Noble Demon Title: Rising Sword Earl

The mighty blade province was divided between ten dukedoms and a king domain.

Recently, there wasn't anything new besides Blade Demon King's announcement, and almost every youngster who dreamed about going to the royal zone was moving toward Blade King Domain. 

Until a piece of astonishing news spread like wide fire, a young demon from a backwater tribe has emerged within the ocean demon duchy, and he was a sword path genius who had comprehended half sword intent. 

This drew even Blade Demon King's attention, and he himself confirmed it from the royal demon council, and he was thrilled when he heard this sword path genius was from his province and soon reached his domain. 

Blade Demon King has always promoted talents, and he never cared about their background, either. He quickly commanded one of his close aides to go toward the ocean demon city and escort this genius with no accidents.