A Noble Demon Title (2)

Ace looked at Clay and asked, "Since Head Elder is giving me one of the ten slots, then can Head Elder tell me which noble demon title will I earn?" 

Clay smiled mysteriously and said, "You don't need to worry about it. In three days, come and get your noble demon token and robes." 

Ace didn't push the matter, since it seemed Clay was far more eager than him to get him a noble demon title.

Ace suddenly asked, "Since this is the case, then I have to thank Head Elder in advance. Can I gain access to the library here since I already pass the test?" 

He was very interested in information stored in royal demon council libraries and since he doesn't have to steal it now, he won't let such a chance pass. It will greatly boost his knowledge and he might get some clue about why those royal zone demons were after him.