5. Robert's Request

"Sorry to intrude on your precious time, Mr. Vantouxer."

"Needless to say, Mr. Robert. What's your purpose here? I have to go to Italy right away," said Lucas deliberately bragging himself in front of Robert.

Robert smiled wryly. This gentleman is indeed very arrogant!

"Well ... Looks like I came not on time. You see, sir, you know my company is not doing well? I want to ask your help to create a new company."

Lucas raised an eyebrow. Even though he was laughing to himself. Indeed, it was his purpose to bankrupt Robert's company so this old man begged him. It worked!

"What help do you mean?" he asked, pretending not to know the purpose of Robert's arrival.

"I need a building and millions of dollars of course to rebuild a new company, sir. But this company will stand on your behalf and I will lead it."

Lucas smiled crookedly. "You want to fool me, Mr. Robert? Being a leader could overthrow the original company owner as long as you know. Or do you not know?" Lucas said. His hands were busy fiddling with the laptop in front of him.

"And I'm also not sure someone like you can develop my company later considering you've failed in your own company." he continued before Robert answered his words.

Lucas took another sip of wine. Meanwhile, Robert clenched his fists under the table. His face was flushed red with anger at the insulting words Lucas made. He admitted that he had indeed failed in his former company. But he is determined to develop Lucas's company later, even though it is not his company. Is it wrong?

"You know, Mr. Robert? Nearly 70 percent of your employees submit job applications at some of my company's subsidiaries. Then you want me to help you build another company with your tarnished name, is that it?"

"I want to know how confident they are in your abilities in your endeavors." he continued. Then go back to sipping the wine.

Robert bit his lower lip. This master did test his patience.

"I can help you," said Lucas, who was standing facing the glass window. Then he turned back to Robert, who was now looking at him expectantly. "But with some conditions that you must be able to fulfill. I don't think it's possible after you know what conditions I want. With this condition, too ... you will think twice about agreeing to your intention to cooperate with me."

After saying that, Lucas then walked to the glass cabinet where there were already several suits and a window full of limited edition watches.

"Harry, give Robert the conditions," Lucas commanded while wearing a black suit that fit perfectly into his exotic-filled body.

Lucas could see Robert glared disbelievingly at the terms written on the white paper in his hand. He gave off his trademark smirk.

"How about it, Mr. Robert? If you agree then hurry up and say it. I don't want to give you time to think long."

Lucas sat back down in front of Robert. Her eyes caught the confused movements of Robert. He knew that everyone who wanted to cooperate with him would also give expressions like Robert. Moreover, the contents of the conditions proposed cannot be negotiated at all.

"Are you sure of all these conditions?" asked Robert doubtfully.

Lucas chuckled. "Why am I not sure? Even everyone I work with has signed it. And until now, only those who are stupid dare to betray me. You can read for yourself what punishment is not for a traitor?"

Robert took a hard sip of saliva. He knew, even memorized in the blink of an eye. Dare to betray Lucas is to die. There's no mercy for a traitor.


"No buts, Mr. Robert Smith. You don't want me neither." Lucas said firmly. Her eyes were fixed on Robert.

"No, sir. I completely agree. I will sign it," said Robert quickly. Then immediately signed the paper in his hand. He doesn't care. Whatever the consequences, the most important thing is that he doesn't live hard on the streets. It would look disgusting to someone like him. What will people say if they find out that Robert has become a homeless man?

Lucas smiled crookedly. "A man like you is a treasure madman, Mr. Robert," he scoffed.

Robert chuckled. "We have to be rich to get what we want, Mr. Lucas. Isn't that so?"

"Yes. We'll see how long you keep your borrowed wealth from me." Lucas said suppressing the word "loan."

"Sir, the plane is ready."

"Master, the plane is ready," reported Harry who had just hung up his phone.

"You hear me? I have to go," he said and stood up from his swivel chair.

Robert stood up too. "Very well, Mr. Lucas. Have a nice trip. And thank you for your help." he said while saluting then walked out.

"And I assure you that you will be satisfied with my work, Mr. Lucas Vantouxer." he continued before completely disappearing from the room.

Lucas smiled mockingly at Robert's confident remark. Then came out with Harry following behind him.

"Are you sure you're going to help Robert, sir?" Harry asked as soon as he got into Lucas's private plane.

"A man like Robert won't last long, Harry. I just wanted to have fun seeing the troubled face of a famously successful Robert."

Harry smiled. The master always said the same thing "just wanted to have fun" but in the end, they also became corpses in the execution room after being toyed with by Lucas. Pathetic!

Right now, Lucas enjoyed seeing Robert's troubled face. How come? The main factor is that Robert's company went bankrupt because of him. He deliberately made investors in Robert's company stop with the lure that his subsidiary company would accept their investment. As a result, it only took a few days for Robert's company to go bankrupt. Even left a lot of debt in the bank and his house was auctioned off.

"I'll be stopping by Morristown after this. I have to try my new bike. Ah . . . Looks like it's going to be fun." Lucas said as he sat down with his sunglasses removed.

"But you have an appointment with beautiful model Eille Grove, sir. You can't just cancel it," said Harry who was sitting in front of Lucas with a wink.

Lucas raised an eyebrow. Since when did he have an appointment with that woman?

"When do I promise, Harry? You don't try to get me close to that crazy woman or I'll kill you." Lucas threatened to glare at Harry who instead chuckled.

"I wasn't the one trying to bring you closer, sir. But it was that woman who kept urging me to make an appointment with you. Even just the two of us." he said with two fingers shown to Lucas. Intending to seduce his master.

"And you will?" Lucas asked.

Harry had thought. "I don't want to either, sir. But that woman was so aggressive that I had to make a meeting with you."

Lucas massaged the bridge of his nose gently. Harry is stupid!

"It seems he likes you, sir." Harry continued.

Lucas smiled lopsidedly. "There's no one who doesn't like me after seeing my handsome face, Harry."

Harry chuckled. It is true what the Lord said. One example is the model, Eille Grove. After a photoshoot with her Master a week ago, the woman kept on contacting him to make an appointment with his master. I don't know where she got her cell phone number from. Though only certain people have the number. But that woman? Awesome too. I don't know what he did to get it.

"Still I don't want to. You'd better go see him, Harry. I know you need a 'sleep' buddy." sneered Lucas. "Oh yeah... And you can fool him by wearing a ski mask on my face if you're not confident with your pathetic face."

"Master I'm not so bad as to deceive a woman with someone else's face." Harry dodged a little disapproved of Lucas' taunt.

"The mirror in your house looks so blurry that it looks like a fake face there. Even though your nose is almost like a pig's nose."

Oh my God, that's too much!

"Master, I regret working with you," Harry grumbled in annoyance.

"I'm sorry I hired you too. It turns out that you are very stupid and ungrateful." Lucas responded casually.

Patience Harry... Your master does need an anesthetic to cover his spicy mouth. Harry thought.

"Yes. Thank you for making fun of me, sir."

Lucas chuckled. He didn't respond to Harry's words anymore. Instead, he prefers to open the latest magazine