
"Wait… Tel?" I glanced over. Ram was standing at the doorway, staring at me. "Hey." she ran over, and hugged me. "Woah, why the sudden hug?" "Why didn't you say you were back?!? We were all so worried!" "What? About what?" It took me a second to realize. "Oh, I just got out." Ram pulled away. "Well, since you are here, why don't you help me?" "With…?" Ram smiled. "Well, you see, next week is Star's birthday… aaand, me, and Kenal were planning to surprise her…" "And you want my help." "Yes." "Well, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't?" "Ok, I'll send you what to do… plus it'll be easier for you to do this task, since you actually live here… Well, see ya." "Alright." Ram sprinted out of the room, typing something Into her UD.

My watch vibrated, and a text bubble popped up on it, with the words 'From Ram' on it. I tapped, and It brought me to the texting app, where I could see what Ram sent me. The text told me to… wait, it just told me to find out what Star wanted? But… how would I know? Ram would know way better than me, plus, how would living in the same room help? I sighed, and decided not to question it.

I looked around, trying to find something that would tell me what Star wanted. I couldn't find anything. Well, now that I think about it… she was always playing games on her UD. The games, last I checked, weren't that complicated, or fun. One of them was literally just a game where you see how fast you can tap… and that's it. Literally. So, for the present, we could just make a game for her watch! But, there were two problems with that. One: None of us knew how to code. Two: There was no way to get it onto her watch.

"Ada, Call Ram." "Calling." She picked up, and I quickly explained my Idea. "Hmm… that would be a great present, other than the fact that we have no one to code it… plus, there's not a way to get it onto her watch… But, other than those two problems, it's a perfect Idea! Me and Kenal will work on getting it onto her watch, and you work on finding the coder."

I didn't know anyone that could code, so I had to do that first. "Ada, do you know anyone that can code a video game?" "In what language?" "Uhh, whatever language the games on the UD is." "Searching for anyone that knows Trenla… " It paused for a couple of seconds before responding. "No one that you have authorization to see knows how to code In Trenla." Dang. Well, I guess I'll just have to choose something else. I sighed, and started looking around more, before I thought of an Idea. "Ada… Do you know how to code In Tenla?" "Yes, I can code In Tenla." Bingo! "Is it possible for you to code a game?" "Yes, it is possible, but I would need to get authorization first." "Ada, Call Rano Kani." "Calling."

"Hello, This is Rano Kani. How may I help you, Tel?" "Can you authorize Ada to code something In Tenla? I want to have a game coded for Star's birthday." "Sure, just give me a second… there. Authorized. Hope it all works out!" "Thanks! Bye!" I ended the call, and asked Ada again. "What would you like me to code?" I smiled, and cancelled the command. I then called Ram and Kenal. "Ada? As our programmer? Well, she is a highly advanced AI, so I guess it'll work… Ok, fine. We don't really have another option." "Alright, let's meet up tomorrow to decide what we want the game to be. 3:00pm?" "Alright, it's a plan. Talk to ya then!" I ended the call, and smiled. The next week was certainly going to be exciting.