7. Mysterious Girl


The sound of a motorbike suddenly braked made a squeaking sound quite loud in the ears of anyone who was in a quiet place like now.

"Oh shit!"

Cursed a man who now took off his helmet roughly Then got off the top of his new motorbike. Approached the girl who was standing in the middle of the road that was blocking him.

"What are you doing, idiot!"

The question was more like a curse he just threw at the girl with the closed clothes in front of him.

The girl looked up. He looked at the man doubtfully. "He-help me." He said softly. His eyes glanced left and right to make sure someone not far from him, was staring at him.

He was tired. I'm tired of running away from that person.

"I'm being followed by someone," he said and then looked down. He saw that his feet were now covered in blood and slightly swollen. How far did he run until he didn't realize his legs had turned like zombie's legs?

Lucas. The man chuckled with a piercing gaze at the girl in front of him. Had he misheard this girl's confession? Someone followed? Hey. On a deserted street like this where would anyone want to follow a strange girl like her? And even here it's just the two of them and he says someone's following? Seriously.

"You dare lie to me, Miss? It seems you want to go to hell soon." Lucas said coldly. His eyes were still fixed on the girl.

The girl looked up again. Staring in disbelief at the man in front of him with the words that just came out of his mouth.


His ears heard the sound of footwear accidentally moving from its original place. Lucas glanced at every street corner. Not a person but several people who are at different points. Lucas corrected in his heart. His eyes were still glancing at places that could be their hiding place. There were people there.

The girl suddenly looked back. "I'm not lying. He's behind a shabby wall over there. Please help me..." he said, starting to get worried with his hands cupped in front of his chest as well as a pleading look at Lucas that was very obvious in his brown eyes.

Lucas massaged the bridge of his nose. His eyes narrowed at the girl in front of him. He could have shot this girl dead and left. But I don't know. It's like something is stuck in his heart when he does that. Moreover, this girl's pleading gaze disturbed her logic which never cared about other people. Oh, come on Luc. This is not the real you.

The corner of his eye he directed at the shabby wall that had been shown by this closed-dressed girl. That's right, there were different people there too. Who is this girl that so many people stalk?

"Who are they?" Lucas finally asked, albeit in a cold tone. His eyes were still glancing in various directions where the burly men were.

"Maybe someone from my stepfather. Please take me away from here," he said with a pleading look. Wait, what did he say? They? Does that mean it wasn't just one person who followed him? No wonder when he found the man's hiding place was close to him. Even though he had run away very quickly, the man in all black easily found him. It turned out that they divided the location to keep chasing him. Stupid. Why didn't he think that far?

Lucas glanced at each other again. Confirming the number of those who continued to stare at him impatiently. Is this girl so special? until they are willing to chase a weak girl like him with their feet. And why not shoot right away or do whatever it takes to get rid of him? It seemed they were blinded by the appearance this girl had. Oh my gosh. All men really can't control their eyes when they meet beautiful women.

"Take cover behind me. Close your eyes and ears." Lucas ordered. I don't know. Why should he bother helping a weak girl like her? There's no profit at all. There is even a loss for him. How come? It helps one person and fights many. But that... Oh never mind.

The girl immediately obeyed Lucas's words even though she endured excruciating pain in the soles of her feet. He doesn't care. The important thing now was not feeling the pain in his body but how he saved his life.

Lucas smiled at the girl who was so easy to manage. Didn't she have any thoughts that Lucas would do unexpected things to her? Why is it so easy to trust someone you just met for the first time? Gosh. She's a stupid girl!

Lucas refocused his eyes on the whereabouts of the girl's enemy. One hand reached into the back pocket of his pants. Take his favorite gun that he always carries wherever he goes. After that.

Dorr! Dorr! Dorr!

Dorr! Dorr! Dorr!

The sound of gunfire continued to ring in his ears even though he had closed it as tightly as possible. It seems that the man in front of him is very good at playing that firearm. It is seen with the reflection of the sound of the shot hitting the target. Even within a few minutes, he had heard no more gunshots. But he kept his eyes closed in fear. Afraid that it wasn't this man who beat them. Couldn't it be? He was alone and the people who followed him brought many men.

Until finally someone accidentally blew his closed eyes. He opened one eye. Trying to see the situation.

"W-what happened?" he asked who now looked in disbelief at the condition of the man in front of him who was unusually fine. While on some street children there are corpses of people with a hole right in each of their foreheads. Was it only this man who killed them? Nobody helped him, right?

"It's nothing. Go... I've sent them to hell." Lucas said coldly. Then turned to quickly leave in front of the girl who was now staring at him confused. Enough. He didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore. He had helped by killing all those men. This was the first time he had helped unconditionally as he usually did. Let's just say Lucas is being kind to a weak girl like him.

Lucas put on his helmet. Started the engine before actually leaving the girl alone.

"Thank you." the girl said raising her voice an octave so that Lucas could hear her words because they were already quite far apart.

Lucas didn't respond. He immediately started his motorcycle. Left leaving the girl who continued to stare at him.

The girl smiled with eyes that continued to stare at the departure of the man who had just helped her. Not even a thank you could pay for what the man had done. He was truly grateful and kept smiling until he finally felt the hot metal slicing through his guts. He stood still and continued to watch the man leave. Enduring the intense sting of the hot metal within his body. Slowly his vision began to blur, but he still forced himself to see the black-clothed body leave him. No... His balance is getting unstable now.

God... Help me.

His body collapsed on the asphalt as soon as his eyes were completely blurred. In the end, he still lost against them even though there was a speck of help from a foreign man who accidentally crossed this lonely road. He will still be brought by the people to his master. Who else but his stepfather?