2. Mr. Karl Magine Grow

In a very dark room. A middle-aged man continued walking with extreme caution. He had a candle in his hand to give him a little light so he could move on in the dark. No... he shouldn't be in a place like this right now. He shouldn't walk above the threshold of death as people say. But if he is not in this place and wobbles like now, what will the fate of his family be? He doesn't care what people say. He doesn't care. Mr. Mafia is very cunning indeed. After his political position had fallen apart, the Lord was now eyeing his family. That can't happen. But what is the power? He was wrong because he asked for help from Mr. Mafia, who didn't have the slightest feeling. He had wrongly agreed to the terms that Mr. Mafia had put forward. But nevermind. The rice had turned into porridge and the porridge couldn't turn back into the rice. Now there is only regret that he feels.

"Good evening, Mr. Karl Magine Grow."

The middle-aged man gasped. Soon, was he going to meet that terrible Mafia Lord? Oh my God... What's wrong with him being able to enter a black environment like now. Oh, Karl... You are stupid!


The room lights dim. It shows a young man sitting in the middle of the room, not forgetting the charming smirk that always adorns the cold and arrogant face. Also, a piercing gaze that anyone who had met him could never forget.

"Mr. Harley .."

Harley Jaegwae. Mr. Mafia TIGER BLACK is respected by many black circles. Not only in the black world, because Mr. Mafia is also an international entrepreneur in his country. Even the black world is nothing compared to the company that has branched out in various citieslenged.

Harley raised an eyebrow. "Then how about your betrayal?" said Harley casually. He stood up from his seat, stepped towards the various gun cabinets with bullets that were not kidding, of course. "This could be the last time you breathe air."


"Argh .."

One-shot straight at Karl's left calf. He tried to hold back the sting of hot metal lodged there. It's okay, it's not over yet. You have to endure Karl, you have to take responsibility for your family because you are a real man.

Harley walked back to the table with a variety of knives, having previously returned the gun.

"You know, Karl? I hate betrayal," he said, starting to walk toward Karl who was kneeling on the floor with his hand holding the calf where he had been shot. He squatted right in front of Karl.

"This is nothing compared to the pain in my heart for your betrayal. Isn't that so?" he said glancing at Karl's calf which was still bleeding profusely. While his hand began to slash the knife into Karl's smooth neck.

Street ...

Karl endured a groan of pain from the deep scratches on his neck. Mr. Mafia is a sadist and doesn't care about other people.

There's no mercy for a traitor!

"You're begging me that means you want to hurry to hell," said Harley in a whisper in Karl's ear.

"Take it easy, Karl... Your family will follow as soon as possible," he continued.

Karl shook his head vigorously. "No... Don't hurt my family, sir. Please..." he said full of request.

Harley stood up. Her knot smile appeared. "Unfortunately they are already here," he said as several people entered the room with one child being carried and a woman in her handcuffs.

Karl looked up. "No, sir. Please ..." he asked to hold the pain in his neck. Her voice choked.

"Dad ..." called a boy in his three years sadly. He was also in pain because his hands were tied behind his body. Doesn't it seem like it's more fun at your age to play in a park with lots of friends than to be tied up and taken to a dark place like this? Right... But not for his destiny!

Karl looked at his only son doubtfully. No ... He couldn't bear to see his little family become a corpse before his eyes. No ... That can't happen.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, KARL ?? WHY ARE YOU JUST STILLING ?!" shouted a woman, handcuffed and held by two men. Her tears also broke to see a bitter reality like this. Her husband was just silent and knelt on the floor and the only child who was tied with a waist strap. How bad they are to their family.

Harley walked over to Karl's son, who was carried by his crew. "Oh dear ... You must see your stupid father become a corpse," said Harley, starting to take over the body of Karl's son from his men. He opened the belt that was used to tie his hands.

The boy is crying. "Why are you here, Uncle? I want to go home..his ..."

Harley smiled faintly. "That's because your Dady betrayed Uncle, dear. So, he should be punished. You understand boy?"

The boy was sobbing even more in Harley's arms. She didn't know what the man carrying her meant to say.

"Sir ..." called Karl pleading. He looked at Harley expectantly.

Harley turned her gaze to Karl.

"WHAT !? Do you want to immediately see your beautiful wife become a corpse?" Asked Harley, raising an eyebrow. "All right ... the Luxer! Shoot that woman to death!" Harley ordered one of his men, who were ready with a muzzle gun in his hand.

Harley's men who were holding Karl's wife's body immediately left the woman's side, who was now sobbing sadly. Prepare to face the reality of death before his eyes. It would be better for her to die than to see her son and husband being tortured here.


The woman's body fell to the cold floor with a single shot to the heart.

"Mommy..." shouted the boy in Harley's arms. Harley stroked the little boy's back as if to soothe him from crying.

Meanwhile, Karl could not bear to see the corpse of his wife lying on the floor. He closed his eyes deeply.

"Sir, please ... Have mercy on my son's life," begged Karl whose face was starting to turn pale because of his calves and neck which kept bleeding incessantly.

Harley pulled out his smirk. "Calm down Karl ... He will follow after you," he said casually. His fingers moved to stroke the top of the boy's head. "Brack! Cut off the traitor's head!" commanded Harley coldly. His eyes glared sharply at Karl, who was harshly dragged by his men for beheading.

The boy carried by Harley sobbed even more. He was too young to understand the situation of people today.

"Calm down, boy ... I won't let you die like your stupid old man," said Harley soothe the crying of the little boy even in a cold tone.

Karl's son was still sobbing sadly. He stared at his Mommy's stiff body lying on the floor just like that. Then cast his gaze to his pale face Dady who was already on the floor while his body was still on the execution table.

That's a Harley Jaegwae. The sadistic Mafia Lord. Even if the traitors were executed, he would not kill their children. Instead, he would be happy to hand them over to his orphanage in the remote town of Rodhe Island, United States. There they will be educated and taught martial arts and other sciences. Male and female. They have to be strong and smart someday. There must be no more traitors in Harley's life. He hated it. He would not be worried if one day they held a grudge against him for killing their parents because they would be injected with memory loss before being sent to Rodhe Island.

"Clean up all," Harley said before finally stepping outside with the boy in her arms, who began to calm down.