
"You want revenge for some reason don't you?" she asked,

He laughed you are fast "yes i want revenge, i might even protect you so do we have a deal?" he asked,

She smiled "deal" she said,

"Good i will see you around then" he replied as he disappeared.

Later that day the girl went to meet Jake's mom, "it is good to see you your highness" she said,

"You too Charlotte, i heard that you and my son are dating" she replied,

"Yes we are just trying something" she said,

"Good, tell me if he does anything to hurt you, i will deal with him" she replied,

"He is a good guy, uh.. my lady what do you know about the white spiral?" she asked,

The queen gasped "why do you ask?",

"I read about it in a book" she said,

The queen sat down " Charlotte it is an extremely dangerous and powerful object, it was hidden from men and magical folks after the king started to rule, if it gets into the wrong hands really bad things can happen but once it chooses an owner, then no one else can use it or so they say" the queen replied,

"Hmm so it contains both darkness and light, that is bad" she said,

"Yeah and it kind of thinks on its own and it will do whatever it takes to protect its owner" she replied,

"How will you know when it chooses its owner?" the girl asked,

"A red flower appears on the persons back or hand" she said,

"Oh okay thank you" she replied,

"Anytime, what's the king been up to lately?" the queen asked,

"Hmm he is planning to assassinate me every chance he gets" she responded,

"That is bad, protect yourself, i could not protect my kingdom but maybe you can protect yours Charlotte" she said,

"I will try my best and do whatever it takes, even if i have to kill him" she replied,

The queen smiled "if i die, now i know my kingdom will be in great hands too, you are one in a million sweetheart, now go before they start looking for you" the queen said,

She laughed "i will come visit soon, take care" she replied as she rushed off.

The girl went through the barrier then grabbed her horse and rode back to the castle.

As she got off of her horse someone grabbed her and threw her on a hay stack in the stables, she tried to fight him but he was strong and his touch was scary, she kicked him and tried to run away but he stabbed her, she screamed and fell to the floor, her parents heard and rushed out only to find their daughter covered in blood on the hay in the stable.

After seeing her like that, Magnus's eyes glowed white as he lifted her up in his arms, he took her to her room and placed her on the bed, her parents called the doctor, they stopped the bleeding and wrapped her stomach with bandage.

"How is she?" her father asked,

The doctor sighed "she lost a lot of blood but she will be fine, just keep an eye on her" the doctor said,

The king sighed "thank you" he said,

"You are welcome sire, send for e if there is anything else" the doctor replied as he left.

"The queen folded her cuffs in anger "when i find the person who tried to kill my girl, i will hang him in front of the entire kingdom" she said as she sat by Charlotte side as she slept.

"You guys can go have lunch, it is late, i will watch over her" Magnus said,

"Will she be okay?" Jake asked,

Magnus smiled "she is strong so i am sure she will" Magnus replied,

"You are right, i will be right back" Jake said as he took off to go meet his mother.

Her parents left for a meeting and Magnus stayed by her side, a little while after the girl woke up in pain and saw Magnus sitting by her side.

"Magnus" she said,

He looked at her and when she placed her hand on his, the girl jumped at how cold his skin was "are you feeling okay?" she asked,

"I am the one who should be asking you that" he said,

"I am serious" she replied,

"I am fine, how are you feeling?" he asked,

"I will be fine do not worry about me" she said,

"It is a little too late for me not to worry" he replied,

"Charlotte who was it that tried to kill you?" he asked,

"I.. i couldn't see his face Magnus, just relax" she said,

His eyes glowed white and he looked at her sternly, she trembled in fear "wh.. what is it?" she asked nervously,

"Do not say that to me again, i will kill him, get that in your head" he said as he walked out of the room.

"Damn it" she said to herself as she got up from the bed, held on to her stomach and followed him to the arena where the soldiers were training.

He took off his shirt and started training, when the soldiers saw her, they stopped her "princess you should not be here in that state" he said,

She smiled "i will be fine" she replied as she walked out to the field,

As she was walking, the girl felt dizzy due to the heat of the sun, she then fell down to the ground, the prince saw and rushed to her "Charlotte why did you follow me here?" he asked as he lifted her up.

He then placed her to sit on a bench and gave her a bottle of water "sorry if i got you angry" she said,

He sighed :i just overreacted, it is fine" he replied with a fake smile.

"Don't be so reckless Magnus be careful, whoever he is, one thing is for sure and that is he is pretty skilled" she said.