4. Harry The Stupid

"Viewers ... Now the young and successful international entrepreneurs in our country are back in the public discussion. The reason is that he has just released the latest product from one of his company's branches. Of course, many people are waiting for the fruits of this latest product. Especially this time around. , Mr. Lucas Vantouxer himself will be the model for their shoes and suits. Wow ... This premiere for the great Lord will reveal his true face. After all this time we wait for the end unexpectedly. The great lord will reward us with his appearance. that's all, Mr. Lucas himself will go head-to-head with international models as well. Who else but Eille Grove, who is beautiful as an angel with a dazzlingly beautiful body that is always glorified by the public. Then ... What's their style like in this photoshoot? "

"Aren't you bored?" asked Lucas, who had just come out of his room and found Harry sitting casually on the sofa in the living room staring at the 40-inch object stuck to the wall that was broadcasting a piece of very boring news. How come? Ever since his appearance in his company's latest product shoot yesterday, every tv channel has been talking about him. Either that nodded himself or more to the product he was promoting with the Eille Grove model. He doesn't care. He deliberately appeared to the public so that news about Karl's death would be distracted by his appearance that many people had been waiting for. As a result, everything went according to his will. The news of Karl's death disappeared instantly with his presence on television screens and in various magazines. But with that, he was even more bored with one of his right-hands who always saw those poor-quality shows. Who else but the fool, Harry.

Harry turned his head. Chuckled to see his handsome master staring flat at him. He knew, his master was probably bored with himself and the news about him that he always saw everywhere. Hey ... This is the first time his master has appeared to the public and he has been exalted by all circles like a king who has decided a good matter for the sake of his country. Isn't that amazing?

"Sir, you should be proud to see this. They nodded to you to beat the president of the country. Ah... Finally, after a long time, they saw your real face too. News everywhere even always on the theme of WHO Mr. LUCAS VANTOUXER? I'm tired of reading it. And just this is the first time. the news has different things about you, sir. I have a new reading," he said at length accompanied by an oddball "I even feel very honored to be able to see you every moment compared to them," he continued proudly.

"Disgusting!" Lucas replied without interest. He stared at Harry.

Harry snorted. It's rude to remember who saw her expression now. But she was too irritated by Lucas's indifferent response. Though this is great news about him. But the "ice" man remained indifferent. Gosh, his master is too quiet for him to have a lot of experience. But is it true? If so, he should be the Lord not just the right-hand man of Lucas.

"Why are you snorting at me, Harry? Are you tired of living?" Lucas asked, glaring at Harry up ahead. That's rude! Snorting was the same as mocking him. And Lucas didn't like Harry to do that.

"All right .. Wait a minute here. I'll try my new weapon to send you to hell," he said and then walked to a special stacking cabinet for weapons. Yes .. Wherever they are, there must be firearms available considering that they are the target of many people. Moreover, this is his mansion, it would be impossible if there were no weapons in it.

"Are you kidding, sir? I know you won't have the heart to do that to me because I'm your best man on duty," said Harry with a wicked laugh. Trying to cover up the fear that suddenly creeps up in his body to hear his master will try the latest weapon on him. Oh my God... The master is too much!

Lucas smiled mockingly. "You'll think it's a joke when my bullet lodges right in your rotten heart, Harry," Lucas's response was relaxed. His hands were busy inserting some bullets in the pistol magazine. With a gaze that didn't move from Harry's body.

At first, Harry did think his Master was joking. but when the muzzle of the gun was right on his forehead he glared in disbelief. Jeez! His master will eliminate him? Seriously. Whereas Lucas just stared at him silently with sharp eyes staring at Harry.

"Sir, Oh come on ... Don't joke. Once the trigger is released, my brain will explode. You don't want to, imagine guilt for my death," said Harry trying to outwit Lucas's thoughts of wanting to kill him. He doesn't want to die at this point. At least he had to have someone to fill his empty heart. His soul was struggling to remember this.

"If only your death could make me feel guilty. Why don't you die a long time ago, Harry? It will make me quit this black world," Lucas said casually. He pressed the muzzle of his gun even more into Harry's forehead without the slightest fear if he accidentally pulled the trigger and made Harry's head explode.


"Argh ...."

Lucas rolled his eyes in disgust at Harry's helpless scream. "Even my bullets went off and you screamed as if you were being hurt. Disgusting!" he said, who had managed to prank Harry with his gun. He smiled faintly before finally pulling the gun away from Harry's pale face. Pity also saw this other subordinate suffer because of his actions. Look ... That face looks ridiculous when scared.

Harry opened his one eye. "Wasn't it me?" he asked then immediately grabbed his forehead quickly.

Harry chuckled. Luckily ... The master was so joking that it felt like his heart was cut from its place. Meanwhile, Lucas then walked away leaving Harry who continued to say thanksgiving. Is that stupid man now repenting? This was the first time Lucas heard gratitude come out of his mouth.

"Sir, thank you. I know you will not do such a cruel thing to.."

Dorr !!


Harry screamed when he heard the explosion sound again. He immediately felt his whole body if only his master was serious this time. But it was no longer him who received the hot bullet. It was a large jar far behind him.

"Hurry up, you fool!" Lucas said raising his voice an octave which was now getting far from Harry, who was still sitting on the sofa.

Harry stroked his chest. His heart was badly injured because of his master's act. It seems that after this he has to check with a doctor to find out what kind of disease lingers in his heart at this time. "If you weren't my lord. I did.."

"Harry!" Lucas shouted from outside because the man didn't appear immediately. Is that right hand too stupid or something?

"Yayaya, sir. I'm coming ..." said Harry rather lazily in response to his master's shout. But what else can you do? They need to get going out there right away.

Harry immediately ran when he heard the sound of a car horn that was deliberately pressed for a long time. Gosh, the master can't be patient. Even though he is preparing files that may be needed later. But the young man did not understand his position, who was having heart disease.