Hack ("Big Data")

Somewhere in the metropolis city in the southern continent.

Everyone was talking to each other in a day, bringing up their own robotic creature while collaborating for their jobs.

The real human-like robots who sell their products in the food truck in a well-ordered way were covered adequately by the trees surrounding them on the left and right sides of the road. It led the place to become lively as usual, with many street foods provided. Many people were sitting in the trees in a group, enjoying their food together.

Traffics were everywhere, but it was all well-designed to the extent that there was no need for the traffic light to be handle as everyone was aware of the rules.

Meanwhile, on the right side of the road, a futuristic car ran at a low speed without any voices heard. As if that it was looked like some famous electric cars.

Inside that car which was running right now, lies two people. An old man with a lady had a petite body thanks to her father's setup. She complained while grabbing her seatbelt annoyingly,

"Dad, give my original body back!"

"You look way too tomboy-ish in your original body. So I had to stop your aging at ten years old!" Bonar replied to his daughter while drinking his freshwater in the glass bottle while reading at his transparent table about the news that mentioned his invention.

That statement led Arisa, the girl who sat in the passenger seat in the front, to puff her cheek, complaining,

"Nuu!! Dad!! You are a lolicon!"

Her father spilled his drink which caused the car to lost its balance. It forced her dad to drive the vehicle manually before re-enabling his car's autopilot mode again.

"DRIVE PROPERLY!!" She yelled to him, which led that man to complain. A wave of anger mark was visibly seen on his left forehead to signify his anger over his daughter. But, he was trying to hold his anger over his daughter's annoyance, threatening her,

"How about I'm spanking you right now? You had almost killing us together!"

"You deserve it!! Blueek!!" She mocked her father by looking at him, stuck her tongue out while widening her mouth by using both of her index fingers, then widen her eyes as she said that.

Thus, her dad ignored her, whistling around and telling her in a mockery tone,

"Says someone who is an adept in tech but in the same time was too lazy to open her

own documentation to read her stuff for how her body works."

"Ehehe Ehehe!!!" Arisa replied with an awkward smile. Thus, she reached her petite right hand to her dad's left ear. She moved her left hand frantically as it pinned her dad's left ear. It caused the man to yell painfully, yet tilting his car's steer by accident.


A massive crash voice was heard clearly by both of them in the vehicle.

Thus, They bumped a certain [Cybernetic] creature that later complained to them, in his body parts that sliding in his vehicle.

[Cybernetic 666 complain: Do not drive under alcoholic influence, you insolent fool!]

That voice itself had been heard clearly inside the car, which led both of them to silence.

But then, the old man finally asked her in a frantically scared tone, yet sweats dripping, drenched his white T-shirt.

"I'm going to pay you ten bitcoins, help me to take rap of this, can you?"

Thus, someone was yelling that heard clearly in that passageway.

Hours later, two-person was sent hospitalized.

Arisa wouldn't need to be hospitalized as her [Cybernetics Skin] made by Nveria had protected her from further damage. While her dad.

He did not even reflect himself for making his daughter feels terrible! Instead, he was smoking with his right leg being checked up by a nurse cyborg that looked like a typical adult video artiste while reading a newspaper.

"Old fogey, did you want to tell me about the big data?" Arisa started. Thus, Bonar sipped on his cigar, telling her,

"I would like to know your thoughts about big data first, Arisa."

Arisa silenced, her lenses were looking at her father with the information suggested and written in azure color,

[Name: Bonar Simanjuntak]

[Status: Left leg fractured, Left arm fractured, need approximately three to five days to recover]

She told him,

"Big data is like a two edged blade, dad. One side, it's very powerful. Even for someone like me, the one who wished someday that my dreams to reveal the truth. I mean, look, dad. I'm not going to lie about this that its indeed useful for me. I do believe that I'm not longer living with my soul. But, at least, I can feel it from my memories."

He nodded after Arisa explained her point of view. Thus, he continued,

"How about your other edge of blade?"

She explained,

"Everyone bowed to it as if that it was a god. While I only trust with one god that they always call [Outdated]. Thus, I'm going to fight for that, revealing the truth to everyone about who the actual god is. When I was died at that time after execution, angels comes to me and telling me everything about it."

Bonar closed his newspaper, throwing his cigar to the cigar box on the left side while putting his newspaper on the steel table where the cigar box was placed.

Thus, he asked his daughter,

"I know it, you want to tell them all of this. But their rationality may led you to be drown into the laughter, do you?"

"Yes, dad. And I do believe that the [Big Data] had lies those shit. Or else, we won't be able to revive, won't be able to live forever. And many people won't be able to get themselves killed. Not to mention how a deadly illness such as COVID-19 and HIV are not longer a thing in this era thanks to the powerful side of the [Big Data] to discover how to cure it. "

He smiled at her when he looked at her. His aged face had expressed everything about something that he wanted to say. But, he prefers not to reveal it, which led him to say.

"How about I'm telling you that I will enlist you to the [God of Hackers] competition, so you can win the absolute ownership of the Big Data?"