Anastacia and Luka

Later that night both of them went to sleep in their separate rooms. The girl slept well that night and the next morning when she woke up the girl was glowing bright. She got up took a bath, then got dress and went into the dining room for breakfast.

Upon arriving there she didn't see Martin only the king "uh.. good morning" she said,

"Good morning, sit down" he replied.

The girl sat down and at the same time Martin came "good morning guys" he said as he sat near Charlotte,

"Good morning" Charlotte replied and he patted her on the head.

The father did not like that "Martin the siblings will be arriving soon so be nice" he said,

The boy folded his cuff in anger "sure father" he replied as he held on to Charlotte's hand,

"Are you two dating or in love or something?" his father asked,

Martin looked at him sternly "not because you are close to someone mean you are dating that person, we are just friends nothing more and nothing less" he said,

"Good now hurry up and eat we have work to do" he replied as he got up and walked away.

Charlotte folded her cuffs in anger and walked away, Martin sighed "seems like dad is going to take out his anger on Charlotte" he said to himself.

Charlotte was going out when she bumped into prince Luka, she was about to fall but he grabbed on to her and smiled "watch it, you won't want to scratch that pretty face, my lady" he said,

"Thank you" she replied,

"Hi i am Luka" he said as he brought forward his hand,

"Princess Charlotte" she replied as she shook his hand,

Both of them bowed to her "my lady i am Anastacia" the girl said,

"Nice to meet you princess Anastacia" she replied,

"Likewise" Anastacia said as the coach man brought in their luggage.

Upon seeing them Martin sighed, the girl was a blonde and very pretty, as foe the prince he was tall, muscular, had green eyes and black hair, he was just as charming as the girls in the kingdoms say and his sister was a beauty.

"Martin how are you?" Anastacia asked as she hugged him,

"I am fine Anastacia how have you been?" he asked,

"Just fine thank you" she responded,

The girl along with her brother sat down in the living room with the king, Charlotte noticed that the prince was looking at her and Martin grabbed on to her hand smiling "sit" he said,

She smiled and sat down near him "so is she your girlfriend?" Liam asked,

"No she is not" Martin responded,

"Good then maybe i have a shot" he said,

"No a chance" Martin replied and Liam laughed,

"So you are the princess of Algethia right?" the girl asked,

"Yes i am and i take it you are the princess and prince of Drequenda?" she asked,

"Yes we are, you should come visit sometimes, it is nice there" Anastacia said,

"I will" she replied,

"Good i am glad you have have all met" the king said,

"Now why don't we get to work, uh.. Charlotte you can take a tour around the castle and so, just do whatever you want just don't get in my way" he said as he looked at her sternly,

"Enough father, she won't get in your way and Charlotte i will show you around later" he said,

"Okay" she replied as he hugged her and they all left staring "be careful around here please" he whispered in her ear,

He raised up and she smiled with him in agreement then he left along with Anastacia while Charlotte was stuck with Liam.

"So princess what brings you here?" he asked,

"Uh Martin wanted to show me his home" she said,

"He has always being the cold type and today he is showing girls around" he replied,

"Are you afraid of the king?" he asked,

"No i am not" she responded,

He looked at her and smiled wickedly "you are a spicy one, how about join me in the stables we can go for a ride?" he asked,

"Uh i do not know" she responded,

"Oh come on, i will race you" he said,

The girl smiled "okay fine but if i win you have to stop asking me questions" she replied,

"Fine deal" he said.

The prince along with the princess went to the stable, there she choose a black her which was Martin's apparently, she played with the horse until it trusted her and then she got onto it.

"First one on top of the hill wins" he said,

"Okay" she replied as they rode off, while racing Charlotte head started to spin and she lost focus but she won and when he arrived at the top of the hill, he laughed "congrats" he said,

She coughed "thanks".

"You okay?" he asked,

"Yeah i am fine" she replied as she turned around and looked at the place behind the hell, it was beautiful, there was a river and the forest was huge.

"People like to watch the sunset form here" he said,

"Yeah it's a beautiful view" she replied as he stared at her "beautiful indeed" he said,

The girl then got off of the horse and so did he, while the horses eat, Charlotte picked a few berries and while she was doing that, her feet slipped and she tumbled down the mountain , Liam screamed out her name and at the same time Martin was talking to some people with his father and he saw.

Both of the princes rushed to the girl and Martin grabbed on to her, she was unconscious and bleeding too, he lifted her in his arms and rushed with her to his room, there the nurse came and took a look at her.

When she finished looking after her she warned the prince that the girl has lost room much blood and if that happens again she will not be able to save her again.