A new side

After having dinner everyone went to bed, it was hard for her to sleep but she did anyway.

The next morning when the prince woke up he saw his skin glowing, he did not know why so he took a bath, got dressed and decided to be cautious for he could have felt the power surging within him.

He went to the dining room and saw everyone including the princess, she smiled with him "good morning" she said,

"Good morning" he replied with no smile as he sat down.

The girl already knew something was wrong.

She ate her food while staring at him and Jake saw, he smiled "Charlotte everything okay?" he asked,

She smiled "yeah everything is fine" she responded with a killer look,

"I am fine Charlotte" Martin said,

She looked at him and smiled awkwardly "i did not say anything" she replied,

"You didn't have to it is written all over your face" he said as he looked at her.

He got up "i am going for a walk" he said walking away.

She looked at him and saw scales started to appear on his neck back, she gasped "i will be right back" she said as she grabbed a scarf and ran to him.

"Martin" she called out as she reached the stables "what's wrong?" he asked,

She gave him the scarf "what's that for?" he asked,

She sighed, tip toed and wrapped it around his neck, he looked at her "your scales, they were showing" she said,

"Oh that" he replied as they turned their separate way "Charlotte" he called out,

"Yeah" she responded,

"Hop on" he said as he got on to the horse, he reached out his hand to her, the girl held his hand and he pulled her on the horse then rode off to the waterfall pass the valley where no one goes.

As they arrived the girl got down and first thing she did was climbed the tree and picked few apples.

She was coming down but her foot slipped, the prince caught her "be careful" he said as he placed her down,

She gave him and apple then he took his scarf off, his hair then grew longer and for some reason it was more white than the last time, his eyes turned gold as his white and silver scales came out on his skin along with his little horns and his clothing turned into a dress like white robe.

The left staring at him "wow you are beautiful" she said,

He laughed and sat down near her "thanks i guess" he replied as her face turned pink,

"Sorry, but you glitter in the sunlight" she said with a frown,

"I appreciate that you think i am beautiful, my powers are growing so i have to be careful" he replied as he placed his hand on her face and she stared him in the eyes then removed his hand off of her.

He sighed "you do love him don't you?" he asked,

She got up and picked another apple, his eyes glowed gold "answer me" he said,

"I guess so" she replied,

"Yes or no charlotte?" he asked,

She got nervous and sighed "yes..." she responded,

"Okay well i will be going home soon so there shouldn't be anymore complication" he said,

"You are not a complication" she replied,

"You may think that way but others don not" he said as he transformed back to his normal self.

"Come on let's head back, i have things to take care of" he said as he got on the horse, the girl sighed and got on with him.

She held on to his jacket and they rode off.

"What are my feeling for Martin anyway?" she asked herself.

After they arrived at the palace, the girl got off "Charlotte" Martin called out,

The girl looked at him "sorry about earlier" he said,

"It's fine" she replied as she walked into the castle.

"Where were you Charlotte?" her father asked,

"I went with Martin father, it's fine" she responded,

"You cannot trust him blindly" her father said,

She looked at him "stand up to the king father, he is the real threat" she replied,

Jake walked into the throne room after hearing Charlotte's voice, "Charlotte that is no way to speak to your father" her mother shouted,

She looked at her mother sternly "before calling others a threat you should look at the real one, that is all i am saying after all he is the one killing the innocent and you standby and let it happen. But it seems you are more afraid than the kids" she said as Martin walked in,

"You watch your mouth young lady or else" her father shouted,

"Or else what?" Charlotte shouted,

"Guards take her to her room and lock her in" her mother said,

Upon hearing that Martin's eyes glowed as the guard was about to touch her, the girl grabbed her sword and placed it on his neck "don't even think about it" she said,

Her parents gasped "Charlotte what has gotten into you?" her mother asked.

The girl removed her sword and turned to her mother in tears "maybe if you guys just do the fight thing we won't have to live in fear all the time" she said.

"You know mother if i was the queen, i would protect my people yes but i would also fight, i would never sit down and watch things like this happen" she said,

"Charlotte that is enough" Martin said,

"Are you evil too?" she asked,

Martin looked at her, she smiled "i don't care if you are a villain, one thing i know and that is you are nothing like your father" she responded.

He smiled and hugged her "you need to relax" she said,

"He is right" her father said.

She raised off of him "i don't, i am going into town, later" she replied as she walked out the door.

"She is right" her mother said as she sat down,

"We are seeing a new side of our daughter and it is scary" her father replied as he drank a cup of water.