1. The Vantouxer Company

In a very large room with all clean white nuances. Someone just walked into it. He was sure that his great master was waiting for the latest report from him. Yes... He is one of the greatest and most successful master's right-hand men in Uncle Sam's country. In his hands, he has also prepared several files and a sophisticated IPad that will streamline his reports.

"Sir, Mr. Robert Smith's Champion Group's company is bankrupt. All employees are currently demonstrating in front of his building. Mr. Robert himself fled to Argentina," Harry reported to a young man who was sitting in a swivel chair facing the glass window.

The man smiled slightly behind his cold face and tightened jaw. His right hand never failed him.

"Good, Harry. Take it easy... The old man will soon be begging for help from me," he said proudly without turning to her right-hand man who was still faithfully standing upright behind her.

Harry nodded. His master will not pardon anyone who tries to get in his way. And that Lord Robert was wrong because he wanted to deal with his master. As a result, he's in trouble himself now.

"Yes, Sir," said Harry and then put the folder with several files on his master's desk. Then return to its position. Stand tall behind the neatly arranged chairs in this all-white room.

The young man glanced at his expensive watch. 6:35 pm.

Time to go home.


Harry immediately saw his sophisticated iPad which had just gone off. Her eyes were auto-focused on the screen showing a person in a dark room with candlelight in hand and walking slowly.

Harry smiled at her. One of his Master's prey approached the cage of death without being forced. And that was commonplace in the pattern of life that he had lived the last few years with that Master.

"Sir, it looks like someone wants to see you. He's in one of the execution houses," reported Harry while turning off his iPad screen. He looked at his master with a smile that contained a triumph there. Jeez... He always did when his enemy master realized his mistake. That makes the job easier. Better right?

The young man finally got up from his swivel chair. Not to forget the smirk, who always ado. his handsome face then turned to Harry.

"Really? Is it that fast?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Do not believe what Harry said about someone who soon dared to betray him. He hates betrayal!


"Yes, Sir."

"All right, let's have some fun before we go home," he said excitedly as one hand tugged at the black coat hanging beside his desk. Then began to walk outside with Harry following behind him.

"Good night, Sir," greeted several people in neat black suits who saw the great.

Master walking in front of them with Harry in tow. It has become a habitat for employed who work in well-known companies in this special country. Though in the end, their Master wouldn't return the greeting or smile they gave them a special smile. But it is a form of respect for an employee to his boss. So, it's not a big problem for them not to get a reply. The master is indeed a cold and untouchable type of person. But so, they as employed are very grateful to be employed here, where the majority of them are the chosen people and the best of the best.

The man just stared at his employed without the slightest intention to return the greetings or smiles they showed. He continued walking arrogantly without anyone daring to block his way. Who would dare to fight a big lord like him? Meanwhile, Harry who was behind him was the same. Staring flat at them in silence and following in his Master's footsteps.

The jet-black car stopped right in front of Harry and his master. Inside is already someone who is specially assigned to drive this great but very cold Lord's private car.

Harry immediately opened the passenger door for his master to quickly enter. Then closed it after seeing that his master was sitting relaxed in it. He also immediately entered the front. Right next to the man who was now staring at him in embarrassment. Jeez! Why is god so evil to have met this stupid man.

"Don't look at me like that or poke your big eyes, David," said Harry, who was very tired of seeing such a scene every time he got into his master's car. Right, God is very good to him.

"I don't care," David replied indifferently and then refocused his gaze to immediately accelerate the car. He didn't want his master to wait long and as a result, he was also the one who got nagged by Harry.

Harry saw his Master through the rearview mirror of the car. His master did nothing but stare at the scenery outside the moving car. He then returned to focus on the future. Staring at the road ahead with David at his side who was focused on driving.

"Where are Mike and Erix?"

Harry suddenly looked back. Just when his Master was just asking his other confidant.

Mike, one of his master's confidants who is in charge of keeping things safe. Regarding the computer that hacked all of his master's activities that no one else would know, even the police or other officials who served as road safety would not know his master's whereabouts It was Mike's intelligence that his big master believed in all his activities. And Mike will not betray anyone who employs him because he is the type of person who is very loyal to his master. Isn't that great?

Erix, another confidant who served at his Master's headquarters. He handles all the activities of his master's men at the headquarters. He also took care of buying and selling forbidden items to his Master's clients who were scattered in various cities and countries. For shipping security issues, of course, Mike is the one who helps eliminate traces of ships and other transportation used by Erix.

And Harry is one person who includes some of his Master's trusted men in charge. He can do everything without the help of others. But that was before his Master hired Mike, Erix, and David all at once. He had asked why his master hired them? He thought he would be fired and thrown away by his master after they were hired. But his Master replied 'it is better than I see you in your troubles. Wouldn't that make your task easier? '. Jeez ... It turned out that his master was very considerate of him.

"Mike just hacked into Erix's trail after delivering the goods to Africa, Sir," reported Harry after seeing the details of where the two men were now on his iPad screen.

The cold young man turned his gaze back out of the windshield. Where on either side of the road there are towering trees with fallen leaves on the ground. He just stared flatly at the view presented. It was better than seeing his two men who had pathetic faces. Ah, is it autumn? Why did he just find out after staring out for a while?

Cars are still speeding on this very quiet road. Yes... They will go to a small hut where the slum is used as one of the execution houses that someone visited. Ah... The young man couldn't wait to meet his guest. He will have fun by injuring every inch of the body of his guest. It's fun but it's also boring. It's fun because he will punish anyone who dares to betray him and it's also boring because he always finds a traitor in his life. It sucks!