Life is Coming to an End! (5)

Adorned in black robes, a dainty girl with delicate features and white skin was looking at Damien dazed as she was bewildered about how she appeared here when she was in the middle of placating the Thieving World Society. 

She was also surprised when she saw this place still unaffected by the darkness, and behind her was an endless wall of Qi radiation, giving her a feeling of death. But strangely, she didn't notice the beggar beside her as if he was invisible.

"Miss Emmie…" 

However, she quickly snapped out of her stupor when she heard Damien's soft call, and she knew it wasn't an illusion. He really appeared again after being taken away by this mysterious expert, making her somewhat excited since Damien was the pillar of their organization. With that expert's mysterious means, their people might be able to avoid this calamity, so this made her hopeful. 

"You're back to save us, Leader?" She asked with a hint of hope and elation in her bell-like voice.