6. New Motorcycle

"Careful, sir. I'll follow behind," said Harry as he handed Lucas a helmet who was ready to ride his new motorbike.

"I don't care," Lucas answered nonchalantly then immediately started the engine. The helmet that Harry had proffered he immediately put on. A moment later, the body dressed in all black had disappeared along with the sound of the roar of a motorbike driving away into the night. Leaving behind a group of people who continued to stare at their great Master's departure.

"David, bring our men."

Harry ordered the man next to him. His fingers were busy fiddling with the iPad screen that he always carried with him.

"My job is driving, Harry." David dodged quickly. It was nice of him telling Harry. The master wasn't Harry but Lucas in case he forgot.

Harry rolled his eyes lazily. "You are stupid!"

"That's not stupid but the fact that I was only assigned to drive the car, sir. And that's what you have ordered me to do since I was hired." David grumbled trying to make Harry realize who he was. "And again, you are not my lord." he continued pointing right at Harry's annoying face.


"Gosh! Besides you being bossy, you also like to play hands. When would a woman want to be with a rude man like you? Oh my god... This hurts so much." said David as he stroked his forehead which was starting to turn red from Harry's smack. That man has no feelings! Feel free to smack other people's heads.

"That's for your stupidity. Never mind. We have to catch up with Master."

Harry then stepped closer to the car followed by David who followed behind him with his mouth continuing to mutter incoherently.

"Follow Master," Harry ordered the person on the other end as soon as the phone was connected to the earphones and immediately put the seatbelt in the car. While David then focused on his driving skills next to Harry.

The car was moving fast on a fairly empty street. Yes... It's midnight. However, people would prefer to sleep in a warm room with a thick blanket covering their entire body rather than having to ride transportation at night like this. Especially now that it's winter. I wonder if there's anyone out there who would do the same thing as Harry and all of Lucas's? I do not think so. But as a true subordinate who is submissive and very loyal to his Master, it will feel very easy and there will be no regrets after or while doing it.

Harry kept looking at his iPad screen. Where a point continues to speed up in there. Quite far from the car, he was driving. It was their lord who tried his new motorbike.

"Our master is good at anything," said Harry. He smiled as his eyes continued to stare at the flat object in his hand.

David rolled his eyes. "If Master is unreliable, how can you become a Mafia Master without the slightest suspicion by street idiots?"

Harry chuckled. "Alright!" He replied, now turning to David, who rolled his eyes. He felt wrong to have justified the words of this stupid man beside him and of course it was wrong to have turned to look at that face. Hey... Why did he reply when Harry had to be shown in the end with his big eyes rolling. Annoying!

Harry refocused his gaze on the iPad screen instead of having to look at the sight that made him uncomfortable. Especially if it wasn't David's stupid face with rolled eyes.

"Why did you stop sir?" Harry asked himself. His fingers frantically fiddled with the screen which showed a woman in a closed dress standing right in front of her master's motorbike. But that's not the focus. It seems that the Master is being surrounded by many people who are at different points. Gosh... The master has too many enemies that every street has someone stalking him.

"Faster David! Master doesn't seem to know he's being surrounded by a lot of people. But wait..." the order hangs.

David, who only focused on the word "surrounded" then drove the car faster. No... The master is in danger right now. He had to hurry to help his beloved master. As true subordinates who are loyal to their master, they must be willing to sacrifice anything for the safety of the great master. No matter the blood flowing from the body. No matter the tears have to dry. And it doesn't matter who he fights. The master is the most important!

Harry zoomed in on one of the people there. Was standing watching his men on motorbikes with guns ready to fire at any time at those who were his targets. But he wasn't one of the enemies or other Mafia that used to annoy his Master. But who is he? There wasn't any sign on his body to identify who it was.

"But why, Harry?" David asked without turning his head because he was focused on driving at an incredible speed. The master is not well. David had to quickly catch up with his Master before anything happened.

"Looks like they're not after Mr. But the girl.." Harry said without showing David who he meant by the word 'girl'. Let the man wonder in his mind. Harry didn't care.

David raised an eyebrow. "Girl?" he asked confirming Harry's words. Did he hear wrong? No... David had heard Harry say the word 'girl' earlier. Wait, is the Master on a date now? But since when? And this... Why had Harry ordered him to quickly catch up with his Master when in fact his Master was on a date? Don't tell me Harry wants to interrupt his Master's date. That man is so insolent!

Harry nodded. "There is a girl who is blocking the way Master."

"What??!" asked David in disbelief with his eyes glaring at Harry.

"Hey watch the road ahead, you idiot!" Harry warned because David might avert his eyes when the car was going so fast.

David immediately returned to his focus.

"I know you're worried about Master. But if you don't pay attention to yourself, how can you help Master later? Moreover, I'm also here. Luckily I warned you right away. If not, maybe we'll die before we catch up with Master. !"

Again Harry babbled like a parrot. Yayaya... David errs on this. But couldn't Harry understand the situation? He was also worried about his Master. He likes to talk like that because he just sits and looks at his iPad screen. Just try it if he drives. David made sure he would do the same.

Wait... Looks like something's stuck. Harry had said his Master was being intercepted. Is it now more of a girl who gets in the way and not a man with a curvy body and lots of tattoos? If yes. Their tricks are powerful enough too to stop road users like their Master.

Ah, David also wanted to be confronted by a girl and then fondle him at will. Oh, my God...

"Are you thinking perverted? Your face is as red as pork." chirps Harry who accidentally looked at David before finally returning his focus to the screen.

Gosh! Was her face red like Harry said? Shame!

"You don't talk nonsense, Harry. Why would I think such a pervert." he lied. Yet in his heart, he cursed his stupidity.

Harry turned to him with disdain. "You can't lie, David. Look... Your ears are red now." said Harry pointing at David's ear.

Suddenly David pushed Harry's hand away. "What are you talking about? I'm not lying."

Harry laughed. David had a sense of shame. Even though it was very clear his face and ears were red. But the man tried to cover it up.

Harry didn't answer again after his laughter died down. He returned to focus with the screen in his hand instead of having to talk to David who would never finish. While David also returned to focus on the steering wheel. It was a shame when he was engrossed in romantic thoughts and that was when Harry saw it. Moreover, the man directly said it. Oh my God...