Life is Coming to an End! (6)

Within a few hours, complete upheaval breaks out all over the United Mainland, and the eerie darkness shows no sign of fading while that voice that has started all this looms over everyone's head like the sword of Damocles. 

The warm temperature was long gone, replaced by icy chillness; mortality was dying, the flora was wilting, and even the weak cultivators were being affected. The demonic beasts were going berserk, attacking everything in their path. 

The top ten races were all panicked and all the top cultivators present in the united mainland were heading toward the Union Continent to seek help out of this situation. 

It wasn't just the mainland; even the endless sea was affected, tilde waves were rising, and the sea beings were fleeing towards the depth of the sea, but even that place didn't give any sense of security. It was like nothing could hide from that darkness. The Sea Kings Federation was in a state of emergency.