A match against his ex

A few minutes after she came back to watch the girl started to feel a little dizziness. She held on to her head. The girl held herself together for the next match was Martin's and she needed to focus.

During his match the girl started to recognize his talent, she smiled and looked at him "he only plays clumsy" she said to herself.

He saw her smiled and decided to win, he fought and blocked every of his opponent attack, due to that he one with just one single strike.

After winning the prince came to her "see i told you i am more than capable" he said,

"I never did doubt that you know" she replied.

He smiled and looked at her as she held her head "you good?" he asked,

"I am fine, please go back to your seat" she said,

"Fine" he replied as he went back and sat down.

A little while after the others finished their part, it was the princess turn she had to go up against one of the best female sword fighter, who is Martin's ex and whom will be staying in her home for a few days or probably more.

The girl got up, grabbed her sword and went into the tent to prepare herself, "hey you will do great, just be careful you do not look so good" Jake said,

"I know" she said in a weak tone,

"Charlotte are you sure you do not want to withdraw?" he asked,

The prince then walked in "she will be fine" he said,

"It would be best if you quit while you can, i would not want to hurt to her daddy's little girl" her opponent said,

"Shut up Mila" Martin shouted,

"Come on Martin you and i both know she cannot win against me" she said,

"If i were you i would shut up, you sound like a desperate little bitch" the princess replied.

Martin and Jake laughed at what she said.

The girl the pointed her sword at the princess "i will show you that i am a better princess than you in skills" she said,

"Do i look like i give a damn about how good your skills might be, just leave me alone" Charlotte replied as she grabbed her arrows and placed them in her pocket.

Both of the girls entered the arena and the match began before the princess could even move the girl hit her on her shoulder, since she was already weak it will not take much for the girl to take her down and she knew that.

She inhaled and exhaled and instead of attacking the girl she stood there listening to how the girl oved and blocked all of her attacks, the girl was getting angry and so reckless, the princess smiled,

"I just have to tire you out, that way i will not use up the little energy i have left and it's nearing night, so i cannot take to much time, i just need you in the right spot since you like to show off and use your power as a princess to take advantage of others" the girl said to her self as she struck her with one of the arrow at her leg.

"What the hell?" the girl shouted,

The princess smiled and so did the boys " i see she was waiting for the perfect timing to catch her off guard" Martin said to himself.

She then inhaled and hit the girl with her sword by the back of her knee, by doing so she fell but the girl was strong she got back up just as expected, she attacked the princess with her sword and she was not holding back, Charlotte used that to an advantage.

She kept fighting the girl and blocking her shot but want thing she did not want to do and that was to actually injure the girl so instead, she caught the girl off guard, attacked her from behind and placed the sword by her neck.

"Do not move or you might get cut" Charlotte said,

The girl laughed and Charlotte helped her up "learn to use your skills for something other than showing off, you are a really good fighter" Charlotte said,

"We will have another fight, enjoy your victory for now" she replied as she walked away.

Charlotte went back to her tent while everyone decided to end the tournament for the day and continue tomorrow, her parents were really proud of her, they came to her tent and hugged her.

"Are you hurt?" her mother asked,

"No mom i am fine" she replied as she started to feel dizzy again.

The girl then started to see double, she walked and fainted, Martin grabbed her by her hand and lifted her up in his arms,

"She must be tired i will take her to her room" he said,

Her parents smiled "okay, stay with her for a while" her mom said,

"Okay i will" he replied as he took her to the room and Jake went to his to get some rest.

Martin placed her gently on the bed and covered her with the blanket, he looked at her and pulled her hair behind her ear, "hmm if i could have only told you the truth and why i am really here, you are innocent and yet you're getting caught up between all of this" he said to himself as he placed his head beside her and slept away.

Just before mid night the girl woke up and saw Martin laying near her bedside. She looked at him and tears ran down her cheeks, "each day we spend together i sense a connection but by your actions i am starting to hate you" she said to herself.

She got up from the bed, lifted his hands and foot and lay him across the bed, she then used the little bit of energy she had and fixed him properly.

She then took a bath and wore a long black night gown, after she finished the girl sat down and took some air in the balcony. A little while later the prince woke up and saw her. He got up from the bed and went into the balcony.

"I am going now, later" he said,

"Wait, i will get some food, i am hungry anyway" she replied.

The prince sat down and she took out his food both of them ate and then he went to his room.