Hack("Entering the building") (part 1)

[Hacking OS Initiated]

She observed the screen that formed many dots on the map that mapped in her radius.

'Five red dots in a giant form, it means that there are five gigantic sized robotic creatures. That creatures are hard to kill with a hacking alone.' She muttered while she was looking at the screen, thinking what she should do.

Then, she noticed other red dots by muttering,

'Three small red dots near me, it means that there may be a plenty amount of security cameras nearby.'

Thus, she looked at the left and right, looking if there were pointy things that had their lens focusing on her or not.

Thus, she noticed one when she looked at the left, located in the bush amongst the trees around ten meters from her point of view. But, she muttered,

'One security camera found, two Type one [Cybernetics] are guarding there. Both of them were highly skilled. I had to be careful.'

Thus, she started to move silently, from her position, she moved towards the next bush by squat-walking.

Soak!! Soak!!

It was a voice that came out after her pink boots had collided with the grasses. However, no one noticed it as they were the bunch of bots that would not realize those.

Thus, she continued to look at the camera to see it clearly while it couldn't see her in that camera.

Thus, she pulled her pink-colored P-90 from her left hip. Then, she aimed at the camera while looking at the other camera located just right in her head.

'Hmm, dumb security cameras.' She chuckled while muttering, which led her to cut the camera's power by dropping it and stomping it simultaneously.

Dug!! Dug!!

Twice of the pounds from her pink boots had broken those security cameras,

'Consumer camera, imagine someone using the consumer camera while the one who they protected is a big politician.' She muttered with a disdainful expression to that broken security camera.

Thus, she focused her P-90's mouth on the security camera, took aim at it while at the same time, she muttered in her mind,

'I got to clear three of the objects in three seconds.'

She took a glance at the security guards in the robotic figure that was patrolling around there. Thus, she waited for her opportunity to land a gunshot to the place.

However, she remembered that she did not use the suppressor. So, she decided to put her gun down and opening her hacking system.

[Hacking OS Initiated.]

She focused her eyes on one of the security guards while typing on the virtual keyboard on her screen.

Thus, she typed it quickly while trying to focus on the opponents she wanted to control.

Thus, she found the weak spot by looking at one of them, muttering,

'That robot was vulnerable. Time to do some assassin game!'

And she pressed [Enter] on her screen. Thus, her memory had been copied to the targeted robot that she was aimed at, located where it was far away from the other security guards.

She could see herself in the data-like transferring system. It was going too fast to the extent that nobody would know if that was too quickly as it was looking like it was too slow to be fast.

But, she did not have any leisure to enjoy that view. So, she just only leaping fast towards the robotic creature that led her to observe the screen,

[Cybernetics Type 1 - 0101: Patrol purpose]

'Hmm, this is way too weak!' She muttered in her mind in a complaining tone.

But, to her, it was a never-mind case. So, she just moved the robot in her will by using the robotic creature's brain processor.

Meanwhile, in the hidden place, her body remained motionless, ready for any predators to took her fragile-looking body away.

She walked by using the robotic body, observing the rest of the creatures there.

While in the same time, she tried to find a way to kill the closest robotic creature to the security camera.

But at the same time, she wouldn't need to worry much about her whereabouts as nobody would be able to realize that...

'Erm... can you stop? Someone?'

She forgot that what had happened in her original body could be sensed by her through the [Big Data], which somehow had made her blush internally.

'Child sexual abuse is a fatal crime, idiot!' She muttered in her mind while throwing the rock at the random homeless man who tried to take advantage of her loli body.

Thus, that man ran away as she sent the command to that man,

[Cybernetics Type-1 0101 warning: Left this place, right now!]

That man insisted on continuing by touching her leg.

[Censorship protection enabled.]

'Finally that this weird censorship stuff comes up.' While looking at her body, she muttered that it sent a distress alarm, leading everyone to notice. The man was killed immediately in a single warning.

Thus, Arisa muttered in her robotic hacked body,

'I knew that a loli body could work with this way anyway.'

But, something out of her hands happened as one of the robotic creatures had reached her position.

'Fuck! This... Oh!! I know it!' She muttered in an evil smirk as soon as she cursed.

She figured out how to take down the entire security guards in a single shot, whether it was a Type-1 Cybernetics or the gigantic robot creature.

So, she just came to that place alongside the robotic creature that was bought her original body.

[The Cybernetics Type-1 0102 reporting, senior 0101, this girl seemed to have a low body temperature. Close to death.]

That robotic creature reported to her while bringing her original body.

'Thats my body, you dumb!' She muttered in her mind with a cussing word. But at the same time, she hacked the body, making it say,

[Cybernetics Type-1 0101 replying, bring her to somewhere safe. Don't let the vendors know that we are doing this.]

Thus, the robotic creature replied to her, asking,

[Cybernetics Type-1 0102 asking, why do we need to bring her to somewhere safe? Is it better that we get it to the facilities instead?]

'Perfect! I never thought that this gonna be epic! It means that I don't even need to do something just to go to their place!' Arisa muttered in her mind a joyful expression that could not be drawn in her robotic hacked body.

Then, she decided to walk along with the robotic creature, telling it through her hacking technique,

[Cybernetics Type-1 0101 replied, agreed with you, let's bring her to the facilities. but, is it okay that we are using their facility to cure this girl?]

[Cybernetics Type-1 0101 answered to senior, it's exemplary, senior. No matter how fucked up they are, they still need to hold the ethic code from the medics.]

'Ah, that's even better!' She muttered in her mind while, at the same time, she had plotted over something that Arisa had prepared before she was doing that.

Which was...

'I have planted malware* to the 0102. So I can hack it right away when I managed to enter the health facility.'

She muttered that on the way when both of them were entered the building without any problem.


*Malware (also known as Malicious Software) is any software intentionally designed to cause damage to a computer, server, client, or computer network (by contrast, software that causes unintentional harm due to some deficiency is typically described as a software bug)