hold up, then getaway. Better alive than dead, you know." Kami sighed and nodded in return.

"Yeah." I gave a simple answer, then I looked at Gohan and Dende before warping away.

In the next moment, I saw Vegeta being beaten by Android Eighteen. His arm was just broken by her with a kick before he fell to the ground and fainted. He yelled holding his daggling arm before falling and fainting.

Everyone stopped as everyone's grave gazes turned in my direction. Seventeen was standing on the street watching with folded arms, but he suddenly undid his arms when he saw me. His eyes revealed a bit of shock when he saw me before he started grinning.

Eighteen flicked her hair back over her ear before also gazing into my direction, her eyes as sharp as ever.

"As so it begins!"