8. Mrs Waesley

Harry went into a special room. In his hands were several identity files and anything related to someone. He stopped right in front of his master's desk.

"Sir, here are the girl's files," he said then put the brown folder on the table.

Lucas immediately took the map. "You've taken care of everything, Harry?" he asked as he opened the folder in his hand.

"Yes, sir. They won't leave a trace at all. And as for the shooter, he's still locked up in the execution room."

Lucas nodded then looked at Harry. "And how's that old fart doing?"

"Master, he is your father," Harry warned instead Lucas glared at him.

"He's not my real father Harry, you know that." he hissed sharply.

"I know. But he's been taking care of you since you were little, sir. At least go see him for now. It's getting worse."

Lucas then looked away from Harry. Staring at the bookshelf without interest.

"That won't happen," he said still in a tone of hatred that was implied and full of emphasis.

Harry took a deep breath. The master is stubborn. Does Harry know his Master has been hurt in the past but isn't there a little bit of forgiveness open to forgive his father who is now lying helplessly on the bed?

"Okay, I won't insist. Excuse me, sir," he said then turned to leave.

"Wait!" stop Lucas.

"What else, sir?"

"Whatever the situation, keep the old fart," he said still not looking at Harry.

Harry smiled. At least his master still cared about asking how he was and still looking after his father who was lying weakly in his lonely big house. And that too with his confidants. Although not directly. Isn't that better than not caring at all?

"How's the girl doing?" he asked then. This time he looked at Harry.

Harry suppressed a smile. How come? Only this time his Master asked him a woman. After all, she had just met him.

"What's the matter, Harry?" Lucas asked because it was Harry who didn't answer.

Harry immediately shook his head. "No, sir. The girl hasn't regained consciousness after Mr. Frans operated on her."

Lucas nodded in disbelief. "Yes. And take care of him too," he said suddenly. Hey... Why is he trying so hard to take care of that girl? Gosh... Harry had heard her say. Embarrassing!

Again. Harry suppressed a smile.

"Even he was escorted by ten of your men, sir."

Lucas raised an eyebrow. He was shy. But there was no way he could correct what he just said. Harry could see the look of embarrassment on his face. "Really? I don't know," he said then averted his eyes from Harry. He didn't like the look on Harry's radiant face who was holding back his smile at his words. "Okay, you can go." he continued with a wave of his hand. Intending to kick Harry out of his room. He was embarrassed. But of course, it won't be seen especially that cold face and sturdy jaw that perfectly covers his shy face.

Harry nodded before finally turning and walking away. Leaving the Master alone in his special room.

While Lucas then read the data about the girl last night.

"Azzania Makarizo Waesley.." Lucas muttered.

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"Thank you." said the girl slightly raising her voice an octave because the distance was quite far from Lucas who was already on the motorbike.

Lucas smiled crookedly behind the black glass of the helmet he was wearing. After a moment, he started to drive again.


Lucas then stopped his motorbike when the sound of gunfire was right behind him. He glanced at the rearview mirror. The girl was still standing, trying to hold back the weight of her body that was starting to limp with her stomach continuing to bleed fresh. Lucas could see the girl staring at him before finally collapsing on the asphalt.

Lucas tried not to care. He refocused his gaze forward. But the girl's words bothered him.

"Please take me away. Please..."

Lucas turned back. No. you have to get out of here. Let the girl live her own life without your intervention. After all, he is nobody you should help.

"Bring Miss!" someone ordered Lucas overheard.

"Please take me away. Please..."

Again. The girl's words bothered him. His ears seemed to always hear the girl's soft voice that kept asking him to take her away. Oh my god, why does he feel sorry?

Several people began to approach the helpless body of the girl who was now lying on the asphalt. Lucas was still staring silently at his motorbike. He hesitated between letting or returning to help the unknown girl. But.

They got closer to the girl's body. One of them even crouched down to make sure the girl was still alive or not. Then slipped his left hand on the neck and right hand on the girl's knee. Wanted to carry him.

Lucas was still observing their every move without moving an inch from his position. Damn. He felt so stupid letting them approach the girl's body.

Dorr! Dorr! Dorr!

Dorr! Dorr! Dorr!

Slowly the people who were near the girl began to lie on the asphalt with a hole in their forehead.

Lucas immediately looked back. Where the sound of the gunshot was shot at the people in all black in front of them. It turned out that his men moved faster than he thought. He smiled inwardly. Then glanced at Harry who had just gotten out of the car.

Harry nodded. As if giving a certain signal to Lucas.

Lucas immediately took off his helmet. Then immediately get off the bike. Approaching the girl's lying body. Arriving near the girl, Lucas glared at someone not far enough who was watching him. The man smiled mockingly before finally turning around and starting to ride his motorcycle.

Without Lucas knowing it, his hands were clenched into fists.

"Harry!" Lucas called without taking his eyes off the man who had started to disappear into the darkness of the night.

"Yes sir."

"Bring that person!" cold orders. He was still staring intently at the man who was now nowhere to be seen.

Harry followed his Master's gaze. Of course, he knew what Lucas meant. He had also expected that it would happen to the man who seemed to be the leader of their group.

"But this girl..." he stuttered with eyes that looked pitifully at the girl beneath his feet.

Lucas lowered his gaze down, then crouched down. He tucked his hands around her neck and knees. Lifting the girl's weak and bloody body in his arms. "I'll take you to the mansion," he said briefly and walked towards the car not far from him.

Harry raised an eyebrow. Is that the Lord? Since when did he care about someone? After all, it's a woman. Or maybe the girl was one of his former friends? Until his master wants to help him? But as far as I know, Lucas doesn't have a girlfriend with closed clothes like the girl she wears. And it's even more impossible if the girl is a Muslim. Hey... What's wrong with the lord?

Harry shook his head. It was just a coincidence that the Master had empathy for someone. Yes. Just a sense of empathy.

Harry immediately stepped into another car behind his Master's private car. It was also impossible for him to be in the same car with his master because he had to immediately chase the man.

Lucas's car started to roll with another car behind him. Don't forget some of his men who followed behind on motorbikes. Of course with the distance that has been estimated so that no one suspects who they are.

Right after the fork in the road. The two cars were driving in different directions. Lucas's car headed for his mansion and Harry's car which followed the man's footsteps with some of his men also in tow.

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